Starting a T-Shirt Business: A Status Symbol: 티셔츠를 지위의 상징으로 제작하기
Power Warm-up
Richard has decided to make his T-shirt business into a high-end brand. So, he changed his brand name, raised the prices, and added his signature to the design of each shirt.
리처드는 자신의 티셔츠사업을 고급 브랜드로 만들기로 결정했습니다. 그래서 자신의 브랜드명을 바꾸고, 가격을 높이고, 셔츠 디자인에 자신의 서명을 추가했습니다.
Kristen: You’re level three power English.
Cameron: Welcome to the show, everybody. Kristen: I almost thought that I forgot to say three. Cameron: I did. I almost said it. My mouth was open. I was… Kristen: Because I saw your expression and you were like, you’re getting ready. I could see it. Cameron: Yeah. But now you pulled it out. I did. Kristen: I did. I was able to do it. Cameron: Yes, welcome to the show. My name is Cameron Word. Kristen: You see, this is, and I’m Kristen Cho, and we have this expression in English, if you’re on the same wavelength. And we haven’t covered that expression in a long time. If you are on the same wavelength, it means that you’re in sync. Kristen: You’re thinking the same. You’re kind of like handling things the same. And I feel like this is one of the reasons why there’s such good chemistry is that we are often on the same wavelength, even though we’re two very different people. Cameron: On paper we should not get along. On paper we should be very different. Kristen: We should totally. But we get along so well. Cameron: Adios. |
Power Expression
1. Be on the same wavelength: 케미가 좋다. 같은 생각을 하다. 잘 통하다. 죽이 잘 맞다.
= You’re in sync
2. On paper: 이론상으론, 서류상으로는
3. Status symbol: 부의 상징, 지위의 상징 (고급차, 명품 핸드백): a possession that shows one’s wealth, things that you buy to show how wealthy you are, or to show how powerful you are, or to show how connected you are to, how much of an insider you are
4. insider: 세력, 내부자, 주류
cf) 인싸: party animal, social butterfly
5. Niche: 틈새: a small hole or gap. which is like a certain area that’s not popular or mainstream. In business, your small thing that you do better than everyone else that allows you to be successful, you make your specialty.
Niche market: 틈새 시장
Niche movie: 호불호가 갈리는 영화, 소수 팬층이 좋아하는 영화
6. Carve: 파내다. dig out of stone or wood
7. Carve out a niche: 틈새 시장을 개척하다:
To make a small place for yourself. To create an opportunity for oneself by excelling at something
8. High-end: 고급스럽고 비싼, 사치스러운 – expensive, sophisticated, luxurious, all of it together.
9. Health supplement field: 건강 보조 식품 분야
10. It’s so out of my world = It’s a different stratosphere :인간계가 아닌 천상계, 다른 세계이다. 이 세상 사람이, 이 세상 맛이 아니다.
Out of this world: 이 세상 것이 아닌, 너무나 훌륭한, 최고인
11. Stratosphere: 성층권.
12. Motel: 모텔 (외부에서 주차해서 바로 객실로 들어갈 수 있는 구조의 호텔) motor hotel, which means you park outside and you get to your room from the outside. Lower end, cheaper.
13. Inn: 민박
14. Promote: 홍보하다 (공익 캠페인 등도 포함)
15. Advertise: (상업적으로) 광고하다.
Kristen: Oh, gosh, what a blessing. All right, Friday, it is a business day, dialogue day, starting a t-shirt business, and very important expression, status symbol. What is a status symbol?
Cameron: Yeah. So this is a phrase I often want to say in Korean, and I never know how to explain it. Okay. But a status symbol are things that you have, things that you buy to show how wealthy you are or to show how powerful you are or to show how connected you are to, like, you know, how much of an insider you are. So think of all those expensive luxury cars, handbags.
Kristen: Thanks.
Cameron: All of those things would be, you know, status symbols.
Kristen: Okay, we’ll get more into that, okay? How about carve out a niche? Carve out a niche. To carve out a niche.
Cameron: Carve out a niche means to make a small, small place for yourself. And we often use this in terms of like business. So making a small place in the market that you provide a service or provide a product success.
Kristen: Okay. All right. And finally, high-end. So it’s like high-end.
Cameron: Yes, high-end means that it is luxurious or expensive or extremely good quality.
Kristen: O.K. very good. Let’s go ahead and listen to our dialogue.
Power Dialog
Kate: So, how is the t-shirt business going?
