넌 누구 편이야 영어로 – 톰과 제리: Whose Side Are You On? Tom’s? or Jerry’s? (0307 이지라이팅 스크립트)

넌 누구 편이야 영어로 – 톰과 제리:
Whose Side Are You On? Tom’s? or Jerry’s?

Today’s Sentences

A: 아니 톰은 고양이로서 자기의 의무를 다할 뿐이야. 쥐가 없는 집을 유지하는 것뿐이라고
B: 뭐 그러거나 말거나 제리가 진짜 스타야. 톰은 제리한테 상대가 안 돼. 제리는 모든 상황을 코미디 걸작으로 바꿔버린다고.
A: 그래도 톰의 노력이 보는 재미를 준다니까. 톰은 이 고양이와 쥐 게임에서 약자라고.
의견 차가 있음을 인정하지. 뭐 그나저나 우리 가끔 토하고 제리를 보는 것 같은 그런 기분 들지 않니?

A: Tom’s just doing his job as a cat, trying to keep the house mouse-free.
B: Whatever, Jerry’s the real star. Tom has nothing on Jerry. He turns every situation into a comedy masterpiece.
A: but Tom’s efforts are so entertaining, He’s the underdog in this cat and mouse game.
Well, let’s agree to disagree. By the way Don’t you feel like we’re similar to ‘Tom and Jerry’ sometimes?

Today’s Expressions:
1. –와 비슷하다: Be similar to – / –와 똑같다: be the same as –

운동하는 건 영어 배우는 거랑 좀 비슷해.
Working out is similar to learning English.

그들의 슬로건은 우리 거랑 비슷해.
Their slogan is similar to ours.

2. A를 B하게 유지하다. (A: 명사, B: 형용사): Keep A B

그 게이트를 계속 잠가둬
Keep the gate locked.

계속 눈 뜨고 있어
Keep your eyes open

3. A는 B의 상대가 안된다: A has nothing on B / A’s got nothing on B

너는 내 상대가 못 되:
You’ve got nothing on me.

수영하는 거에 관해서라면 난 너에게 상대가 안 돼
When it comes to swimming, I have nothing on you.

기타리스트로서 그는 나에게 상대가 안 돼. 내가 훨씬 잘 쳐
As a guitarist, you has nothing on me. I’m way better.

4. 의견 차가 있음을 인정하다: agree to disagree

“Agree to disagree,” it means that you guys are both agreeing on something and that is that you guys are disagreeing.

우리 의견 차가 있음을 인정하고 그냥 다양한 취향을 즐기자.
Let’s agree to disagree and enjoy our diverse tastes.

우리가 의견 차가 있음을 인정했더니 모든 게 훨씬 좋아졌어.
We agreed to disagree and things got so much better.

5. 복합적 감정이 든다: have mixed feelings

6. 동정심이 생긴다: feel sympathetic for –

1. 임무: job

여기서 내 임무는 끝이야
My job here is done.

2. 그러든 말든 (상관 안해): whatever –

It’s like it means like you don’t really care, you’re indifferent.
무슨 말이든 듣고 싶지 않아.
Whatever I don’t want to hear you.

3. 상황: situation
4. 명작, 걸작: masterpiece

Masterpiece can be used for anything, it can be used for a movie, an art, a work of art like a piece of writing.

5. 노력: effort
6. 즐거운: entertaining = bringing fun

Tom and Jerry, they are very entertaining right?

7. 약자, 사회의 약자, 흙수저: underdog

Do you know why they call it underdog?
No idea I don’t know, but under definitely I can you can feel it from the word under right something that’s like not average. It’s below average right?
Something under, so something that’s weak
I mean I wouldn’t call it directly to someone else but I could I could say I’m an underdog or when I was young when I was in high school, I felt like an underdog.

8. –이 없는: — free / 쥐가 없는: mouse-free / 설탕 없는: sugar-free

Writing Practice

1. 톰은 고양이로서 자신의 의무를 다할 뿐이야. 쥐가 없는 집을 유지하려는 거라고.

톰은 그냥 그의 일을 하고 있어.
Tom’s just doing his job

as a cat

그 집을 쥐가 없게 유지하려고 노력하며
trying to keep the house mouse-free

Tom’s just doing his job as a cat, trying to keep the house mouse-free.

2. 뭐 그러거나 말거나 제리가 진짜 스타야 톰은 제리한테 상대가 안 돼.

뭐가 되었든지

제리가 진짜 스타야
Jerry’s the real star

톰은 제리에게 상대가 안 돼
Tom has nothing on Jerry

Whatever, Jerry’s the real star. Tom has nothing on Jerry.

3. 제리는 모든 상황을 코미디 걸작으로 바꿔버린다고.

그는 모든 상황을 변하게 해.
He turns every situation

코미디 걸작으로
into a comedy masterpiece.

He turns every situation into a comedy masterpiece.

4. 그래도 톰의 노력이 보는 재미를 준다니까. 톰은 이 고양이와 쥐 게임에서 약자야.

하지만 톰의 노력들은 엄청 즐거움을 준다고
but Tom’s efforts are so entertaining

그는 약자야
He’s the underdog

이 고양이와 쥐 게임에서
in this cat and mouse game.

But Tom’s efforts are so entertaining. He’s the underdog in this cat and mouse game.

5. 의견 차가 있음을 인정하지 뭐. 그나저나 우리가 가끔 톰과 제리랑 비슷하다는 기분이 들지 않아?

뭐 동의하지 않기로 동의하자.
Well let’s agree to disagree

그나저나 너는 느끼지 않니?
By the way, Don’t you feel?

가끔 우리가 톰과 제리와 비슷한 것 같은 걸
Like we’re similar to ‘Tom and Jerry’ sometimes?

Well Let’s agree to disagree. By the way, don’t you feel like we’re similar to Tom and Jerry, sometimes?

A: Tom’s just doing his job as a cat, trying to keep the house mouse-free.
B: Whatever, Jerry’s the real star. Tom has nothing on Jerry. He turns every situation into a comedy masterpiece.
A: but Tom’s efforts are so entertaining, He’s the underdog in this cat and mouse game.
Well, let’s agree to disagree. By the way Don’t you feel like we’re similar to ‘Tom and Jerry’ sometimes?


영원한 애증의 관계 톰과 제리 2 (enko.co.kr)

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