0305 Power English – Taking an Eco-Cruise: It’s Pretty Expensive: 비싼 친환경 유람선 타기

0305 Power English – Taking an Eco-Cruise: It’s Pretty Expensive:
비싼 친환경 유람선 타기


Power Warm-up

Jordan suggests to his wife that they try something different for their vacation: an eco-cruise. She things it is too expensive, but Jordan says that it will be worth it.
조던은 아내에게 휴가에 색다른 것을 시도해 보자고 제안한다. 바로 친환경 유람선이다. 아내는 너무 비싸다고 여기지만, 조던은 그만한 가치가 있다고 말한다.

Power Expressions

Let’s go on a cruise

Yes but it’s not just a cruise, but an eco-cruise which means do you know what an eco-cruise is?

It’s like a like an environmentally friendly cruise.

Christin: That’s right, however, it’s pretty expensive. So when you say it’s pretty expensive how expensive is it?

It’s quite expensive?

Yeah it is Yeah it is expensive.

More than you would want.

That’s right All right. here are some expressions that we’re going to cover.

1. If you go to great lengths, LENGTHS okay length

it means that you are putting in a lot of effort, you’re working hard for something.

2. How about a double-edged sword?

This means that something can be good or it can be bad. It depends on how you use it.

Got it all right. And finally to
3. Do one’s part

This means you’re taking responsibility and you are doing what you should be doing.

Okay Very good. Let’s go ahead and listen to our first dialog of the ZIKA Cruise.

Dialog: Taking an Eco-Cruise: It’s Pretty Expensive

Angela: What’s this brochure for Burgan Eco-Cruises?
Jordan: I was thinking we could take an environmentally friendly vacation this year.
Angela: They must go to great lengths to ensure they don’t pollute, knowing how much fuel they have to burn to run those ships.
Jordan: Well, their ships are smaller and use some renewable energy sources.
Angela: But it’s pretty expensive, Jordan. We can go to Hawaii for less.
Jordan: It’s a double-edged sword. It costs more to do our part for the environment. but I think it’s worth it.

안젤라: 이 베르겐 에코 크루즈 브로셔는 뭐야?
조던: 올해는 친환경 휴가를 떠날 수 있을 것 같아.
안젤라: 그런 배를 운하려면 얼마나 많은 연료를 태워야 하는지 알고, 오염을 일으키지 않도론 모든 노력을 해야 하지.
조던: 음, 거기 배는 규모가 작고 일부는 재생가능한 에너지원을 사용하기도 해.
안젤라: 하지만 꽤 비싸잖아, 조던. 하와이는 더 저렴하게 갈 수 있어.
조던: 양날의 검이야. 환경을 위해 우리 본분을 다하려면 비용이 더 들지만 그만한 가치가 있다고 생각해.



1. I was thinking

Here we go. Angela begins by saying “what’s this brochure for Burgan Eco-Cruises?”
So it’s the name it’s a fictional name, made-up name and so there’s a brochure and Jordan says “I was thinking we could take an environmentally friendly vacation this year.”
Our power pattern today is “I was thinking” now our listeners know “I think” we all know right 내 생각은 생각에는 right? Okay, “I was thinking”…but it’s not something that’s in the past really.

Not really. So we often use this phrase to talk about plans that we want to do. Often plans that you want to do with someone else.
So I was thinking we could go get burgers after the show. Right? It’s like you’re introducing an idea for an activity you want to do, but it’s like I’ve been thinking about this or planning it for a little bit.

Yes. so technically it is the past because you’ve already thought of this idea right? But it’s not what we think of like the past.

You know so this is, it’s like a suggestion that you’re not thinking of right now. It’s like I’ve been wanting to do this for a little bit, now that’s it a little bit before.

That’s right. So let’s let’s get out of the whole like past tense, present tense sort of thing. So Jordan has this idea that he wants to take an environmentally friendly vacation and Angela says what?

They must go to great lengths to ensure they don’t pollute, knowing how much fuel they have to burn to run those ships

Okay so, an eco-friendly cruise or eco-friendly tour is really a tour that is very thoughtful of the environment right, and so she says they must go to great lengths to ensure they don’t pollute so they’re going to do whatever they can not to cause pollution. So that expression “Do whatever they can, go to great lengths is what that means.” Explain in detail.

2. Go to great lengths

Cameron: So to go to great lengths means to put in a lot of effort.
Now you might ask why is length in here? ‘길이.’

Cameron: So the idea is that if the thing you need is very far away, I will still go and get it.

