0302 Power English: Solitude May Relieve the Pressure of Modern Life – 스트레스를 덜어주는 혼자만의 시간

0302 Power English: Solitude May Relieve the Pressure of Modern Life

– 스트레스를 덜어주는 혼자만의 시간


Power Warm-up

Studies have shown that your stress levels will stay high and negatively affect your health if you don’t spend time alone. This means avoiding things that can upset you.
혼자만의 시간을 보내지 않는다면, 스트레스가 높아지고 건강도 안좋아진다는 사실이 여러 연구 결과에서 나타났다. 이는 당신을 화나게 하는 여러 일을 피한다는 의미이다.

Power Expressions
1. Solitude: 고독, It’s when you’re alone by yourself.

Every Korean holiday, Seollal and Chuseok, I’m alone and I love it.

I just I just I order a big pizza and I just eat on it for a few days. It’s the best feeling.
That’s why I can come to the studio and have energy. This is where I spent all my energy

That’s why I need to have the solitude

2. Spend time: to use a period of time
3. Bottle something up: To keep something inside and prevent oneself from expressing it.

Bottle means 병, but here it’s a verb. To keep something inside and prevent oneself from expressing it.
So, this means that you are not letting something go out. You are closing it up inside of you, you’re stuffing it in the bottle.

4. Fly off the handle: to become uncontrollably angry.

It means you’re going crazy kind of getting kind of angry.

Article: Solitude May Relieve the Pressure of Modern Life

If your busy life has stressed you out, there may be only one cure: Spend time alone. Science has proven that solitude can relieve the problems associated with modern life.
Most people think that stress will be a part of their daily life forever but it doesn’t have to be that way.
If you bottle it up, you may eventually have a nervous breakdown or fly off the handle at someone.
To avoid this, spend a few hours a day alone, taking care of yourself. Read, meditate, take a hot bath – whatever you need to do to take your mind off what stresses you.

바쁜 일상으로 스트레스를 받았다면 치료법은 딱 하나. 혼자만의 시간을 보내는 것이다. 고독이 현대 생활과 관련된 문제를 완화할 수 있다는 사실이 과학적으로 입증된 바 있다.
대부분의 사람들은 스트레스가 영원히 일상 생활의 일부가 될 것이라고 생각하지만, 꼭 그럴 필요는 없다. 스트레스를 참으면 결국 신경쇠약에 걸리거나 누군가에게 화를 폭발시킬 수 있다. 이를 방지하려면 하루에 몇 시간이라도 혼자 시간을 보내며 자신을 돌보는 것이 좋다. 독서, 명상, 뜨거운 목욕 등 스트레스를 해소하는 데 필요한 모든 것을 해 보자.


Let’s begin if your busy life has stressed you out. there may be only one cure there’s a cure:
Spend time alone.

1. Spend time

is to use your time. You’re often talking about how you’re using your time, spending time alone, spending time together, spending time sewing a skirt….

But here spend time alone like purposely be by yourself

Science has proven that solitude can relieve the problems associated with modern life.

2. Solitude: along but not lonley

So we talked about briefly this word solitude which means to be alone. So this is related to words like solo or solitary,

So, solitude is the state of being alone

Most people think that stress will be a part of their daily life forever but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Everybody has stress, we all do everybody in this modern day, but this article is saying it doesn’t have to be this way, you don’t always have to have stress.

3. Bottle something up

If you bottle it up, you may eventually have a nervous breakdown or fly off the handle at someone.

If you bottle up the stresses, it means you are not releasing the stress, you are keeping it inside of you.
Think of like a champagne bottle. Sometimes you’ve got to pop that cork. and it goes everywhere. That’s because the champagne has been bottled up in that glass bottle, and shaken for too long that it essentially explodes

So if you do that, you may eventually have a nervous breakdown or fly off the handle.
So if you have a nervous breakdown, it means you are so anxious that you mentally fall apart.
It’s like you’re not physically but you’re mental state is no longer stable. It’s a very bad medical problem.

4. You fly off the handle:

This is an interesting expression handle 손잡이. It means is that you are getting extremely angry at someone to the point that it sounds like you are going crazy. Yea it’s not a normal amount or a rational amount of anger, it’s an over an outsized amount of anger.

So sometimes you do something small wrong, and someone just like explodes at you in anger, that would be flying off the handle right.

So it’s like something they’re already there and it just takes a little something to make you angry.

It’s like moms. Often moms bottle it up their children or their husband.

If they do something that they don’t like, they don’t say anything they don’t say anything, they don’t say anything. Then if you forget to change the toilet paper, used all the toilet paper, but you didn’t put the new toilet paper roll, and then they say “I have to do everything in the house!” In this way, they’ve bottled it up and what she’s saying is maybe a small thing. From the child’s perspective, it seems like flying off the handle but it’s the buildup of many other things.

So, it’s not just about being angry and expressing your anger, but it is anger that has been stuffed inside, bottled up and then released.
That is the idea behind flying off a handle.
So flying off the handle, it’s really explosive, it’s maybe a little crazy

To avoid this spend a few hours a day alone taking care of yourself – Read, meditate, take a hot bath. Whatever you need to do to take your mind off what stresses you.

