엄마표 영어 공부: Mom’s English Studies

엄마표 영어 공부: Mom’s English Studies

Key Expressions


  1. 일찍, 꼭두새벽부터, 일어나자마자: At the break of dawn (at the crack of dawn)

그녀는 운동을 하려고 매일 정말 일찍 새벽에 일어났다.
She wakes up at the break of dawn every day to exercise

공항에 가기 위해서 우리는 새벽에 일어나야겠다.
We had to wake up at the break of dawn to get to the airport.


  1. 아무리 피곤해도: No matter how tired I am

나는 퇴근 후에 아무리 피곤해도 아들과 함께 놀아준다.
I play with my son after work no matter how tired I am

그는 아무리 피곤해도 매일 일기를 씁니다.
No matter how tired he is. he writes in his diary every day.


  1. 한마디도 못한다. Can’t speak a word of English.

영어를 한마디도 못하는 사람들이라도 재미있게 잘 지낼 수 있습니다.
Even people who can’t speak a word of English can have lots of fun.

프랑스어를 한마디도 못해서 음식도 주문할 수 없었다.
I couldn’t even order a meal because I couldn’t speak a word of French.


Dialog Practice

A: You seem to put a lot of effort into studying English.

B: Yes it’s one of the most important parts of my daily routine.

A: How long have you been at it so diligently?

B: I started studying in earnest as a new year’s resolution at the beginning of last year. Now something feels off if I skip even a single day.

A: 영어 공부를 정말 열심히 하는 것 같아.

B: 응, 이제 내 일상에서 중요한 부분이 됐지.

A: 언제부터 이렇게 하기 시작했어?

B: 작년 초에 새해 결심을 하고 본격적으로 해왔어. 이젠 하루라도 공부를 안하면, 뭔가좀 빠진 느낌이야. (허전해)

  • Put a lot of effort into: 노력하다. 열심히 하다.
  • daily routine: 일상생활
  • in earnest: 본격적으로
  • New Year’s resolution: 새해 결심
  • Something feels off: 뭔가 허전하다
Today’s Sentences: Mom’s English Studies

Starting two years ago my mom has been waking up at the break of dawn to study English.

She always says, “I often give up halfway because I lack determination.” But I don’t think that’s true.

Every morning without fail, she listens to EBS radios 입트영.

She even recites difficult English news stories.

No matter how tired she is when she comes home from work, she reads picture books to me in English.

I was intrigued by how diligently she studies even though she’s not a student anymore.

So I asked her why she put so much effort into studying English.

She replied that when we traveled to Hong Kong together, she had a hard time because she couldn’t speak a word of English.

She said that she’s studying English so diligently because she wants to have a better trip the next time she travels abroad.

I think my mom is truly amazing.


1. 우리 엄마는 2년 전부터 새벽에 일어나서 영어 공부를 하신다.
Starting 2 years ago my mom has been waking up at the break of dawn to study English.

  • 새벽에 일어나자마자, 꼭두새벽부터: at the break of dawn


2. 엄마는 늘 끈기가 없어서 중간에 좀 포기하는 일이 많다고 하시지만 내가 볼 때는 아닌 것 같다.
She always says I often give up halfway because I lack determination but I don’t think that’s true.

  • 중도 포기하다: give up halfway
    의지가 부족하다: lack determination


3. 매일 아침 EBS 라디오 입트영을 빠짐없이 들으신다.
Every morning without fail she listens to EBS radio 입트영 every morning without fail.

  • 빠짐없이: without fail


4. 심지어 어려워 보이는 영어 뉴스도 척척 낭독하신다.
She even recites difficult English news stories, no sweat.

  • 땀 한 방울 흘리지도 않고, 척척: no sweat


5. 퇴근하고 또 오시면 아무리 피곤해도 나에게 영어 그림책을 읽어주신다.
No matter how tired she is when she comes home from work, she reads picture books to me in English.

  • 아무리 피곤해도: no matter how tired she is


6. 이제 학생도 아닌데 공부를 열심히 하는 엄마가 신기해서 왜 그렇게 영어 공부를 열심히 하냐고 물어본 적이 있다.
I was intrigued by how diligently she studies even though she’s not a student anymore,
so I asked her why she puts so much effort into studying English.

  • 신기하다, 놀라다: be intrigued (amazed, fascinated) by
  • 열심히 하다: put so much effort into something


7. 엄마는 우리가 함께 홍콩으로 여행을 갔을 때 영어를 한마디도 하지 못해서 힘들었다고 답하셨다.
She replied that when we traveled to Hong Kong together, she had a hard time because she couldn’t speak a word of English.

  • 좀 쉽지 않았다, 힘들었다: have a hard time.
    영어를 한 마디도 못한다: can’t speak a word of English


8. 다음에 해외 여행을 가면 더 재미있게 여행하고 싶어서 영어 공부를 열심히 하는 거라고 하셨다.
She said that she’s studying English so diligently
because she wants to have a better trip the next time she travels abroad.

  • 열심히: diligently

9. 우리 엄마는 정말 대단한 것 같다
I think my mom is truly amazing.


새해 결심 영어로 – New Year’s Resolution (enko.co.kr)


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