언제나 옳다 영어로 You Can’t Go Wrong with – 엄청 바쁜 영어로 On the Go (0506 My Favorite Foods in Korea 파워 잉글리시 스크립트)

언제나 옳다 영어로 You Can’t Go Wrong with – 엄청 바쁜 영어로 On the Go

Power Warm-up

Joshua, a newcomer to Korea, is talking about how he likes working and living in the country. He tells Dakota he’s really enjoyed everything so far, especially the food.

한국에 처음 조슈아가 한국에서의 일하며 사는게 얼마나 좋은지에 대해 이야기하고 있습니다. 그는 다코타에게 지금까지 모든 것이 정말 좋았고, 특히 음식이 정말 맛있었다고 말합니다.


Power Expressions
  • You can’t go wrong with –: 언제나 옳다, 실패할 일이 없다. 안전하고 무난한 선택이다.

This is always good. There’s never a really bad experience with this. It’s safe with it.

  • Take on –: — 대한 생각, 의견

What is your take on gimbap? Are you a fan of gimbap?

  • Crave –: 갑자기 먹고싶다. 당기다.
  • When it comes to: 관해서 말한다면,
  • On the go: 끊임없이 바쁘게 움직이는 (건물간, 거리, 지하철, 도시 등을 바삐 이동하는)
  • Eating on the go: 걸으면서 먹는

Cameron: Welcome to the show, everybody.

Kristen: Hello, everyone. I’m Kristen Cho.

Cameron: And I’m Cameron Word.

Kristen: Yes, we’re so thankful that you are joining us today. And I always like to go right into the topic for our first dialogue. So this is the first food dialog that we have.

Kristen: And so it’s talking about my favorite foods in Korea. That is the topic all throughout the month. You can’t go wrong with gimbap.

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: So if you say you can’t go wrong with something, what are you saying?

Cameron: You’re saying that this is always good. There’s never a really bad experience with this thing. So like gimbap, I’ve never had, almost never, have had like just a really awful gimbap, to be honest.

Kristen: I mean, to me, I don’t…

Cameron: It’s safe.

Kristen: It’s not like there’s a huge quality difference or taste difference. Depending on the fillings.

Cameron: Yeah, there are some maybe healthier or higher quality versions. But usually, I’m pretty okay with any gimbap given to me.

Kristen: Okay, so what this is saying, you can’t go wrong, means you’re safe with gimbap.

Cameron: Okay.

Kristen: So what is your take on gimbap? Are you a fan of gimbap? And if so, what kind?

Cameron: For me, a gimbap is like a sandwich. Like, it can be good. It can’t never be awful. I don’t know I’ve ever craved gimbap. Liked I’ve never missed it. When it’s there, I eat it and I like it. But I’ve never been like, oh, I miss gimbap!

Cameron: Yeah, but I mean, I didn’t grow up with it. I know some people, like when I lived in the US, the Korean international students, they would like go to the Asian markets and like make it themselves.

Kristen: Yeah. Well, I think gimbap is closely related to childhood. Like, you know, your younger years.

Cameron: We go like a picnic.

Kristen: Yeah, your mom makes gimbap, exactly.

Cameron: I do say half of the opposite. You know I said that gimbap, I think, is like a sandwich. There are times that I miss like an American-style sandwich that you make at home.

Kristen: Like which one?

Cameron: Like, just, like…

Kristen: ham and cheese?

Cameron: ham and cheese, mustard. Actually, I don’t want ham. I want turkey. And you can’t get turkey sandwiches here, really.

Kristen: I miss a turkey provolone avocado sandwich.

Cameron: Ugh. Oh my, bread and sourdough! But like, I mean, you can get that at the restaurant, but just like one that’s made at home. And the quality isn’t as good.

Kristen: I know.

Cameron: But there’s something about that flavor. The nostalgia.

Kristen: That’s right. I think gimbap has the nostalgia.

Cameron: Yeah. Yeah.

Kristen: Now, when it comes to something, what is this?

Cameron: So it means when you are considering something or someone, when you’re talking about this, like you’re kind of introducing this one specific area of the subject.

Kristen: And if something is on the go

Cameron: In motion, you’re active, you’re moving.

Kristen: Okay, let’s go ahead and listen to our first dialogue, My Favorite Foods in Korea.


Power Dialog

Dakota: How do you like working in Korea so far?

Joshua: It’s been great. My co-workers are really friendly, and I have a nice apartment. But my favorite thing is the food.

Dakota: Yeah, it’s a really international city when it comes to food.

Joshua: No, I’m talking about Korean food, and more specifically, street food. It’s amazing what delicious snacks you can get when you’re on the go.

Dakota: What’s your favorite so far?

