0301 Power English – Ordering from a Print Shop: Help Me Stand Out – 눈에 확 띄는 광고물 주문

0301 Power English – Ordering from a Print Shop: Help Me Stand Out
– 눈에 확 띄는 광고물 주문


Power Warm-up

Charlie needs some new marketing materials to give his business a boost. Instead of ordering online, he goes to the print shop to have a consultation with the owner.
찰리는 더욱 활발한 사업을 위한 새로운 마케팅 자료가 필요합니다. 그래서 온라인으로 주문하는 대신, 인쇄소에 가서 직접 상담을 합니다.

  • Marketing materials: 마케팅 자료
    Give his business a boost: 사업에 활기를 불어넣다.


Power Expressions
1. Stand out: to be prominent when compared to someone/something, get noticed.

Help me stand out means, you’re saying help me be seen, I want to be different from everyone, I need attention because you need advertisement so you’re trying to look good or look different so that people’s attention goes to you. = Help me get noticed.

2. Place an order: to order to give a request for something, to submit a purchase request
3. Make a good or bad first impression: to make an initial evaluation.


Kendall: Hi Welcome to KJ Printing & Design. Do you have an order to pick up?

Charlie: No, I didn’t place an order yet I went to your website, but I thought I needed a personal consultation.

K: Great. What kind of business do you run? That’ll give me an idea of what products you might benefit from?

C: I do home renovations and remodeling and I need some marketing materials that’ll help me stand out from the competition.

K: Remodeling is a crowded field so you need to make a bold first impression.

C: Exactly

켄달: 안녕하세요 KJ 인쇄 및 디자인에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 주문품 찾으러 오셨나요?

찰리: 아니요, 아직 주문은 하지 않았지만 웹사이트를 방문했는데 개인 상담이 필요할 것 같아서요.

K: 잘됐네요. 어떤 종류의 사업을 운영하시나요? 그러면 어떤 제품이 도움이 될지 알 수 있거든요.

C: 저는 집 수리 및 리모델링을 하고 있는데, 경쟁업체와 차별화할 수 있는 마케팅 자료가 필요합니다.

K: 리모델링은 경쟁이 치열한 분야이므로 첫인상을 강하게 남길 필요가 있습니다.

C: 맞아요.

1. Place an order:

This phrase feels like you have a custom order or a special order and it is often not food so you can order a hamburger but you do not often place an order for a hamburger. However, you can place an order for like a pizza because think of all the options you have for pizza, do you want small, medium, large? Do you want extra cheese? Do you want no sauce? Do you want 8 slices or 16 slices?
There’s so much to choose from that falls into the customizing part.

Let’s say you’re having a party or a special event and you’re not ordering one hamburger. You’re ordering “I need 40 hamburgers, I need 20 cheeseburgers, 10 veggie burgers, and 10 mushroom, and bacon burgers and I need them ready at 5 PM on Thursday.

That is placing an order.

So, when you’re placing an order, it is not just going to a restaurant, but ordering there’s something special often something schedule like a certain day.
So with this printing you’re going to have a very very special condition for what type of advertisement, what type of pamphlets that you’re going to need. So you’re putting an order that is customized.

2. Personal consultation:

This is whenever you are getting the first kind of feedback or opinion of a professional. They’re looking at you and giving their opinion on what you need to do

3. What kind of A do you B?:

This is a great question when you need a general sense for something from somebody.

So this person doesn’t know anything about the business. So they’re saying what kind of business do you run? Give me like a simple idea of what your business.

What kind of what color do you have in mind?

I want bright colors /Oh I want dark colors / Oh I want patterns

4. Stand out:

It means that you look different than everybody else or you grab the attention of other people.

And we can say this in other contexts aside from business in this business situation.

If you’re wearing something like really loud like a neon pink, you will stand out. In this case, Charlie is saying like he really wants to grab people’s possible clients’ attention.

When you’re advertising, your advertisement has to stand out so people will look at it and then if they need the service, they will contact you.

5. Remodeling is a crowded field

There’s a lot of people that do that, it’s not rare many people do remodeling.

