See Eye to Eye with 의견이 일치하다, 제대로 가고 있다. I’m on the Right Path (0516 Adult ADHD, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

Power Warm-up

Jack has decided to try working as a freelance web designer instead of looking for a job. He thinks he’ll do better because he can control his environment and schedule.

잭은 구직 대신 프리랜서 웹 디자이너로 일하기로 결심했습니다. 그는 자신의 환경과 일정을 관리할 수 있기 때문에 더 잘할 수 있을 거라고 생각합니다.

Kristen: Hey, Cameron. Hey. How’s it going?

Cameron: It’s like going my home.

Kristen: Already?

Cameron: It’s not.

Kristen: It’s too early to say that.

Cameron: Oh, goodness. What happened? I mean, life in general. So, you know how I’m trying to move, right?

Kristen: You’ve been trying to move for a while.

Cameron: I’ve been trying to move for a while. Yeah. And I, right now, I’m in 전세. And I’m going back to 월세.

Kristen: Okay.

Cameron: But

Kristen: But…

Cameron: I cannot find someone to take my 전세. So my contract is almost up.

Kristen: And no one is buying.

Cameron: No one’s taking it. So I had to have a conversation with my owner.

Kristen: And what did they say?

Cameron: And the owner was like, I don’t have the money. So I’m in the, I’m in, like, the insurance and the registry. Like, I’ve done everything I need to do. But that still means, like, there’s a process. That I have to take. So now I’m looking into if someone doesn’t take the 전세 by the time I need to leave, do I leave my stuff in my house?

Kristen: Oh, my gosh.

Cameron: Because if you take your stuff out, legally the situation changes.

Kristen: Right. That’s right. Because you no longer have the right to be there or have the rights as a tenant. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Cameron: And, but if I don’t go to my new place, I break the contract.

Kristen: Oh, no.

Cameron: So then, yeah. So if I go ahead and move, then I have to re-register my residency at that new place, which changes. I’m so stressed.

Kristen: Okay, do we, anyone out there, any realtors, you know 부동산 사장님, or anyone who knows real estate, please help Cameron. What can he do?

Cameron: Yeah. I’ve sent the letter. I’ve sent the message officially saying I need to be out. So I’m talking to some people trying to do it correctly. But I was not aware of this risk whenever I entered 전세. And I do not think I will enter another 전세.

Kristen: Yeah, I can understand. I can understand.

Cameron: As a foreigner, I cannot take this risk anymore, I feel. Okay. Anyway.

Kristen: I’m being very serious. I bet, Cameron, you’re not the only one.

Cameron: I’m sure, yeah. I’m sure there are a lot of people that have the same problem.

Kristen: Well, thank you for sharing.

Cameron: Aww.

See Eye to Eye with 의견이 일치하다, 제대로 가고 있다. I’m on the Right Path (0516 Adult ADHD, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)
Power Expressions
  • I’m on the right path (track) = I’m making progress: 잘 진행되고 있다. 진전이 있다.

  • See eye to eye with –의견이 일치하다. 잘 맞다. (politics, religion, education 등의 사안에 대해서)

  • Be in control: –를 통제하다. 관리하다.

  • Rambunctious: 시끄러운, 제멋대로인, 소란스러운 (주로 아이들이나 반려견 등에 사용)

Kristen: But we are talking about adult ADHD, I’m on the right path is our subtitle. Some expressions that we’re going to cover is in control of something.

Cameron: Yes. This means that you are in charge of, you’re managing something.

Kristen: How about if you see eye to eye?

Cameron: You agree with someone you understand them.

Kristen: Okay, and if you are on the right track.

Cameron: You are going in the right direction, and it looks like you’re on the path to success.

Kristen: Okay, got it. So let’s go ahead and listen to our dialogue.

Power Dialog

Serena: I heard you started doing freelance web design. Why not look for another job?

Jack: I think this will be better for my ADHD. I’m in control of environment and schedule.

Serena: That makes sense. Your last boss hated it when you left the office for an hour in the middle of the day.

Jack: Yeah, we didn’t see eye to eye when it came to my working style.

Serena: Well, if you’re completing your freelance work on time. You’ll be fine.

Jack: I do feel like I’m on the right track.

세레나: 프리랜서 웹 디자인을 시작했다고 들었어. 왜 다른 직장은 찾지 않는거야?

