분사 구문 (Participle Phrase)

분사 구문 (Participle Phrase)


1. 분사 구문의 정의

:  부사절(접속사절, 종속절)을 간단하게 부사구로 변환하는 문법적 기술. –ing.
접속사 대신에 분사구문을 사용하면, 주어의 중복 사용을 피하면서 접속사가 없는 간단하면서도 더욱 고급스러운 표현이 된다.

2. 분사 구문을 만드는 방법
1) 주절 + 종속절 (접속사절)에서 종속절의 주어를 제거
2) 종속절의 동사에 ing 추가

a. 종속절이 주절과 시제가 같을 경우: –ing

When I opened the door, I found a letter on the floor
–> Opening the door, I found a letter on the floor

b. 종속절이 한 시제 앞섰다면 (보통 after, though로 시작하는 부사절): having p.p.

After I had studied hard, I passed the exam.
–> Having studied hard, I passed the exam.

Though he had failed twice, he wanted to try again.
–> Having failed twice, he wanted to try again.

c. 종속절의 동사가 수동태 (be + p.p.)인 경우 Being p.p. 또는 그냥 p.p.

    • 종속절이 주절과 시제가 같을 경우: (being) p.p.: being 생략 가능

As she was exhausted from the long journey, she went straight to bed.
–> Exhausted from the long journey, she went straight to bed.

    • 종속절이 한 시제 앞섰다면: (Having been) p.p.: having been 생략 가능

After she had been exhausted from the long journey, she went straight to bed.
–> (Having been) exhausted from the long journey, she went straight to bed.

3) 접속사는 제거해도 되지만, 뜻을 분명히 살리기 위해 붙이는 경우도 있음.

If you turn to the left, you will find the bank à (If) turning to the left, you will find the bank.

4) 예문: 해석은 접속사가 있는 것처럼.

 a. 시간: when, as, after, before

When I opened the door, I found a letter on the floor.
–> Opening the door, I found a letter on the floor.

After I had studied hard, I passed the exam. (주절보다 종속절 시제가 앞섬)
Having studied hard, I passed the exam.

2) 이유: because, as, since

As she had lots of money, she was able to buy a new car.
–> Having lots of money, she was able to buy a new car.

As the book was written by a famous author, the book became an instant bestseller.
–> Written by a famous author, the book became an instant bestseller.

3) 조건: if

If you turn to the left, you will find the bank.
–> Turning to the left, you will find the bank.

4) 양보: Though, even if, even though

Though she lived near his house, she didn’t know him.
–> Living near his house, she didn’t know him.


현재 진행형 Part 1 – 현재 진행형 Vs 현재 동사 (enko.co.kr)

영어의 문을 제대로 여는법 – 예스24 (yes24.com)


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