Richard: I feel like I’ve begun to carve out a niche for myself.
Kate: I noticed you were promoting your shirts as high-end designer shirts. That’s really smart.
Richard: Yeah, and I changed the name to just “Infinite” and dropped the word “Designs.”
Kate: I saw that you’re also using only the most expensive t-shirt options available and you raised your prices.
Richard: I want people to see my designs as a status symbol. That’s also why I added signature to the design.
케이트: 그래서 티셔츠 사업은 어떻게 되어 가고 있어?
리처드: 나만의 틈새 시장을 개척하기 시작한 것 같아.
케이트: 고급 디자이너 셔츠라고 홍보하는 것을 봤어. 정말 영리하네.
리처드: 응, 그래서 회사 이름을 “Infinite”로 바꾸고 “디자인“이라는 단어를 뺐어.
케이트: 또 가장 비싼 티셔츠 옵션만 사용하고 가격을 올린 걸 봤어.
리처드: 나는 사람들이 내 디자인을 지위의 상징으로 여기길 원해. 그래서 디자인에 서명을 추가하기도 했지.
Kristen: Okay, Kate begins by saying, so how is the t-shirt business going? So how is something going? Is it going well? Is it doing poorly? And Richard says, I feel like I’ve begun to carve out a niche for myself. So Richard is essentially saying, oh, I’m kind of figuring out where I belong or what I should be doing. But this is an interesting expression, carve out. And as you can see, niche, this is definitely French.
Cameron: Yeah. So you and I both pronounce it the same way. Niche(니이쉬). Niche. But some people do say niche(니취). If you’re an American. But to carve out a niche, first, niche means a small hole or gap. And then to carve means to kind of dig out of stone or wood. So the literal meaning of this means to make a small hole.
Cameron: But what we’re talking about is if you are in business, when you look at the entire market, you create a small space for yourself that you can do something really well. If you think about business nowadays, there are huge companies, conglomerates that you know sell electronics 삼성, or something like that or here’s a good one like sunglasses or something like that, like they’re big international brands for sunglasses, but maybe you kind of learn a special way to make sunglasses.
Kristen: Or how about like kids sunglasses?
Cameron: Yeah. It’s like just it’s not the entire market, but you have this one specialty that you’re able to do better than everyone else. And you become known for that very specific specialty. That is your niche. It’s your small thing that you do better than everyone else that allows you to be successful.
Kristen: That’s why in the world of business, often you can hear people say, oh, it’s a niche market or it’s a niche market.
Cameron: Yeah.
Kristen: It’s something that like, it’s not for everybody, but there is a particular group of people that it’s great for.
Cameron: Yes. You can even use the word niche for like a movie that not everybody likes, but there is a small group of people that really love that movie. So, it would be like a niche comedy or something like that.
Kristen: All right, very good. And what does Kate say?
Cameron: I noticed you were promoting your shirts as high-end designer shirts. That’s really smart.
Kristen: Okay. So we have a lot of things going on. First one is power pattern. I noticed you were. I noticed you were. So to notice something means that, oh, I realized, I saw it. You were doing something. Why is this a pattern? How is it used?
Cameron: So I noticed you were, it’s saying I saw this or I heard it or I, you know, literally realized it because you’re about to comment on it or you want the other person to explain. So with this, I noticed you were promoting your shirts, she’s saying, then she gives the comment. She says, that’s really smart. If she did not say that comment and she just said, I noticed you were promoting your shirts as high-end designer t-shirts, and she says nothing else, the meaning of this is why?? please explain, I saw this, why are you doing it? But because she gives a comment on here it does not have that why question built into the phrase.
Kristen: It’s really smart. So if you promote something, especially promote clothing or promote a certain brand or even promote yourself.
Cameron: So promote is very similar to advertising, but there’s the extra feeling of saying, this is good. You should all do it. So promoting is not just about advertising products. You could promote, you know, an anti-tobacco campaign where you’re saying, don’t smoke, don’t use tobacco. That can be a promotion as well, even if it’s not an advertisement for a commercial product.
Kristen: I feel advertisement 광고 is definitely and only like commercial. Like it’s very like as we know it. But promote can be an idea. It can be a campaign. It can be really anything. It’s kind of letting people, you know, realize or become aware of something. Okay, so they’re promoting t-shirts as high-end designer shirts.
Cameron: So high-end, in this case, is like saying luxurious. We know there are certain name brand clothes. If you go, I don’t know, where do you buy, the Rodeo? Rodeo.
