On the Flip Side 다른 한편으로는 (0422 요리 자신감을 높여주는 밀키트, Meal Kits: It Boosts Your Confidence for Cooking, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

On the Flip Side 다른 한편으로는 

(0422 요리 자신감을 높여주는 밀키트, Meal Kits: It Boosts Your Confidence for Cooking)

Power Warm-up

Stacy and Noah have just finished eating her first meal kit dinner. She’s happy at how easy it was to make. Noah said people who don’t often cook will gain confidence using meal kits.

스테이시와 노아는 방금 첫 밀키트 저녁 식사를 마쳤습니다. 그녀는 쉬운 밀키트 요리에 만족했습니다. 노아는 요리를 자주 하지 않는 사람들도 밀키트를 사용하면 자신감을 얻을 수 있을 것이라고 말합니다.

Kristen: Hey Cameron, what’s new? What’s up? What’s going on?

Cameron: Well, my contract for my house is about to go out. Expire?

Kristen: Okay.

Cameron: Yeah, so I have to go to a new place.

Kristen: Ooh! Are you excited about that?

Cameron: I am. I found my place.

Kristen: Ooh.

Cameron: I’m very big veranda.

Kristen: You’ve got like an open veranda? Lucky you.

Cameron: It’ll be the first time I’ve lived in Korea for nine years. It will be the first time I’ve had any outside space. So like a like a balcony or that type of thing.

Kristen: Oh my god.

Cameron: I’m very excited about it.

Kristen: This is so exciting, and it’s always great if you have a dog.

Cameron: Yeah, so I can take my dog out there if he needs to use the bathroom. I wanna grow some vegetables.

Kristen: Look at you.

Cameron: I want to grow some, like some, some 상추 and some basil and…

Kristen: Little Arkansas farmers is back in his own element. That’s exciting.

Cameron: But, uh, yeah, it’ll be my… ‘Cause I’m very much used to having… a yard.

Kristen: That’s right.

Cameron: Everyone in Arkansas, if you own a house, there aren’t a lot of apartment buildings. Even the apartments you rent are usually houses. Like, someone else will own the house, but you rent that house. Uh, so I’m, I’ve always… I’ve been used to having grass, and so now I’m not getting grass, but I’ll at least have some open air area in my home.

Kristen: Just plant your own grass. You will.

Cameron: I will turn my veranda into like a yard.

Kristen: So exciting.

Cameron: Wimbledon. It’ll be like grass tennis on my veranda.

Kristen: I’m coming over.

Cameron: I will have lots of garden parties.

Kristen: Okay.

Cameron: Yeah, yeah.


Power Expressions
  • Boost one’s confidence: 자신감이 차오르게 하다. 할 수 있다는 믿음을 가지게 하다.

Boost: casual, 일상적인 상황에 사용

increase, strengthen: contract나 business 환경 등 formal, serious 한 상황에 사용

  • On the flip side: 다른 한편으로는, 반면에, 달리 생각해 보면

if you turn it over, on the other hand, looking at something from a different angle, perspective, way


Kristen: All right, we are talking about meal kits today. It boosts your confidence for cooking. So, with these meal kits, you know, I mean, they have everything ready for you, but still, it boosts your confidence. So, if it boosts your confidence, what does this mean?

Cameron: It means it is giving you confidence.

Kristen: Ah!

Cameron: You are feeling more secure with doing something. .

Kristen: How about on the flip side?

Cameron: This is very similar to saying on the other hand.

Kristen: Okay. And In-depth, D-E-P-T-H, In-depth.

Cameron: This means you are doing something detailed or very thorough.

Kristen: Okay. All right. Let’s go ahead and listen to our dialogue.


Power Dialog

Stacy: I can’t believe how easy that dinner was to make. And it was so delicious.

Noah: It really boosts your confidence for cooking, doesn’t it?

Stacy: On the flip side, if you still have no confidence, they have things anyone can make, like the chicken Caesar salad I’m having tomorrow.

Noah: And for the more elaborate recipes, they have in-depth instructions with pictures.

Stacy: That’s great because I can use the same recipes on my own, even without the meal kit.

Noah: I never thought of that.


스테이시: 저녁을 만드는 것이 얼마나 쉬웠는지 몰라. 그리고 정말 맛있었어.