I wish I could take a hot bath. That’s the one thing about like Korean.

5. Whatever you need to:

So this is a very common structure where you give options. First read, meditate, take a bath. So option 1 2 3 and then whatever you need to, you can choose the options I gave you or something else as long as it achieves in this case the stress relief and taking your mind off.

Power Note
1. Spend Time: 시간을 보내다 – to use a period of time

Note if you spend time usually with someone or by yourself, it means to use a certain period of time to do something.


A: Why don’t you spend more time with your sister?
B: She’s always busy with her kids.
A: 여동생이랑 시간을 더 보내지 그래?
B; 걔는 애들 때문에 항상 바빠.

2) I want to spend more time exercising this year.
나는 올해 운동하는 데 더 많은 시간을 보내고 싶다.

So I think it is interesting to note here that spend when we’re talking about using your time is also a verb that you can use with money you can spend money, or you can use money of course.
So I think that in this case you’re thinking of time as a resource, you’re thinking of it as a tool that you can use for something.
So are you using your time well or are you wasting your time well? ……In the same way you can spend your money well or you can waste your money. That’s kind of the extra little nuance here with spending.

I think that we have something we have quite a few things in common, but you and I we like to spend time alone. That’s the most valuable part of my day.

I wish I had more time to spend alone.
I tell you as a working mom it’s very difficult to do but if there’s any time you can spend time alone, that’s precious time. Yes, you need some me time.

And I think this also goes for even couples who don’t have children like husband wife or you know they need to spend time alone do their own thing.

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder (곁에 없으면 애틋하다) which means when you’re separate when you’re not together. it makes you love the person.

2. Bottle something up:
감정을 억누르다. 드러내지 않다. 속으로 쌓다.

It means to keep something inside and it just keeps building and building and usually it’s not something good.


A: I’m really not happy with Allan

B: I can tell and if you bottle it up anymore you might have a heart attack.

A: 난 정말 앨런과 있는 게 행복하지 않아.
B: 알아. 그런데, 네가 그걸 더 억누르면, 심장마비가 올 지도 몰라.

If you don’t say what you’re thinking and if there is someone has made you angry or sad or anything like, and you don’t say anything, you don’t try and fix it, then you’re bottling it up. It’s going to come out one day and it will pop.

2) Don’t bottle your feelings up or you will never be happy.

네 감정을 억누르지마, 그렇지 않으면 결코 행복하지 않을 거야.

But this is hard to do. It’s hard to really like let the other person know or express your feelings.

But I mean at some point it’s going to you’re going to explode.
You know that in the past, champagne bottles used to be quite dangerous really because the glass they used wasn’t always strong enough. So if it wasn’t a really good bottle, if you moved it a little too much, it could like pop and then you have glass.

In the same way with people, if you’re not relieving the pressure inside a healthy way, then it might all come out in a very unhealthy way.

So everyone remember you’re a champagne bottle. You’re a very expensive bottle. So treat your feelings properly.

So just quickly personal question, are you someone who bottles up your feelings?

Oh no, but I tend to like express it in different ways. I don’t often tell the other person but I’ll try and you know I’ll journal about it or I’ll get really angry and go punch a punching bag.

So you’ll find another way, exercise it out, do something and you know you can’t do that all the time. Sometimes you have to talk to the person directly.

Right right, I mean I think it’s not always about expressing your feelings to that other person, but finding ways to release, finding an outlet, just a path for something to leave.

3. Fly off the handle:
폭발하다. 버럭 화를 내다. 발끈하다.

It means you’re uncontrollably or uncontrollably angry like it’s out of control


A: I can’t believe Tom did that to me! I’m going to tell him what I think!
B: There’s no need to fly off the handle. It might be a mistake

A: 톰이 나한테 그런 짓을 했다니 믿을 수 없어. 내 생각을 말해야겠어.
B: 그렇게 발끈할 필요 없어. 실수일 수도 있잖아.

Don’t fly off the hands means “Calm down, calm down, maybe something happened.”

2) My dad used to fly off the handle every time my brother misbehaved.

우리 아빠는 동생이 잘못할 때마다 버럭 화를 냈다.

Fly off the handle is a very strong expression. If you fly off the handle, it’s anger to the point where that person is now in the wrong.
The reason for your anger may be correct but the amount of anger is too much, where it seems like now you’re not being the good person. It’s unreasonably angry.

So we don’t want to fly off the handle. So have some me time.

4. Whatever you need to:
필요가 있으면 무엇이든.

Whatever you need to, buy put it in this basket.
사야할 것이 있으면 뭐든지 이 바구니에 담으세요

Whatever you need to do, do it now.
해야할 일이 무엇이든, 지금 하세요.

Now you have to do something I don’t care what it is

5. Solitude: 고독

Solitude is the state of being alone or remote from others. In the article, it described solitude as a necessary thing for people. Solitude isn’t the same as loneliness because solitude is seen as positive.

고독은 혼자 있거나 다른 사람과 멀리 떨어져 있는 상태를 말한다. 이 기사에서는 고독을 우리에게 필요한 것으로 기술했다. 고독은 긍정적인 것으로 간주되기 때문에 고독과 외로움은 다르다.


스트레스 해소 음식 – Comfort Eating (enko.co.kr)

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