Kristen: Rodeo Drive?
Cameron: Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills. Yeah, you can go there and buy those really expensive clothes. Yeah. Those would be high-end. High-end, Yeah, high-end boutiques, stuff like that.
Kristen: So instead of saying like expensive, high-end means like really luxurious, expensive, awesome quality, all of it together.
Cameron: Yeah. I mean, quality is often included, but it doesn’t have to be included. It is much more about that expensive.
Kristen: Richard says, yeah, and I changed the name to just “Infinite” and dropped the word “Designs.” So remember it was infinite designs? Now it’s just Infinite. Oh, okay. What does Katie say?
Cameron: I saw that you’re also using only the most expensive t-shirt options available, and you raised your prices.
Kristen: All right. And Richard finally says, I want people to see my designs as a status symbol. That’s also why I added my signature to the designs. So he’s not, he wants these high-end t-shirts to be a status symbol. So what are we saying?
Cameron: Status symbol is something that you try to own or buy, show off how wealthy are. How powerful your…or how knowledgeable you are of certain things. So these for example luxury cars their statis because not everybody can by them. Or let’s say maybe you’re buying a very expensive bag. It’s a handbag that there’s that one bag you have to wait three years or whatever to. It’s kind of ridiculous.
Kristen: There’s a whole waiting.
Cameron: Yeah, but those are all status symbols so that you can show off to other people that you’ve gotten it.
Kristen: It’s kind of like when you carry that bag, it’s already telling everyone, oh, you know, I’ve got money. I’ve got power.
Kristen: That’s right. Okay, let’s go ahead and listen to that one more time.
Power Dialog
Kate: So, how is the t-shirt business going?
Richard: I feel like I’ve begun to carve out a niche for myself.
Kate: I noticed you were promoting your shirts as high-end designer shirts. That’s really smart.
Richard: Yeah, and I changed the name to just “Infinite” and dropped the word “Designs.”
Kate: I saw that you’re also using only the most expensive t-shirt options available and you raised your prices.
Richard: I want people to see my designs as a status symbol. That’s also why I added signature to the design.
Kate: I saw that you’re also using only the most expensive t-shirt options available and you raised your prices.
Richard: I want people to see my designs as a status symbol. That’s also why I added my signature to the designs.
Power Note
Carve out a niche: 틈새 시장을 개척하다
Niche: which is like a certain area that’s not popular or mainstream.
Kristen: Okay, it’s time for a power note. Let’s look at our expression carve out a niche. So, we talked about niche and niche, which is like a certain area that’s not popular or mainstream. If you carve out a niche, it means it’s kind of like you’re making something.
Cameron: Now, you’re making your specialty.
Kristen: You’re making her specialty.
Cameron: That only you can do. Okay.
A: How did you become so successful so quickly?
B: I carved out a niche for myself in the vegan health supplement field.
A: 어떻게 그렇게 빨리 성공할 수 있었어요?
B: 전 비건 건강 보조 식품 분야에서 저만의 틈새 시장을 개척했어요.
Cameron: Okay. It’s very particular. Vegan, you know, it’s not just the supplement field. It’s the vegan supplement field. So it’s, you know, not using animal products.
2) Mark carved out a niche as a children’s golf coach.
마크는 어린이 골프 고치로서 틈새 시장을 개척했다.
Kristen: I mean, we’ve got a lot of adult coaches, but how about children? So it’s interesting because we don’t see this, but I think good business people see these areas and they make an opportunity in these areas.
Cameron: Right. So it can be the entire business as a whole. But if you are working and you are known for something that could still be considered, like your niche. For example, I know someone who is a, they studied chemical engineering. And they were doing, they worked at like making pharmaceuticals, making drugs, making medicine. They quit that and they got into skincare. And in the skincare world, not they’re a worker at a company, but in the industry, they’re known as skincare with like the chemical engineering medical side. So that’s what they’re known as. That’s their kind of business career. Niche is that they have that extra like medical.
Kristen: Oh, that’s good.
Cameron: So it doesn’t have to be just a product or business that you are running. It can also be inside of your career. What kind of worker are you known for that makes you different from the other workers inside your company? It’s like a niche market.
Kristen: Very good. I mean, I can’t say Power English is for everyone.
Cameron: Oh gosh, no.
Kristen: This English industry, we also, it’s a bit of a niche market.
Cameron: Yeah. You know, sometimes people at beginning English speakers, they ask me, oh, should I listen to your show.