Joshua: Well, I haven’t tried everything, but you can’t go wrong with gimbap.

다코타: 지금까지 한국에서의 근무는 어땠어?

조슈아: 아주 좋아. 동료들도 정말 친절하고 좋은 아파트도 있어. 근데 가장 좋아하는 것건 음식이야.

다코타: , 음식에 관해라면 정말 국제적인 도시야.

조슈아: 아니 한국 음식, 특히 길거리 음식을 말하는 거야. 이동 중에도 맛있는 간식을 먹을 있다는 정말 놀라워.

다코타: 지금까지 가장 좋아하는 음식은 뭐였어?

조슈아: 먹어보지는 못했지만 김밥은 정말 실패할 일이 없어.


Kristen: Dakota says, how do you like working in Korea so far? And Joshua says, it’s been great. My co-workers are really friendly and I have a nice apartment. But my favorite thing is the food.

Kristen: So I think a lot of foreigners, you know, even in the States, are big fans of Korean food.

Cameron: Yes yes.

Kristen: And there is a big chain in Los Angeles, kind of an organic grocery market, that actually sells frozen gimbap.

Cameron: Frozen?

Kristen: I know. I know. Heated in the microwave. I know. So, and other people are like, oh, it’s good. I’m like, I don’t know how that could be good.

Cameron: Like warm gim? Ooh!!

Kristen: So Dakota says, yeah, it’s a really international city when it comes to food. Okay, when it comes to food.

What is when it comes to?

Cameron: So when it comes to means when you are talking about, regarding the subject of. Yes. So here when he says… I guess we’re talking about Seoul here. Being an international city, when it comes to food, means the food choices here are from all around the world. So maybe in other aspects, it’s not an international city. So, for example, I would say London is an international city in many different ways, finance, food, art, even the people. When you go to London, you see people from all over the world. When you come to Seoul, while there are more foreigners here nowadays, it’s still mostly Korean people, right? Or maybe people traveling, but as far as living here especially, it’s mostly just Koreans.

Cameron: So when it comes to population, maybe Seoul isn’t necessarily an international city, but food-wise… definitely.

Kristen: Definitely.

Cameron: Like I went to Italy and I went to Portugal. They’re not very international when it comes to food.

Kristen: Yeah, I know.

Cameron: Like, I went to Italy and it was just Italian food. I went to Portugal and it was just Portuguese food.

Kristen: And you know what, can I tell you something? When I went to Italy 20-some years ago,

Kristen: I was like, oh my gosh, Los Angeles has better Italian food. Some places.

Cameron: Well, I mean, yeah, I think quality depends. But like I went to a Chinese restaurant in Italy. And they served the chow mein, the fried noodles. It was spaghetti. They fried spaghetti.

Kristen: Oh no!

Cameron: So no, I think when it comes to food.

Kristen: Korea.

Cameron: Seoul is such an international thing, you can get everything.

Kristen: Right. What does Joshua say?

Cameron: No, I’m talking about Korean food and more specifically street food. It’s amazing what delicious snacks you can get when you’re on the go.

Kristen: So Dakota is like, oh yeah, you know, Seoul, like when it comes to, you know, food, it’s very international. But Joshua is actually correcting. He’s like saying, no, no, no, I’m talking about

Korean food. Our pattern today is, No, I’m talking about. What is he talking about? Right. Yes.

Cameron: You used a good description here. You said he’s correcting an… clarifying the subject so Dakota has misunderstood what the subject is. So Dakota thinks he’s talking about international food like oh there’s so many choices which is true it’s great. But he’s saying no no no I don’t need the international choices, I like the local Korean food. I’m talking about Korean food. Clarification.

Kristen: Okay, and it’s street food. Okay, so street food.

Cameron: Yeah, so this is the food that you find on the street. It’s not going into a restaurant. So this would be in Korea, this would be like your 호떡, 떡볶이, 소떡소떡. A lot of 떡. It’s a lot of 떡. What non-tteok street food do we have? 닭강정 is sometimes.

Kristen: Yeah, sometimes street food.

Cameron: Uh.

Kristen: Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, I guess it depends.

Cameron: Like… 핫도그

Kristen: Yeah, hot dog, yeah. I mean, now there’s a kind of like, the street food now has gone into like a small restaurant.

Cameron: All the restaurants. 어묵 is a street food.

Kristen: Yeah, that would be a street food.

Cameron: Yeah, or a 계란빵.

Kristen: Also 붕어빵.

Cameron: 붕어빵, Yeah. 옥수수. Sometimes the 옥수수 is like a carrot. Anyway..

Kristen: I’m getting, I’m getting hungry.

Cameron: I know.