잭: 이게 내 ADHD에 더 좋을 것 같아. 환경과 스케줄을 관리할 수 있으니까.

세레나: 일리가 있네. 전 상사는 한낮에 한 시간씩 자리를 비우는 걸 싫어했잖아.

잭: 응, 내 업무 스타일에 관해서 의견이 맞지 않았어.

세레나: 음, 프리랜서 일을 제시간에 끝낸다면. 괜찮을 거야.

잭: 내가 제대로 가고 있는 것 같아.

Kristen: Okay, here we go. Serena says, I heard you started doing freelance web design. Why not look for another job? So, you know, doing some freelance work, and Jack says, I think this will be better for my ADHD. I’m in control of my environment and my schedule. Okay. So instead of doing a full-time job, maybe, Jack, freelance work is better.

Cameron: Really? I feel the opposite, honestly. Like sometimes I have not gone to the doctor, but I sometimes feel I have ADHD, problems concentrating. And it’s so much easier when someone just tells me what to do. When I have to make my own schedule,

Kristen: It’s even harder.

Cameron: It’s even harder.

Kristen: Okay, so Jack though feels he’s in control of his environment. So, if you’re in control

Cameron: Yes, this means you are responsible for or you are managing. So he is able to control his environment. He gets to change it. So, he can, you know, he can put a picture up or he could, you know, have a TV or he could go to a cafe instead of being in his house. Like he gets the choice of the location. Whereas if you are someone who goes to an office every day, you are not in control of your environment.

Kristen: Right.

Cameron: You have to go to the office every day at the same time in the same desk. You don’t even get to choose your desk. It’s like every, you know, you do not, someone tells you what your environment is. So you say you are not in control of your environment.

Kristen: Someone who is kind of the chief or the leader of a team and they’re in control of the project means that they’re kind of leading the project, you could also say. Okay, so to be in control. Sometimes you can, maybe you’re just not in control of your life.

Cameron: Yeah, you could be you know you’re just very passive and everything happens to you. it’s so busy and

Kristen: I know. Sometimes I feel that way. Yeah?

Cameron: Are we ever really in control?

Kristen: I don’t think so. How can you be? Life is just so unpredictable. Right? okay. All right. So what does Serena say?

Cameron: That makes sense. Your last boss hated it when you left the office for an hour in the middle of the day.

Kristen: So, Serena is saying, Jack left the office in the middle of the day. I don’t think that’s a good idea unless it’s your lunch break. How can you just leave the office for an hour, maybe 10 minutes?

Cameron: It’s true. Although I hear some people who are in sales that they always have to go to other places. They pretend like they’re going to a meeting.

Kristen: Jack says, yeah, we didn’t see eye to eye when it came to my working style. So maybe Jack was in sales. And, you know, he needed to go out for an hour. He didn’t see eye to eye with his boss. What is see eye to eye?

Cameron: To see eye to eye means to agree with or at least think similarly about something. So here, his boss is very strict, whereas Jack is expecting a more kind of casual, loose working environment. So because their opinions do not match, you say that they do not see eye to eye.

Kristen: Right. And oftentimes this is something, it can be something specific, as in working style.

Cameron: Yeah, we don’t see eye to eye on our working styles. Right.

Kristen: You can say about parenting, we don’t see eye to eye on parenting. And that could be a really big problem.

Cameron: Oh yeah. That’s true. You know, if parents,

Kristen: One parent feels this way, another parent feels the opposite, then you’ll be fighting a lot. We’ll give you more examples in just a bit. Here Serena says, well, if you’re completing your freelance work on time, you’ll be fine. So, Jack is saying, I don’t like the full-time job. Serena’s a little bit worried. And she says, if you’re completing your freelance work on time, you’ll be fine. Okay, first of all, freelance work, it’s, you know, Korean people say 프리랜서 (freelancer).

Cameron: Right, I think though where it might be a little tricky is often with the Korean you’ll hear it the person, 프리랜서, right? You’ll hear freelancer, but here you would not say freelancer work. You just say freelance work. So it’s I guess used as like an adjective here.

Kristen: Yeah. You can also use it as a verb. I freelance.

Cameron: I freelance, yes.

Kristen: So those are the ways that we can use this word freelance. So if you’re doing something, something, you’ll be fine. You’ll be fine is our power pattern. You’ll be okay? You’ll be fine? What does this mean?