Even if it’s a 100 kilometer

Right ‘I would walk off files on files on’ you know that song, right? So that’s literally going to great lengths for love. So it’s to put a lot of effort even if you’re going to have to travel very far, to somewhere very far away to achieve your goal.

Right. So it’s like you’re making effort, it’s going to be difficult, it’s going to, you’re going to have to sacrifice, but you do it you go to great lengths.
We’ll give you some more examples in just a bit because because the reason why is because those cruise ships, they use a lot of fuel.


Right? I mean of course they’re going to pollute. So how do they, what do they do here?

Well their ships are smaller and use some renewable energy sources.

They’re not so big. You know, have you seen like the mega mega cruise ship?

Oh yeah, it’s like a theme part

It’s yes

Floating on the water it’s huge

Almost too big

Bigger than my apartment building like Giant like many times like the apartment 단지 like the whole apartment complex right.

So these ships are smaller and they use renewable energy. So these days we hear this term renewable energy. Renew.

So these renewable energy sources are types of energy that can be created again quite easily.
So the obvious ones are things like wind, solar, geothermal like the heat coming from the earth, not things like coal, gasoline, those take a long time to make, they have to be in the ground for thousands of millions of years.

3. Double-edged sword

And they pollute the air. Yea they do. Okay so these cruise, these ships are doing things that are not as damaging to the environment. Okay Angela says but it’s pretty expensive, Jordan, we can go to Hawaii for less. So Angela is saying “oh it’s kind of costly it’s expensive” and Jordan says “it’s a double-edged sword and it’s not sward, sword okay? it costs more to do our part for the environment but I think it’s worth it. We’ve covered this expression double-edge sword.

Always get it wrong in Korean. The correct it’s 양날의 검 I always say 양검의 날, I always do it incorrectly. But a double-edged sword is something that you, if you do, if you use it well it can be beneficial, but if you use it incorrectly then it can be bad for you. Or in this case it means that there’s a there’s a pro and a con, there’s a plus and a minus at the same time, at the same time.

It costs more to do our part for the environment but I think it’s worth it.
So yes, it’s great for the environment but it’s very expensive. But then he says it costs more to do our part for the environment, so to do our part for the environment what does this mean?

This means to take responsibility, do the actions that you should do, in this case, as a part of humanity.
You know as we as humans have a responsibility to not destroy the planet, so if you take your part, you are doing what you can, to not destroy the planet and help it be better than it was before.

Christin: okay very good. Let’s go ahead and listen to that dialog one more time.

Dialog: Taking an Eco-Cruise: It’s Pretty Expensive

Angela: What’s this brochure for Burgan Eco-Cruises?
Jordan: I was thinking we could take an environmentally friendly vacation this year.
Angela: They must go to great lengths to ensure they don’t pollute, knowing how much fuel they have to burn to run those ships.
Jordan: Well, their ships are smaller and use some renewable energy sources.
Angela: But it’s pretty expensive, Jordan. We can go to Hawaii for less.
Jordan: It’s a double-edged sword. It costs more to do our part for the environment. but I think it’s worth it.

Christin: Please join us on pages 28 and 29 let’s do a quick review.

Power Note
1. Go to great length means to put a lot of effort to do something: 모든 노력을 다하다. 애쓰다.


A: I really love this ring where did you get it made?
B: I went to great lengths to find the perfect diamond and the best jeweler for this.

A: 이 반지 정말 마음에 들어. 어디서 만들었어?
B: 완벽한 다이아몬드와 그걸 위한 최고의 보석상을 찾기 위해 엄청 노력했지.

Christin: So if you go to great length to find this perfect diamond,

Like traveling far away to go find the perfect diamond and then maybe the best diamond cutter is in a different place, so then you have to get on an airplane, and go to another place, get it cut and then someone else does the good metal work like for the actual ring part.

Christin: So you go to France

Cameron: You go to France and you get to go, like just doing whatever you can to find the best of the best.

Christin: That’s right.

2) We go to great lengths to ensure that our products are of the finest quality.

우리 제품의 최고 품질을 보장하기 위해 최선을 다합니다.

And you know in company advertisements they do use this term because it makes you feel like they are doing everything they can, to give you the best quality.

Yes, I think that this phrase is yeah used very often in business, especially in like the service industry, going to great lengths to ensure your time at our hotel is perfect.

Yeah. Go to great lengths to make sure that all our clients, not clients but customers, are happy at our hotel.

2. Double-edged sword:
양날의 , 긍정과 부정의 양면성을 가진 . Something that can be both beneficial and problematic.

Okay double-edged sword something that can be both good and bad at the same time.