노아: 요리에 대한 자신감이 생겼지, 안그래?

스테이시: 반대로 아직 자신감이 없다면 내일 먹을 치킨 시저 샐러드처럼 누구나 만들 수 있는 요리도 있어.

노아: 좀 더 정교한 레시피 중에는, 사진이랑 상세 살명도 같이 있는 것도 있어.

스테이시: 그거 좋다. 밀키트가 없어도 혼자서 같은 레시피를 사용할 수 있으니까.

노아: 그 생각은 못 했네.


Kristen: Okay, let’s go ahead and start our dialogue. Stacey says, I can’t believe how easy that dinner was to make. And it was so delicious. So, the meal kit dinner was really easy to make. And Noah says, it really boosts your confidence for cooking, doesn’t it? So, boost your confidence is our expression. Why don’t we say increase your confidence or strengthen your confidence? Why do you think it’s boost?

Cameron: I guess you can say both. Increase your confidence or strengthen your confidence. It just doesn’t feel fun. That boost feels a little more funner. And it also, I don’t know, it just works better for this because it’s a very casual sort of situation.

Kristen: Yeah.

Cameron: Like cooking is just like yay we’re cooking we’re having fun, this is boosting my confidence; Whereas if you were to say something like strengthen your confidence it would be like because you have done this contract to completion, you have strengthened my confidence that you can do bigger and better things. Like strengthened just feels like it’s very serious or very heavy. And increased just feels very tasteless, bland. Kind of boring. It’s not exciting.

Kristen: I feel like if something boosts your confidence, I feel like it’s not so serious and maybe it’s not in every way. Maybe you’re still not confident in another area. But if a boosts your confidence, it’s like, oh, it’s like you get that little extra boom. You know?  That’s the feeling I get with this.

Cameron: Right. Because it also doesn’t have to be like here you are cooking a meal. So, it’s boosting your confidence for cooking. But like, let’s say you’re wearing a nice suit or nice clothes. That can boost your confidence. Sure. But it’s not like you’ve gotten more. You’ve gotten better skills. You just look better.

Kristen: That’s right. Right? It’s like just giving a little extra. Bloop.

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: How about this power pattern? Doesn’t it? 

Cameron: No.

Kristen: It really, and usually it’s with this kind of like emphasis, stress. It really boosts your confidence, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it? What is that saying?

Cameron: Doesn’t it? It’s like 그치?

Kristen: Oh, 그치? 맞아.

Cameron: So, doesn’t it is just a way of like saying, hey, this works?

Kristen: Oh, he’s like really handsome, 그치? Isn’t he? Isn’t she? Doesn’t it?

Cameron: Yeah, because here the topic is not a person, it’s an it, it being the meal kit. That’s why you use it.

Kristen: Doesn’t it? Okay. All right. Um, Stacy says on the flip side, if you still have no confidence, they have things that anyone can make like the chicken Caesar salad I’m having tomorrow. On the flip side, if you still have no confidence. So if your confidence is not boosted. On the flip side, what does this mean, on the flip?

Cameron: So on the flip side literally means if you turn it over. But we use this to mean if you look at it from a different perspective, in a different way. So a similar phrase would be like on the other hand.

Kristen: On the other hand,

Cameron: So, you’re looking at one issue from a different angle. So, on one side, if you do have confidence, this means that you are able to cook without the meal kit. Yes. But on the other hand, if you do not have a confidence, these meal kits are also good because you can cook complicated things like chicken Caesar salad.

Kristen: Okay.

Cameron: Did you know? What? Caesar salad. Do you know where the Caesar comes from? You know where it’s from?

Kristen: Caesar, where it’s from? No idea.

Cameron: It’s not Italian. It’s like, I think it’s Mexican. It’s like from Latin America. No. Because the chef, his name was Caesar. God.

Kristen: No.

Cameron: Yes.

Kristen: Wow, so it’s actually a Mexican salad?

Cameron: Yeah, it was from some luxury hotel in Mexico. And there was this famous chef.

Kristen: Wow. But they have anchovies. Don’t they put anchovies in the dressing?

Cameron: And mashed anchovies and mustard and Worcestershire sauce.