Kristen: All right. It’s amazing what delicious snacks you can get when you’re on the go. So Joshua is saying, wow, when you’re on the go, these street food, it’s like amazing.

Cameron: Yes. Okay.

Kristen: On the go.

Cameron: On the go means when you’re moving. Yeah. And specifically when you’re moving somewhere else, like you’re going to work or you’re traveling and you’re, it’s kind of fast paced. So if you have the image, if you’ve seen any American movies where people are walking and they’re eating at the same time to go to work, that would be eating on the go.

Eating while moving, traveling to another place.

Kristen: And so it is very common for American people to be eating in their cars because they do a lot of driving. It’s not very common here in Korea, but there is a lot of on-the-go eating in the car.

Cameron: Oh yeah, I love it. I feel so self-conscious now, like walking down the Korean and eating like a burger. But in America, it’s so normal.

Kristen: It’s common.

Cameron: And I love it. I love eating on the go. I’ve got no time!

Kristen: Dakota says, what’s your favorite so far? Mmm.

Cameron: And then Joshua says, well, I haven’t tried everything yet, but you can’t go wrong with gimbap.

Kristen: So we talked about you can’t go wrong with, meaning it’s very safe to do.

Cameron: Yeah, it’s always a good choice.

Kristen: Good choice right and yeah you can’t go wrong with gimbap.

Cameron: Gimbap is really good. 잘 말아줘~~~

Kristen: Let’s go ahead and listen to that one more time.


Dakota: How do you like working in Korea so far?

Joshua: It’s been great. My co-workers are really friendly, and I have a nice apartment. But my favorite thing is the food.

Dakota: Yeah, it’s a really international city when it comes to food.

Joshua: No, I’m talking about Korean food, and more specifically, street food. It’s amazing what delicious snacks you can get when you’re on the go.

Dakota: What’s your favorite so far?

Joshua: Well, I haven’t tried everything, but you can’t go wrong with gimbap.

Power Note
1. When it comes to —  관해서라면

When considering, when you talking about —

Kristen: Okay, it’s time for Power Note. We’re on pages 34 and 35. When it comes to something or someone, it means when considering this.



A: Can you recommend a good mechanic? My transmission is messed up.

B: When it comes to mechanics, Browder’s automotive is the best.

A: 좋은 정비소를 추천해 주시겠어요? 변속기가 망가졌어요.

B: 정비에 관한 브라우더스 오토모티브가 최고에요.


Kristen: In the area of when considering the best mechanics.

Cameron: Yes.

Kristen: This is the best


2) When it comes to acting nobody is better than Scarlett Jones.

연기에 관한 , 스칼렛 존스보다 뛰어난 사람은 없다.


Cameron: Yeah. Yeah. Maybe she’s a really bad model, but she’s a good actress.

Kristen: When it comes to, I mean, we, oh, my boy, we use this all the time, right? When it comes to voice acting, you know, like, so-and-so is the best, is the top.

Cameron: Yeah. You can, I mean, you can talk about products as well. So you can say like, when it comes to quality, this company is the best. You can do this in the negative. When it comes to quality, this company is terrible.

Kristen: Oh, yeah. Right, right, right. So I know women are interested in cosmetics. So when it comes to foundation or when it comes to like skin care…

Cameron: Yeah. Nowadays, like every company has something it’s known for, right? So when it comes to lipsticks, you choose brand A. When it comes to eyeliner, you choose brand B.

Kristen: Right.

Cameron: You don’t just buy the same…

Kristen: The same brand for everything. Because every brand has its strength. They have like their best sellers. So I think that’s what people do.

Cameron: Yes.


2. On the go: 바쁜, 끊임없이 활동하는


Constantly in motion

Kristen: Now, on the go means you’re constantly moving.


A: Can we meet for a few minutes to discuss the contract?

B: I’m sorry, but I’m going to be on the go all day. Let’s talk tomorrow.

A: 잠시 만나 계약 논의좀 있을까요?

B: 죄송하지만, 하루종일 바쁠 거에요. 내일 얘기합시다.


Okay. It means I’m going to be traveling the whole time. I’m going to be moving around.

Kristen: I’m going to be on the go.

Cameron: Go to a meeting, then I have to go to this other place, I gotta pick up my laundry, I do blah, blah, blah. I’m gonna be moving on the go.

Kristen: I don’t see you as a person being on the go.

Cameron: If I could sit and do nothing for a year…

Kristen: Like I could see you at home.

Cameron: Yes.

Kristen: If you don’t have to work.

Cameron: You know how people say the personalities are like the elements? This person is wind. This person is water. Oh, they flow.

Kristen: They’re fire.