6. Make a bold first impression

You need to get people’s attention; you need to make a very strong first impression.



Kendall: Hi Welcome to KJ Printing & Design. Do you have an order to pick up?

Charlie: No, I didn’t place an order yet I went to your website, but I thought I needed a personal consultation.

K: Great. What kind of business do you run? That’ll give me an idea of what products you might benefit from?

C: I do home renovations and remodeling and I need some marketing materials that’ll help me stand out from the competition.

K: Remodeling is a crowded field so you need to make a bold first impression.

C: Exactly


Power Note
1. Place an order: 주문을 넣다 (구체적인 요구를 더해서 주문하다)

If you place an order, it’s like you are ordering but with very specific requests.

A: Bob, I need you to place an order for more eggs and flour.
B: Will do, Mila. Do we have a big bread order next week?

A: 밥, 계란이랑 밀가루 더 주문 넣어줘.
B: 알았어 밀라. 다음 주에 빵 주문이 많은 거야?

This is a bakery baker where they are contacting the supplier of their food.

So if you work in a restaurant or a bakery, you order very specific amounts and you’ll even choose like what size of eggs, what kind of flour. It’s all very customizable, it’s usually special and schedule.
So in the world of business whether it be a restaurant, bakery, or just regular business, you do place orders because they’re very specific.

I would say in a personal setting, I only really place an order for things like a birthday cake. You have to call like 3 or 4 days in advance. If you want to like a good one you have to call in advance and be like hey, I want to place an order and please write the name Happy birthday Christin or Cameron like.

In Korea they just buy the cake, but in America this is a cultural difference but usually in America they will have it written like Happy Birthday.

That’s that was one cultural difference I found birthdays here, you just go buy any cake. But in America you have to generally it has to have your name on it, and you have to place an order in advance


2. Stand out: 눈에 띄다 두드러지다.

If something stands out it means it’s noticeable, it gets people’s attention.

A: I was wondering why you hired me instead of the other candidate.
B: You stood out from everyone else because of your humility and positive attitude.

A: 왜 다른 지원자가 아닌 저를 채용하셨는지 궁금해요.
B: 당신이 겸손하고 긍정적이어서, 다른 사람들보다 눈에 띄었어요.

  • Humility: 겸손
  • Positive attitude: 긍정적 태도.

2) What makes this restaurant stand out is the quality of food at such a low price.

이 식당을 돋보이게 하는 것은 가성비이다. (저렴한 가격에 음식의 질이 좋다는 것)이다.

So there are many different ways you can stand out. Sometimes it’s by being loud and by being very bright and colorful, but as you can see in the example, we just said earlier that person was humble they were the opposite of big and loud, they were quiet and maybe a little small and shy, but that made them stand out because they were different.

So to stand out especially if you want your business or your logo or your advertisement, to stand out means that you just want to get noticed.

Sometimes you don’t want to stand out. If you’re in the military, you don’t want to be the soldier that stands out. You want to look like everybody else

3. Make a good first impression: 좋은 첫인상을 남기다.

It means you want that first opinion of you to be good.

It’s what that first image that people are going to have.


A: The last interviewee didn’t make a good first impression with me.

B: Me neither, she kept looking at her phone the whole time when you meet someone for the first time.

A: 그 마지막 면접자는 첫인상이 좋지 못했어요
B: 저한테도요. 시종일관 휴대폰을 보고 있더라구요.

If you’re on a like a date or something and they touch their phone, no no! that’s going to leave a bad first impression. Absolutely that’s a big no no.

2) Thomas said you made a good first impression with his mother.

토마스는 네가 그의 어머니에게 좋은 첫인상을 남겼다고 했어.

If you’re a guy in Korea, you have to eat a lot of food so that you make a good first impression.

4. What kind of A do you B? 어떤 A를 B 하니?
1) What kind of ice cream do you want?

2) What kind of pet do you have? Big pet? Or small pet? A hairy pet? Or hairless pet?

5. Consultation: 상담, 협의

A consultation is a meeting between a client and a professional who offers the particular product or service they need. In a consultation, the parties will discuss options, prices, deadlines, etc.


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