0220 국제 정세 불안 속 금값 상승 – Rising Gold Prices amid Global Turmoil

국제 정세 불안 속에 금값 상승 – Rising Gold Prices amid Global Turmoil

Part 1

Rising Gold Prices amid Global Turmoil

Gold prices have soared to a record high surpassing 2,100 dollars per ounce driven by the demand for safe haven assets amidst global unrest.

The Israel-Hamas conflict has particularly boosted this demand.

Analysts predict that gold prices will maintain above 2,000 dollars in the coming year.

Spot gold reached 2,100 dollars an ounce in New York before dropping somewhat.


1. Goal prices have soared to a record high surpassing 2,100 dollars per ounce driven by the demand for safe haven assets amid global unrest.
세계정세 불안에 따른 안전자산 수요로 인해 금값이 온스당 2,100달러를 넘어 사상 최고치로 치솟았다.

  • Turmoil: 혼란, 불확실성, 격변
  • Soar: 치솟다.
  • Record high: 역대 최고치
  • Surpass: 을 능가하다.
  • Safe-haven assets: 불확실한 상황에서도 가치가 떨어지지 않는 안정적인 투자 대상
  • Gold (금), Treasury bills (T-bills, 미국 장기 국채), Defensive Stocks (방어적 주식)
  • Haven: 안식처, 피난처: Tax haven: 조세 피난처.
  • Unrest: 불안, 환란 = turmoil, disturbances, political upheaval

2. The Israeli-Hamas conflict has particularly boosted this demand.
특히 이스라엘-하마스간 무력충돌이 금에 대한 수요를 증폭시켰다.

  • Israeli-Hamas conflict: 이스라엘-하마스간 분쟁, 무력 충돌
  • Boost this demand: 수요를 증폭시키다.

3. Analysts predict that gold prices will maintain above 2,000 dollars in the coming year.
전문가들은 내년에도 금값이 2,000달러 이상을 유지할 것으로 예측한다.

  • Remain above 2,000 dollars: 2천달러 위에서 유지되다.

4. Spot gold reached 2,100 dollars an ounce in New York before dropping somewhat.
현물 금 시세는 뉴욕에서 온스당 2,100달러까지 치솟았다가 다소 하락했다.

  • Spot gold: 현물 금


Part 2

Gold futures hit a high of 2,152 dollars before settling.

Several factors contribute to the bullish outlook for gold.

The potential weakening of the U.S. dollar and anticipated interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve are expected to fuel the demand for gold.

Lower interest rates typically weaken the dollar, making gold more affordable for international buyers.


1. Gold futures hit a high of 2,152 dollars before settling.
금 선물 시세는 최고치인 2,152달러를 기록한 후 안정세를 되찾았다.

  • Gold futures: 금 선물.
  • Settle: 안정화되다.  = come to a stable price

2. Several factors contribute to the bullish outlook for gold.
금의 강세를 전망하는 데에는 여러 요인이 있다.

  • Contribute to – -: –에 기여하다.
  • Bullish outlook: 낙관적인 전망 = positive outlook.

3. The potential weakening of the U.S. dollar and anticipated interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve are expected to fuel the demand for gold.
미국 달러의 약세 가능성과 연방준비제도의 금리 인하 전망으로 금 수요가 촉진될 것으로 예측된다.

  • Potential: 잠재적인
  • Weakening: 약세
  • Anticipated: 예상되는
  • Interest rate cuts: 금리 인하
  • Federal Reserve: 미 연방준비제도
  • Fuel: 에 연료를 주다. 촉진하다 = give energy to —
  • Demand for gold: 금 수요

4. Lower interest rates typically weaken the dollar making gold more affordable for international buyers.
일반적으로 금리가 인하되면 달러가 약세를 보이므로, 해외 구매자는 금을 더 저렴하게 구매할 수 있다.

  • Affordable: 합리적인, 저렴한


Part 3

Central bank purchases also play a significant role in sustaining high prices.

A World Gold Council survey revealed that 24 percent of central banks intend to increase their gold reserves.

This trend, along with geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties, positions gold as a reliable investment in volatile times.


1. Central bank purchases also play a significant role in sustaining high prices.
중앙은행의 매입분도 높은 가격대를 유지하는 데 중요한 역할을 한다.

  • Play a significant role: 중요한 역할을 하다.
  • Sustain: 유지하다.

2. A World Gold Council survey revealed that 24 percent of central banks intend to increase their gold reserves.
세계 금협회 설문 조사에 따르면 중앙은행의 24%가 금 보유량을 늘릴 계획인 것으로 나타났다.

  • Reveal: 밝히다.
  • Gold reserves: 금 보유고 / Foreign reserves: 외환 보유고

3. This trend, along with geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties, positions gold as a reliable investment in volatile times
지정학적 긴장 및 경제 불확실성과 더불어 이러한 추세는, 변동성이 큰 시기에 금을 신뢰할 수 있는 투자수단으로 자리매김하고 있다.

  • Geopolitical tensions: 지정학적 긴장
  • Economic uncertainties: 경제적 불확실성
  • Position A as B: A를 B로 자리매김하다.
  • Reliable investment: 신뢰할 수 있는 투자 (수단)
  • Volatile times: 휘발성이 있는, 가변성 있는, 불안한.


Today’s News – Rising gold prices amid global turmoil

Gold prices have soared to a record high surpassing 2,100 dollars per ounce driven by the demand for safe-haven assets.

Amidst global unrest, the Israel-Hamas conflict has particularly boosted this demand.

Analysts predict that gold prices will maintain above 2,000 dollars in the coming year.

Spot gold reached 2,100 dollars an ounce in New York before dropping somewhat.

Gold futures hit a high of 2,152 dollars before settling.

Several factors contribute to the bullish outlook for gold.

The potential weakening of the U.S. dollar and anticipated interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve are expected to fuel the demand for gold.

Lower interest rates typically weaken the dollar, making gold more affordable for international buyers.

Central bank purchases also play a significant role in sustaining high prices.

A World Gold Council survey revealed that 24 percent of central banks intend to increase their gold reserves.

This trend, along with geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties, positions gold as a reliable investment in volatile times.


0216 Doom Spending 뜻 – 흥청망청, 과소비 영어로 (enko.co.kr)

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