Cameron: Yeah, so it does mean like you’ll be okay. I do think that you’ll be fine sounds a little more native. Not natural because both work. But I think that fine is used so often by native speakers. How are you doing? Fine.

Cameron: You’ll be fine. Yeah.

Kristen: You’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. You’ll be okay. It’ll be all right. It’ll be all right. It’s the same thing, but we do use that word ‘fine’ quite a bit.

Cameron: I use ‘fine’ all the time.

Kristen: It’ll be fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. Yeah, you do say that. It’s fine. It’s fine. Okay. I do feel like I’m on the right track. So Jack feels like he’s on the right track.

Cameron: Yes. This means that he thinks he is going in the right direction, the correct direction. He has not reached his goal. He has not become successful. Right. But he is on the road to success. Going in the correct way. Alright.

Serena: I heard you started doing freelance web design. Why not look for another job?

Jack: I think this will be better for my ADHD. I’m in control of environment and schedule.

Serena: That makes sense. Your last boss hated it when you left the office for an hour in the middle of the day.

Jack: Yeah, we didn’t see eye to eye when it came to my working style.

Serena: Well, if you’re completing your freelance work on time. You’ll be fine.

Jack: I do feel like I’m on the right track.

Power Note
1. In control of something: 을 관리 중인, 통제 중인

In charge of, managing something

Kristen: It’s time for Power Note. We’re on pages 88 and 89. So if you are in control of something or someone, it means to be in charge or to manage.


A: How do you stay in control of your classroom, Barbara?

B: Well, when the students get too rambunctious, I give them a pop quiz.

A: 교실을 어떻게 통제하시나요, 바바라?

B: 학생들이 너무 소란스러워지면 저는 쪽지 시험을 내곤 합니다.

Kristen: So what is this word, rambunctious?

Cameron: So rambunctious means that you’re what we would call maybe unruly. You cannot control them. They’re a little loud. They’re crazy and wild. And you most often use this with children. I would not say that an adult or a group of adults is rambunctious unless you’re kind of saying it as a joke. Oh, you know, my husband, he gets rambunctious if I don’t feed him at 6 p.m. Like that kind of in a joking way. I think this is used more for children or dogs.

Kristen: I guess, yeah. Like if you have like a dog play date or like you go to a dog park. Probably the dogs probably get a little rambunctious. It’s a fun word.

2) After the revolution, nobody knew who was in control of the government.

혁명 이후, 누가 정부를 관리하는지 아무도 알지 못했다.

Oh, that could be a problem.

Cameron: That’s not good. Yeah. Yeah. So in control is definitely, you know, you’re controlling the situation. And so like you said earlier, you can, it can be something like controlling your classroom or controlling the government. But it can also be in control of yourself. Or in control of your emotions.

Kristen: That’s a good one, in control of your emotions.

Cameron: So some people, I mean, I think everybody loses control of their emotions at some point. Sure. They’re extremely happy, extremely sad, extremely angry. But there are some people that have like a psychological problem and they cannot control. They get like hysterical. Like the hysteria. They’re just so happy and then they cry and then they’re angry. And it’s not a real emotion. It’s just that they’re not in control of their emotions.

Kristen: Yes, that’s right. Not because they don’t want to be, but it just is.

Cameron: It’s just like a mental problem that they’re born with.

Kristen: So, it says here, in control of someone, too. And so usually we would say, in this case, when we’re dealing with people, it’s usually like a group of people, a small group, a classroom, a department, maybe people who are part of a project to be in control of that.

Cameron: Right, you, and I think you need to be careful with this. For example, a parent you would not say is in control of their children.

Cameron: Except in a few cases. So let’s say, like, the child is running around being loud, and the mom or dad is like, stop. Yeah. And the child ignores them. You might say, the parent is not in control of the child. Or if the parent is super strict. and decides everything about their life, you might say, that parent is in complete control of that child.

Kristen: Which is a very negative…

Cameron: Yeah, it’s a very negative way of expressing that, yeah.


2. see eye to eye with -: -와 의견이 일치하다.

= agree with —

Kristen: Very good. Now, I think one of the things, reasons why we get along, Cameron and Kristen, is that we often see eye to eye about a lot of things. It means to agree with someone and also kind of like to see, have the same point of view.


A: Why did Savannah break up with you?

B: Because we didn’t see eye to eye on anything.

A: 사바나는 왜 너랑 헤어졌어?

