1115 A23a 빙산의 이동 – The Giant Icebergs’ Journey after Decades of Stagnation (BBC)


A23a 빙산의 이동 – The Giant Icebergs’ Journey after Decades of Stagnation (BBC)


The world’s largest iceberg A23A has begun to move after over three decades of being lodged in the ocean floor.

Originally breaking away from the Antarctic coastline in 1986 A23a became grounded in the Weddel sea effectively becoming an ice island

Covering an area of nearly 4,000 square kilometers, A23A is over twice the size of London.

In the past year it has started drifting rapidly and is now leaving Antarctic waters marking a significant shift in its long standing position.

A 23a stands out not just for its area but also for its impressive thickness of around 400 meters.

This colossal ice block was a part of a significant calving event from Antarctica’s Filchner ice shelf.

Despite being grounded near the coast for years, A23a started to show movement in 2020. The iceberg’s mobility is attributed to natural size reduction over time.

As they melt, they release nutrient rich mineral dust essential for ocean food chains, underscoring the ecological significance of these seemingly perilous giants.


The world’s largest iceberg A23A

has begun to move after over three decades of being lodged in the ocean floor.

세계에서 가장 큰 빙산인 A23A가 30년 넘게 해저에 갇혀 있다가 움직이기 시작했습니다.

  • Iceberg: 빙산
  • Tip of the iceberg: 빙산의 일각
  • Be lodged in: 에 멈춰 있다. 에 박혀 있다. 머물러 있다. = be firmly fixed somewhere.

Originally breaking away from the Antarctic coastline in 1986 A23a became grounded in the Weddel sea effectively becoming an ice island

1986년 남극 해안선에서 이탈한 A23a는 웨델해에 좌초되어 사실상 얼음 섬이 되었습니다.

  • Break away from: 에서 떨어져 나오다.
  • Antarctic coastline: 남극 해안선
  • Be grounded in = be lodged in: 에 묶여 있다. 배가 좌초되다 (a ship gets stuck close to the coastline), 비행기가 (기상 악화 등으로) 이착륙이 중단되다: Planes were grounded. 외출 금지령이 떨어지다. (I’m grounded)
  • Effectively: 사실상.

Covering an area of nearly 4,000 square kilometers, A23A is over twice the size of London.

약 4,000평방킬로미터의 면적을 차지하는 A23A는 런던의 2배가 넘는 크기입니다.

  • Cover an area of: 의 면적을 차지하다.
  • It’s over twice the size of London: 런던이라고 하는 도시의 2 배 크기 이상이다.

1115 A23a 빙산의 이동 - The Giant Icebergs' Journey after Decades of Stagnation (BBC)

In the past year it has started drifting

rapidly and is now leaving Antarctic waters, marking a significant shift in its long-standing position.

작년부터 빠르게 표류하기 시작하여 현재 남극 해역을 떠나고 있으며, 이는 오랜 기간 남극에 머물렀던 위치가 크게 바뀌었음을 의미합니다.

  • Drift away: 물 흐르는 대로 정처없이 떠돌다 = slowly and aimlessly just being taken by the current of air or water.
  • Waters: 복수를 쓸 경우에는 바다나 해역을 의미.
  • Antarctic waters: 남극 해역
  • Make a significant shift: 크게 변화하다.
  • Long-standing position: 오랜 기간 지속된 위치.

A 23a stands out not just for its area but also for its impressive thickness of around 400 meters.

23a는 면적뿐만 아니라 약 400미터에 달하는 인상적인 두께로도 특이한 빙하입니다.

  • Stand out: 두드러지다. 특출나다. 눈에 띄다 = be very noticeable.

This colossal ice block

was a part of a significant calving event from Antarctica’s Filchner ice shelf.

이 거대한 얼음 덩어리는 남극의 필히너 빙붕에서 발생한 중요한 분리 사건의 일부로 생성된 것입니다.

  • Colossal: 거대한 몸집의 = giant
  • Calving event: 분리 사건
  • Calve: (송아지)를 낳다. 분리시키다.


Despite being grounded near the coast for years,

A23a started to show movement in 2020. The iceberg’s mobility is attributed to natural size reduction over time.

수년 동안 해안 근처에 박혀 있었음에도 불구하고 A23a는 2020년에 움직임을 보이기 시작했습니다. 빙산의 이동은 시간이 지남에 따라 자연적으로 크기가 줄어들기 때문입니다.

  • Show movement: 움직임을 보이다. 움직임의 기미를 보이다.
  • Be attributed to –: — 때문이다. 원인은 –이다.
  • Natural size reduction: 자연스러운 규모의 축소

As they melt, they release nutrient rich mineral dust essential for ocean food chains, underscoring the ecological significance of these seemingly perilous giants.

빙하가 녹으면서 바다 먹이사슬에 필수적인 영양분이 풍부한 광물성 먼지를 방출하여, 겉보기에는 위험해 보이는 이 거인의 생태학적 중요성을 시사합니다.

  • Release: 방출하다.
  • Nutrient-rich: 영양분이 풍부한
  • Mineral dust: 광물성 먼지
  • Essential for: –에 필수적인
  • Ocean food chains: 해양의 먹이 사슬
  • Underscore: 강조하다.
  • Ecological significance: 생태학적 중요성
  • Perilous: 굉장히 위험한 = very dangerous full of risk

The world’s largest iceberg A23A has begun to move after over three decades of being lodged in the ocean floor.

Originally breaking away from the Antarctic coastline in 1986 A23a became grounded in the Weddel sea effectively becoming an ice island

Covering an area of nearly 4,000 square kilometers, A23A is over twice the size of London.

In the past year it has started drifting rapidly and is now leaving Antarctic waters marking a significant shift in its long standing position.

A 23a stands out not just for its area but also for its impressive thickness of around 400 meters.

This colossal ice block was a part of a significant calving event from Antarctica’s Filchner ice shelf.

Despite being grounded near the coast for years, A23a started to show movement in 2020. The iceberg’s mobility is attributed to natural size reduction over time.

As they melt, they release nutrient rich mineral dust essential for ocean food chains, underscoring the ecological significance of these seemingly perilous giants.


날씨 영어: 기온 급강하로 한파 예상 – Cold Snap Expected As Temperatures Set To Drop (enko.co.kr)


전 국민의 평생학교 EBS | 오디오어학당


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