A: I got the promotion I’ve wanted for two years.
B: Promotions can be a double-edged sword. More responsibility isn’t always worth it.

A: 2년 동안 원하던 승진을 했어.
B: 승진은 양날의 검이 될 수도 있어. 더 큰 책임이 항상 그만한 가치가 있는 것은 아냐.

Christin: that is so true. It’s like “Oh you’re promoted, Oh it feels good, you’re going to get a lot of money, but you’re going to do double the work.”

Cameron: And yeah, It’s probably double the work but not double the pay.

Christin: Not double the pay, it’ll just give me a 10 percent increase.

Cameron: But you have no more nights and weekends. I would refuse I would refuse.

Christin: Would you really?

Cameron: I don’t… See! I think some people like the glory and the honor of a promotion, the position, or like they want to be leaders and like if I need to be a leader or whatever I can do that, but I have no just like need to have glory. It’s I think that’s why I think that’s why we work well together on the show because I’m like that, I’m okay with looking stupid! Like I don’t care about people thinking that I look smart, that I look powerful, that I look like I know, what like I don’t care about those things.

And neither do I.

So I think getting things like a promotion is very much a double-edged sword, and I’d rather just have have fun and be free.

Yeah that’s right, we choose we choose our own comfort instead of money

So true

No ambition whatsoever. Okay this is why we get along. Okay fame can be a double-edged sword for most people. Yea, celebrities, why is it a double-edged sword?

Because they’re always on TV or always on social media and everyone knows them, but they cannot go anywhere without people knowing them.
So I have a couple of pretty famous friends here in Korea. I’ve worked with them and we became friends and they every time there’s a free time, they leave Korea they can’t be in Korea and do because you go to a restaurant, and everyone wants to take pictures with you and I’ve eaten with them sometimes and it’s cool because you get they give you like free food, free drinks, like that’s awesome, but they have money, they don’t need free food, they want privacy.

You know the Beauty of Radio

No one knows our face

No one knows our face unless you buy our book, but yes that’s right.

Because our book is, our Face is on the book.

It’s true. TV is not as glamorous as it seems.

Oh that’s why so many people in Hollywood, especially the young people, they get really weird later in life.

Yeah when they get fame at a very early age, it’s very difficult.

3. Do your part: 자기의 본분을 다하다: to contribute work to a group or larger effort

To do your part means to contribute work to a group or larger effort, which means like okay, the big thing that you need to do, like you’re sharing in that responsibility.


A: I really need you to do your part for this beach cleanup
B: Of course, I’m only taking a short water break, then I’ll be back to work.

A: 이번 해변 청소에서는 네 몫을 다 해줘야 해.
B: 당연하지! 잠시 물에서 쉬고, 일할게.

Christin: OK We must all do our part to preserve the environment

Cameron: Yes so these are too big, like “Saving the environment,” or you know “Doing volunteer work” and you do see this phrase a lot with that, like going like “Do your part for humanity, Do your part for the environment.” But you can also do it for, if it’s a school project, and you’ve got group work, everyone needs to do their part.

Christin: All right So it’s it’s when you’re in a group situation, or an organization and you have a responsibility.

Cameron: Or even in a family like a, you know, who does the cleaning?
Everyone needs to do their part with the cleaning.

Christin: Here Cameron, nobody does their part in my family. I’m the only one who does everything. It’s so sad!

Cameron: Me too. I’m the only one Symba doesn’t clean Symba doesn’t clean Symba doesn’t vacuum! No he doesn’t vacuum. Only when there’s food on the floor he vacuums.

4. I was thinking..:
라고 생각하고 있었어.

Christin: Our power pattern today is I was thinking which means I had this suggestion in mind before

I was thinking we could go to the movies tonight
우리가 오늘 밤 영화보러 갈까 생각하고 있었어.

I was thinking that the sofa would look better by the window.
그 소파가 창가에 더 잘 어울릴 거 같다고 생각하고 있었어.

Christin: Okay my suggestion Renewable energy is our power of vocab.
Do check out the definition on page 30 and let’s thank our sponsor.

5. Renewable energy: 재생가능 에너지

Renewable energy is something abundant and readily available. Examples include solar, wind power, wave power, geothermal, and hydroelectric.

재생가능 에너지는 풍부하고 쉽게 사용가능한 것, 예로 태양광,풍력, 파력, 지력, 수력 등이 있다.


0108 능숙하고 세련된 영어로 – Slick (enko.co.kr)

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