Cameron: They fly away. I’m very much a tree. I’m wood. I want to stay there and just soak up the sun.

Kristen: That’s right.

Cameron: Yeah.


2) Even though he was tired, Mario was always on the go.

마리오는 은퇴를 했음에도 불구하고 항상 끊임없이 활동했다.


Cameron: Yeah, he’s chasing after Princess Peach. Bowser always gets… Mario’s always, he has to go to the next stage. He’s on the go. He’s on the go. Is it not that Mario?

Kristen: No, it’s not that Mario. We’re talking about the video game Mario.

Cameron: Yeah, Mario doesn’t, there’s a time limit. He can’t, gotta say princess peach. But, no, you’re always on the go.

Kristen: Well, I have no choice. I prefer not to be on the go, but because I’m a working mom, I have to be on the go. Yeah, it’s true. I’m always kind of doing something, always moving. Even when I’m at home, like I wish I could just chill and not do anything. And there are days when I do that, but there’s always something to do. But, I mean, if we’re at home, we don’t use this expression to be on the go at home.

Cameron: Right. So even if you’re busy, like even if you’re cleaning your house and moving back and forth and back and forth, you’re not on the go. It has to be you’re moving physical locations; you’re walking to another place in the city or you’re riding the subway or driving. It has to be a very physical type of movement.

Kristen: Right.

Cameron: Bigger than your house.

Kristen: So I would say like freelancers are usually on the go. If they have a busy day, they’re really on the go. Because they got to move from one point to another and then to another. That’s on a busy day.

Cameron: Even like doctors and nurses who like maybe are constantly moving inside of a hospital. You can’t use this phrase

Kristen: You can’t be on the go inside the hospital.

Cameron: It’d be like maybe you’re going to two or three different hospitals during the day, in different parts of the city, then you can say ‘on the go.’

Kristen: Okay, very good. So thanks for that distinction.


3. You can’t go wrong with -: –는 실패할 일이 없다. 괜찮은 선택이다.


Something will always be a good choice

Kristen: Okay, you can’t go wrong with means that this is a really good choice.


A: What do you think of Rome?

B: If you’re interested in ancient history, food, or fashion, you can’t go wrong with Rome.

A: 로마에 대해 어떻게 생각해?

B: 고대 역사, 음식, 패션에 관심이 있다면 로마는 언제나 옳은 선택이지.


Kristen: OK, so we are all about traveling. People want to travel all the time. Oh, what do you think about Rome? What do you think about like, you know, like, or these Amsterdam or, you know, Dusseldorf, like in Germany. Dusseldorf. I was just reading all that.

Cameron: I’m sure Dusseldorf is great.

Kristen: Frankfurt, shall I say. Berlin or something. Berlin, yeah. So, well, you can’t go wrong with that city, meaning they’ve got good food. You’ve got things to see. The transportation’s good. It’s affordable. Museums, right? I was just reading about Germany.

Cameron: Oh, goodness. Okay.


2) If chef Charles is working, you can’t go wrong with the squid risotto.

만일 찰스 셰프가 일하고 있다면, 오징어 리조또가 가장 무난하지.


Kristen: So when we’re talking about food, yeah, like gimbap.

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: What do you think is good on this menu? What do you suggest?

Cameron: Well, you can’t go wrong with the spaghetti alla Carbonara.

Kristen: Okay, or seafood pasta food. Or steak.

Cameron: Yeah, you’re basically saying this is always good.


4. No, I’m talking about —아니 그게 아니고 내말은..


Kristen: Yeah, this is always good. You will not make a mistake. Okay, power pattern. I know I’m talking about…

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: What the other person said? No, no, no, that’s not it.

1) No, I’m talking about the Second World War, not the First.

아니, 나는 1차가 아니라 2 세계대전을 말하는 거야.

2) No, I’m talking about Carl from the gym.

아니, 말은 체육관에서 말이야.

Cameron: So this is when there was a misunderstanding. You often see this in movies. You know, whenever like someone hears half the conversation and it’s like, no, that’s not what I mean. No, I’m talking about.

Kristen: Blah, blah, blah. Right. Okay. Power vocabs, treat food on page 36. Do check that out. And make sure you stop by Audio Ohata. Very, very small fee.


5. Street food: 길거리 음식

Street food is a general term for the types of food you can buy from vendors on streets or in markets. Street food is typically small, making it convenient to eat while carrying it.

길거리 음식은 길거리나 시장에서 상인에게서 살 수 있는 음식의 종류를 통칭하는 용어입니다. 길거리 음식은 일반적으로 부피가 작아 휴대하면서 먹기에 편리합니다.


한국 음식을 좋아하는 일본 친구 (enko.co.kr)

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