Kristen: Show. And you say no.
Cameron: No.
Kristen: Oh, no.
Cameron: I say if you want to listen for fun, go ahead. It’s true. But we’re more advanced.
Kristen: It’s true I do too I say oh no no no don’t listen to us yet.
Cameron: Later, I was like go to go to easy English, I don’t you know go through English, start English like level one, two, three, go through all of them.
High-end: 고급스러운, 매우 화려하고 값비싼
Kristen: All right. High-end is expensive. It’s sophisticated. It’s luxury.
A: Oh my gosh. I can’t believe this bag is $9,000.
B: I guess you’ve never been to a real high-end department store.
A: 세상에! 이 가방이 9천 달러라니, 믿을 수가 없어!
B: 넌 진짜 고급 백화점에 가본 적이 없는 것 같구나.
Kristen: You know, some bags can cost like 일억 or more, depending on the leather.
Cameron: I was so surprised.
Kristen: It’s crazy, like 200, 300 thousand dollars.
Cameron: I was, so I grew up in the countryside. Small town. The first time I came to Korea, Seoul, saw the prices in like the department store. Do people buy this?????!!!!
Like I just could not believe it, like high-end for me was like the lowest of the low here in Seoul, These high-end restaurants, high-end —
Kristen: You know, it’s interesting because for people who really have money, we can’t not even imagine what high-end is. It’s so out of our world.
Cameron: Oh gosh, yeah.
Kristen: In a different stratosphere.
Cameron: Like the people who could rent a yacht or rent a helicopter or buy one.
Kristen: Oh my goodness.
2) At high-end hotels you can get a massage in your room.
고급 호텔에서는 객실에서 마사지를 받을 수 있습니다.
Cameron: Room. Ooh, high-end hotels. That’s another thing. That’s nice. I didn’t stay at a hotel for the longest time. We were like motels and inns. My whole childhood. I understand.
Kristen: Motels and inns just quickly, it’s kind of like uh 민박, inns? what is it what is it?
Cameron: And I guess it’s close to 민박. In Korea, motel just means like cheap place. But in English a motel is short for motor hotel, which means you park outside and you get to your room from the outside.
Kristen: That is true, oh, that’s why we see in those movies, Those like cheaper places, you can park right out and you can go right into your room.
Cameron: Right. If the door is outside in American movies, that would be considered a motel.
Kristen: Is on the lower end.
Cameron: It is usually cheaper, yes. Absolutely.
Status symbol: 지위의 상징,
Kristen: Okay, status symbol is basically you have something that shows your wealth.
A: Look at that purse that lady is carrying. It’s so big and ugly.
B: She knows it’s ugly, but it was expensive, and it’s just a status symbol for her.
A: 저 여자가 들고 있는 지갑좀 봐. 너무 크고 보기 싫어.
B: 저사람도 알고 있을 거야. 그런데 비싸잖아. 지위의 상징일 뿐이야.
Kristen: For women, really, bags are status symbols. Shoes sometimes. Shoes, it’s hard to know what the brand, but usually the high-end bags have some logo or something designed. I was never interested in status symbols until I bought my expensive watch. Watches for men are big status symbols.
Cameron: And it doesn’t always have to be expensive. If you’re in like a fan club, if you have like a very special photo card, like the old thing that no one else has, that could be it. Or like people that 꾸안꾸, like you dressing like you’re not fashionable, but you only know this designer, that can be a status symbol.
I noticed you were: 네가 –라는 걸 알아챘어. (이면의 의미가 있음) = There’s something in there other than just I noticed.
Kristen: I noticed you were, which is our power pattern, means, oh, like, okay, you got my attention.
1) I noticed you were looking at that blue sweater.
네가 저 파란색 스웨터를 보고 있다는 걸 알았지.
Cameron: Do you wanna buy it?
2) I noticed you were talking to Phil after lunch.
네가 점심 후에 필과 얘기하고 있는 걸 알았어.
Okay. I thought you didn’t like him.
Kristen: Right. There’s something in there other than just I noticed.
Promote: 홍보하다.
When someone promotes something, they are trying to bring more attention to something that is good and/or valuable. One may promote a business, a charity, an event, and more
누군가가 무언가를 Promote할 때는 좋은 것이나 가치 있는 것에 더 많은 관심을 끌기 위해 노력합니다. 비즈니스, 자선 단체, 이벤트 등을 Promote할 수 있습니다.
와닿다 영어로 Resonate With (0412 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)
Power English