Kristen: Oh, interesting. Okay, so what does Noah say?

Cameron: Noah says, and for the more elaborate recipes, they have in-depth instructions with pictures.

Kristen: Okay, so our power vocab today is elaborate. Okay, it’s E-L-A-B-O-R-A-T-E. Elaborate. So if the recipe, we have like simple recipes. But if they are elaborate recipes?

Cameron: Yeah. So elaborate means complicated or very advanced. So I have a friend who he is European. But he made fun of French cooking by saying that they take something as simple as an egg and they make it elaborate and difficult for anyone to cook. Because eggs are easy to cook. But in French cooking, they find every way possible to make that cooking an egg so elaborate and so hard. Like, have you ever tried to make eggs benedict?

Kristen: Yeah. No, no, no. But I know what it is.

Cameron: You have to like boil water and then like stir the water and like pour the egg in it. And like make sure that the egg stays inside the circle that you’re making with the water. It’s too elaborate and it’s very difficult.

Kristen: Well, they’re very much big on technique.

Cameron: Oh.

Kristen: It’s all about technique in some ways. Okay. So these elaborate recipes are very complicated recipes. And they have in-depth instructions. So D-E-P-T-H, in-depth. What is this?

Cameron: So depth this comes from deep, so you could say deep instructions. That’s a little awkward, but in-depth instruction means detailed instructions they tell you every little detail in how to achieve the final product.

Kristen: Okay, alright, so they’ve got very detailed instructions. Now what does Stacy says?

Cameron: That’s great. I can make the same recipes on my own even without the meal kit.

Kristen: Okay, so they’re talking about simple recipes, elaborate recipes, you know, and like these meal kits boosting your confidence. Because maybe you don’t know how to even fry an egg. Okay,

Cameron: Don’t ask a French person.

Kristen: Maybe, but with these meal kits, you feel like you’re doing something. So it boosts your confidence.

Cameron: Aha.

Kristen: Doesn’t mean you’re a chef, but it does boost your confidence. Let’s go ahead and listen to the dialogue one more time.

Power Dialog

Stacy: I can’t believe how easy that dinner was to make. And it was so delicious.

Noah: It really boosts your confidence for cooking, doesn’t it?

Stacy: On the flip side, if you still have no confidence, they have things anyone can make, like the chicken Caesar salad I’m having tomorrow.

Noah: And for the more elaborate recipes, they have in-depth instructions with pictures.

Stacy: That’s great because I can use the same recipes on my own, even without the meal kit.

Noah: I never thought of that.


Power Note
  1. Boost one’s confidence: 자신감이 차오르게 하다. 있다는 믿음을 가지게 하다

Kristen: It’s time for a power note. If you boost, okay, if something boosts your confidence, it means that like it’s giving you that extra confidence and not just자신감 but it gives you the belief that you can do it.

A: I never thought I would be able to run a marathon, especially at my age.

B: That must really boost your confidence.

A: 마라톤을 있다고는 생각도 못했어. 특히 나이에
그게 분명 너의 자신감을 높여 주었을 거야.

Kristen: You thought you couldn’t run even for one kilometer.

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: And then you ran half a marathon, Wow.

2) Beating my brother in tennis boosted my confidence.

테니스에서 형을 이겨서 자신감이 올랐다.

Kristen: So it made me feel good.

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: So I think it’s important to realize that this expression boost one’s confidence is kind of like it’s not your overall confidence in everything, just your 자신감. But it’s more about like oh I can do it. Like or oh that wasn’t so bad, or oh that made me feel good. That feeling is part of this boost.

Cameron: Right, yeah. I read this funny story on the internet. So it was this girl who, she liked to do like cosplay sort of things, right? Like dress up like characters. So she had like this big sword.

Cameron: Big giant sword from one of her characters but she had it like a couple of first dates with different guys and she wasn’t very confident. She’s very nervous about it. But one time she got the idea, she put on her high heels and carried one of her character swords and walked around her house just like you know like some super cool like hero from like a cartoon or whateve,r she said that boosted her confidence.

Kristen: Oh really?

Cameron: I can imagine though! She all dressed-up, she’s got high heels on, she dragged a sword around her house, like she could attack somebody if she wanted. You know, it’s like people who do this superman pose in the mirror before you know.

