On One’s Hands 사용가능한 Become More Comfortable 익숙해지다 Require More Thought 많은 생각을 필요로 하다. (1007 입트영 스크립트)

On One’s Hands 사용가능한 Become More Comfortable 익숙해지다 Require More Thought 많은 생각을 필요로 하다.


시간이 빨리 지나간다. 시간이 언제 지나갔는지 모르겠다:

I don’t know where the time goes = I lose track of time

나 학교 때부터 수학을 정말 많이 좋아했었다.

I have had a thing for math ever since my school day


Today’s Sentences: 수학 사랑

Loving math

I loved math during my school days.

I always had a math workbook on hand and I felt so satisfied as I solved each problem and got the answers right.

Even at work, I was able to showcase my skills whenever I had to solve problems like I did with math.

I had more free time on my hands after I retired and I reignited my love for math.

I started with the 7th-grade math textbook.

At first, I kept making mistakes with even simple addition and subtraction.

My mental arithmetic was so rusty that I felt like I’d become a fool.

Gradually I became more comfortable with calculations.

I felt an immense sense of accomplishment when I was able to solve problems that required more thought without looking at the answers.

Now I’m working through a 9th-grade math textbook.

I don’t know where the time goes when I’m solving problems.


Writing Practice
  1. 나는 학창 시절에 수학을 무척이나 좋아했다.

I loved math during my school days.

  1. 그래서 늘 수학 문제집이 내 가까이에 있었고요. 문제들을 하나씩 풀어가며 답을 맞춰 나갈 때마다 기분이 꽤나 좋았다.

I always had a math workbook on hand and I felt so satisfied as I solved each problem and got the answers right.

  • 문제집, 참고서: workbook
  • 늘 가지고 있는, 가까이 있는: on hand
  • 희열을 느끼다: feel satisfied
  • 정답을 맞추다: get the answers right


  1. 회사 생활을 하면서도요 수학과 같이 해답을 찾아나가는 업무를 맡게 되면 유감없이 나의 실력 발휘를 할 수 있었다.

Even at work I was able to showcase my skills whenever I had to solve problems like I did with math.

  • 실력 발휘하다, 유감없이 보여주다: showcase one’s skills, showcase my skills
  • 근무상, 회사생활에서: at work


  1. 퇴직 후에는 여유 시간이 많아지면서 나의 수학 사랑이 다시 시작되었다.

I had more free time on my hands after I retired and I reignited my love for math.

  • 수중에, 바로 사용할 수 있는: on one’s hands (on hand 가까이 있는)
  • 점화하다: ignite – 재점화하다. 다시 불붙이다: reignite


  1. 중학교 1학년 수학 책부터 시작을 했다.

I started with a 7th-grade math textbook.


  1. 처음에는 간단한 더하기 빼기도 계속 틀리고, 머리로 하는 암산이 잘 안 돼서 바보가 된 기분이었다.

At first, I kept making mistakes with even simple addition and subtraction.

My mental arithmetic was so rusty that I felt like I’d become a fool.

  • 더하기와 빼기: addition and subtraction
  • 계산, 암산: (mental) arithmetic
  • 녹슨: rusty
  • 바보가 된 기분이었다: I felt like I’d become a fool.


  1. 계산이 익숙해지고 생각을 필요로 하는 문제들을 해답지를 보지 않고 해결했을 때 엄청난 성취감을 느꼈다.

Gradually I became more comfortable with calculations. I felt an immense sense of accomplishment when I was able to solve problems that required more thought without looking at the answers.

  • -계산에 익숙해지다: become more comfortable with calculations
  • 엄청난 성취감: an immense sense of accomplishment


  1. 지금은 중학교 3학년 수학책을 풀고 있다.

Now I’m working through a 9th-grade math textbook.

  • –을 해내다: work through –


  1. 문제를 풀다 보면 시간이 언제 지나갔는지 모를 정도이다.

I don’t know where the time goes when I’m solving problems.

  • 시간이 빨리 지나간다. 시간이 언제 지나갔는지 모르겠다: I don’t know where the time goes = I lose track of time


Loving math

I loved math during my school days.

I always had a math workbook on hand and I felt so satisfied as I solved each problem and got the answers right.

Even at work, I was able to showcase my skills whenever I had to solve problems like I did with math.

I had more free time on my hands after I retired and I reignited my love for math.

I started with the 7th-grade math textbook.

At first, I kept making mistakes with even simple addition and subtraction.

My mental arithmetic was so rusty that I felt like I’d become a fool.

Gradually I became more comfortable with calculations.

I felt an immense sense of accomplishment when I was able to solve problems that required more thought without looking at the answers.

Now I’m working through a 9th-grade math textbook.

I don’t know where the time goes when I’m solving problems.


Pattern practice
1. 사용가능한: on my hands

1) 은퇴 후에는 여유시간이 더 많아졌다.

I had more free time on my hands after I retired

2) 나는 여유 시간이 좀 생길 때마다 운동을 하려고 노력한다.

I try to exercise whenever I have some free time on my hands.


2. 익숙해지다: become more comfortable

1) 점점 계산에 익숙해졌다.

Gradually I became more comfortable with calculations.

2) 한동안 사용했더니 그것이 좀 더 익숙해졌다.

I became more comfortable with it after using it for a while


3. 많은 생각을 필요로 하다. Require more thought

1) 답을 보지 않고 생각을 요하는 문제를 풀 수 있게 되었다.

I was able to solve problems that required more thought without looking at the answers.

2) 이렇게 복잡한 문제는 많은 생각이 필요하겠다.

A problem this complicated will require more thought.


Dialogue practice

A: Is that a math workbook?

B: Yes, I started studying math again after I retired just for fun

A: Oh really?

B: Yes I have had a thing for math ever since my school days.

A: I see, math was my worst subject.

B: That’s understandable. Seeing all the problems I can solve in a math book fills me with joy.

A: 그거 수학 문제집인가요?

B: 네, 저는 은퇴 후 다시 수학을 공부하기 시작했어요. 재미로요.

A: 정말요?

B: 네, 학창시절부터 수학을 좋아했어요.

A: 그렇군요, 수학은 제가 가장 싫어하는 과목이었는데.

B: 그럴 만도 하죠. 제가 수학 책에서 풀 수 있는 문제들을 보면 진짜 기뻐요.


  • 재미삼아: just for fun
  • 많이 좋아하다, 푹 빠지다: have a thing for –


Leftover Time 자유시간 Take Up A Lot Of Time 시간이 많이 들다 Come In Handy 유용하다.

전 국민의 평생학교 EBS | 오디오어학당

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