B: 우린 어떤 거에서든 의견이 맞지 않았거든

Our opinions were different on everything.

2) My mother and I don’t see eye to eye when it comes to fashion.

패션에 관해서는 엄마랑 나는 의견이 달랐다.

Kristen: So as you can see in this example, like my mom and I don’t see eye to eye on anything. Basically means, oh, we just don’t get along at all. I don’t get along with my mom at all. But maybe certain areas, just when it comes to fashion or when it comes to interior style.

Cameron: Yeah, this is most it’s not when you just disagree about anything, so we didn’t see eye to eye on what to eat for dinner. I wanted Korean and they wanted Mexican. It doesn’t work in that case.

Kristen: Not agree like that, no.

Cameron: That’s more of like, we don’t agree eye to eye when it comes to politics or religion.

Kristen: Religion. Education

Cameron: Or what school I should go to. Education. Those kinds of things where there’s an opinion that people take very seriously. Even with sports, maybe. We don’t see eye to eye when it comes to who is the best team in the league. That might work.

Kristen: So it’s like a very clear opinion of something about usually a bigger subject. Not about eating. Well, I guess it could be about eating, but if you’ve got to make it bigger, meaning like we don’t see eye to eye when it comes to like street food.

Cameron: Yeah. Or which country has the best cuisine?

3. On the right path (track) : 잘 가고 있는, 올바른 방향으로 가는, 진전 중인

Acting in a way that is likely to be successful, making progress

Kristen: That’s it. Okay. If you are on the right track, it means that you are going in a direction where it’s going to be successful.


A: Janet, you look amazing. That diet you’re on is working.

B: Yeah, and it’s easy to follow. I’m definitely on the right track.

A: 재닛, 멋지다. 다이어트가 효과가 있네.

B: 응. 따라하기도 쉬어. 확실히 성공하고 있는 것 같아.

Kristen: Okay, so a certain type of diet can have you on the right track.

2) The lost hiker knew he was on the right track when he heard the sound of cars.

길 잃은 등산객은 자동차 소리를 듣고서는 옳은 길로 가고 있다는 것을 알았다.

Cameron: Yeah. Going in the right direction, literally.

Kristen: Or maybe you’re working on some plan and you haven’t finished it. But you’re on the right track means, oh, good, we’re doing well.

Cameron: Yeah, they’re good signs. Good signs.


4. You’ll be fine: 다 잘될 거야.

Everything’s gonna be okay

Kristen: I think we can finish this on time. Okay. You’ll be fine, which is at the end. Yes. Okay. Meaning…

Cameron: Don’t worry. Don’t worry. You’ll be okay.

Kristen: You’ll be fine

1) If you do what the doctor told you to do, you’ll be fine.

의사가 시키는 대로 하면, 잘 될거야.

2) If you leave two hours early, you’ll be fine.

두시간 일찍 출발하면 다 잘 될거야

Kristen: So I do feel like there is that, like, don’t worry.

Cameron: Don’t worry.

Kristen: Element to it.

Cameron: Right, and it means kind of like you’ll be completely fine. Whereas if you just say you’ll be okay, it means it might be a little bad, but it won’t be that bad. So that’s maybe the nuance different. That’s good. So fine was just like completely okay.

Kristen: Fine. Okay, Don’t worry at all.

Cameron: Don’t worry at all


5. Freelance: 프리랜서로 일하는, 일하다.

The word freelance refers to when a person sells their skills to multiple clients. The “freelancer” can decide how much and when they work and for whom they work.

Freelance 라는 단어는 한 사람이 여러 고객에게 자신의 기술을 판매하는 경우를 말합니다. “프리랜서”는 언제, 얼마나 일할지, 누구를 위해 일할지 결정할 수 있습니다.

Writing Practice

1. 그녀는 처음에는 긴장했지만, 지금은 운전할 때 감정을 잘 다스린다

She was nervous at first, but now she’s in control of her emotions when driving

2. 밥은 톰과 의견이 일치하지 않아서 톰이 가진 회사 지분 절반을 인수했다.

As Bob did not see eye to eye with Tom, he acquired Tom’s half of the company

3. 비너스는 3연승을 거두며 마침내 올바른 궤도에 올랐다.

Venus won three matches in a row and was finally on the right track.


심경이 복잡하다 영어로 – My Mind Is Racing (0509 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트) (

전 국민의 평생학교 EBS | 오디오어학당

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