Kristen: Power pose.

Cameron: Power pose before you have a job interview. Those types of things boost your confidence. That’s it. And it’s more like about your mood getting better.

Kristen: Because confidence, the word confidence is 자신감, but I feel this is related to but it’s more about your mood, your kind of, something makes you feel good or it makes you feel like you have belief in yourself.

Cameron: It’s like you get a more positive outlook.

  1. On the flip side: 다른 한편으로는, 반면에

Kristen: Right, right. That’s what I wanted to express. Okay, on the flip side means looking at the opposite side.

A: I think transferring to the London office will be hard to adjust to.
B: On the flip side, it’ll be a great opportunity to explore a new culture.

A: 런던 사무실로 전근가는 , 적응하기 어려운 일인 같아.
달리 생각하면, 새로운 문화를 접할 있는 좋은 기회야.

Cameron: So it’s the same issue, moving to London. On one side, it’s going to be kind of hard. But on the flip side, the opposite, is that the same issue, moving to London, will be good to explore a new culture.

Kristen: Yes, that’s right.

2) It’s terrible that my flight was canceled, but on the flip side, I’ll have another night in Paris.

비행기가 취소된 것은 최악이지만, 달리 생각하면 파리에서 하룻밤을 지내게 되는 셈이다.

Kristen: So there’s always kind of two things going on here, right? You’ve got one that’s good or bad. And then if you say on the flip side, it could be bad or good.

Cameron: And it’s most things are usually that, Like it’s not always all good.

Kristen: Or all bad. There’s always something.

Cameron: Yeah. Right.

Kristen: So, you know, for me, sometimes I actually like layovers, like a long layover, as long as it’s not overnight. Because, people are saying like, oh, gosh, that’s a long layover. But on the flip side, you can actually check out, not check out, but you can leave the airport, you know, spend a day at the city where you’re having the layover and then take your plane at night.

Cameron: I’ve never done that.

Kristen: I’ve done that. Oh, yeah, I’ve done that.

Cameron: I would be so scared. I’d be scared I wouldn’t make it back to the airport in time. I would just not be able to enjoy the travel. But, yeah.

Kristen: Yeah, there was a flight going from Seoul to Los Angeles and had a long layover in Japan. So it was like a day, like 10 hours. And I would always take that flight because it gave me like a little nice, you know.

Cameron: But the airport is not there in the city center. So you have to like take the train.

Kristen: No, but there’s one airport where you can like just go into the city, real quick.

  1. In-depth: 철저하고 상세한, 면밀한

Kristen: In-depth, detailed and thorough.

A: Can you help me put this dollhouse together?
B: Extremely in-depth directions make it hard to follow.

A: 인형의 조립 도와줄 있어?
너무 상세한 설명들이라, 따라하기가 힘들어.

Cameron: That’s true. Sometimes too many details make it harder to follow.

Kristen: It’s hard. That’s right.

2) Sarah, who wrote an in-depth article about the new president and her husband.

사라는 대통령과 남편에 대해 심층 기사를 썼다.

So if you write an in-depth article or book or paper, it’s being very detailed. Right.

Cameron: Very detailed.

  1. .. Doesn’t it? 그렇지 않아? 안그래?

Kristen: all right. Our power pattern today is doesn’t it or isn’t she? Isn’t he? Which means like, 그치? 안그래?

1) Thiis striped shirt makes me look thinner, doesn’t it?
줄무늬 셔츠는 나를 날씬하게 보이게 . 안그래?

Cameron: Yeah, it does.

Kristen: Thanks.

2) The apartment feels cozy with lots of houseplants, doesn’t it?

아파트에는 화초가 많아서 아늑하게 느껴져요, 그렇지 않나요?

Cameron: It’s true. I love a house with lots of houseplants.

Kristen: The houseplants. I know. You’ve got a green thumb.

Cameron: I just wanna like make my house into a jungle.

Kristen: Jungle. That’s what I would like to do, too.

Cameron: Welcome to the jungle.

  1. Elaborate: 정교한, 복잡한 complicated or complex, very advanced

Elaborate puzzle: having many pieces or moving parts.

Elaborate recipe: requiring many pots, pans and ingredients.

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