0212 January’s Allure for Fitness Resolutions – 새해 운동 결심을 잘 지키기 위한 조언

0212 January’s Allure for Fitness Resolutions – 새해 운동 결심


Part 1 January’s allure for fitness resolutions

often involving weight loss and improved health stems from the Fresh start effect. This concept supported by Dr. John Norcross’s 40-year research suggests a new year symbolizes a new beginning motivating many to pursue health related goals. However, this enthusiasm often wanes with a significant dropout rate within the first month.


1. January’s allure for fitness resolutions often involving weight loss and improved health stems from the fresh start effect.
체중 감량 및 건강 개선과 관련된 운동 다짐을 연초에 많이 하는 이유는 ‘새 출발 효과’ 때문이다.

  • Allure for: 에 대한 매력, 힘, attraction
  • Stem from: 에서 비롯되다.
  • Fresh start effect: 새 출발 효과 – 새로운 시작이나 새 해, 새 주기, 또는 다른 새로운 시간 단위를 표시하는 것이 더 높은 동기부여와 목표 달성에 영향을 미친다는 심리학적 현상


2. This concept supported by Dr. John Norcross’s 40-year research suggests a new year symbolizes a new beginning motivating many to pursue health related goals.

40년간 존 노크로스 박사의 연구로 뒷받침되는 이 개념에 따르면, ‘새해’는 새로운 시작을 의미하며, 이는 많은 사람이 건강 관련 목표를 추구하도록 동기를 부여한다.

  • Suggest: 시사하다. 의미하다.
  • Motivate many to pursue: 많은 이들이 추구하도록 동기를 주다.


3. However, this enthusiasm often wanes with a significant dropout rate within the first month.

하지만 이러한 열정은 첫 달 이내에 상당한 중도 탈락률로 인해 약해지는 경우가 많다.

  • Enthusiasm: 열정
  • Wane: get smaller, reduce. 약해지다. 수그러들다.
  • Dropout rate: 중도 탈락률, 포기율, 이탈율
  • Drop out: 중도에 그만두다.


Part 2 Starting exercise in winter

particularly post-Christmas, is challenging due to the recovery from holiday excesses and reduced physical activity. Dr. Duane Miller points out that shorter, colder days naturally discourage physical activity. An earlier start in late Autumn or early winter is recommended for better adherence to fitness routines.

1. Starting exercise in winter particularly post-Christmas is challenging due to the recovery from Holiday excesses and reduced physical activity.

겨울, 특히 크리스마스 이후에 운동을 시작하는 것은, 연말연시 과식과 신체 활동 감소 후의 회복 때문에 어렵다.

  • Excess: 과잉, 과식
  • Holiday excesses: eating and drinking too much during holiday. 명절이나 휴일 동안의 과식.
  • Reduced physical activity: 신체 활동의 감소


2. Doctor Dune Miller points out that shorter colder days naturally discourage physical activity.

듄 밀러 박사는 낮이 짧은 추운 날씨 때문에 자연스럽게 신체 활동이 줄어든다고 지적한다.

  • Point out: 지적하다.
  • Shorter colder days: 낮이 짧아지고 추워진 날들
  • Discourage: 좌절시키다. 꺾다.


3. An earlier start in late Autumn or early winter is recommended for better adherence to fitness routines.

운동 루틴을 잘 지키기 위해서는, 늦가을이나 초겨울에 운동을 시작하는 것이 더 권장된다.

  • Adherence to: 에 대한 고수. 충실히 지키는 것 (stick to)


Part 3 Fitness facilities like Pure Gym

report a surge in attendance in January with much quieter periods in November and December.

Fitness coach Morgan Brazer advises starting fitness regimes in these quieter months to avoid the January rush and pressure.

Her tips include gym inductions planned workouts exercising with a friend and trying out classes for a smoother fitness journey.


1. Fitness facilities like Pure Gym report a surge in attendance in January with much quieter periods in November and December.

퓨어짐과 같은 피트니스 시설은 11월과 12월에 훨씬 조용한 반면 1월에 이용자가 급증한다고 한다.

  • surge in attendance: 참여율의 급증


2. Fitness coach Morgan Brazer advises starting fitness regimes in these quieter months to avoid the January rush and pressure.

피트니스 코치인 모건 브레이저는 1월의 러시와 압박감을 피하려면 11월이나 12월 같은 한가한 달에 운동을 시작하는 것이 좋다고 조언한다.

  • Regime: 계획 (여기서는 fitness scheme, 운동의 레시피). 체계, 시스템, 계획, 정권, 체제,
  • Exercise regime: 운동 계획.


3. Her tips include gym inductions planned workouts exercising with a friend and trying out classes for a smoother fitness journey.

또한, 헬스장 입문, 계획적인 운동, 친구와 함께 하는 운동, 원활한 운동 여정을 위한 체험반 참여 등도 좋은 선택이라고 귀띔한다.

  • Gym inductions: 헬스장 입문.
  • Induction = introduction


January fitness trends a closer look January’s allure for fitness resolutions often involving weight loss and improved health stems from the fresh start effect.

This concept, supported by Dr. John Norcross’s 40-year research, suggests a new year symbolizes a new beginning motivating many to pursue health related goals.

However, this enthusiasm often wanes with a significant dropout rate within the first month.

Starting exercise in winter, particularly post-Christmas, is challenging due to the recovery from holiday excesses and reduced physical activity.

Dr. Duane Miller points out that shorter, colder days naturally discourage physical activity.

An earlier start in late Autumn or early winter is recommended for better adherence to fitness routines.

Fitness facilities like Pure Gym report a surge in attendance in January with much quieter periods in November and December.

Fitness coach Morgan Brazier advises starting fitness regimes in these quieter months to avoid the January rush and pressure.

Her tips include gym inductions, planned workouts, exercising with a friend, and trying out classes for a smoother fitness journey.


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