Go through with something – 계획 등을 실행하다. (0425 동안 시술: 콜라겐 이용하기 Getting a “Touch-up”: It Harnesses the Power of Collagen, 파워 잉글리시 스크립트)

Go through with something – 계획 등을 실행하다.

(0425 동안 시술: 콜라겐 이용하기 Getting a “Touch-up”: It Harnesses the Power of Collagen)


Power Warm-up

Dr. Kendrick has one more treatment he can give Myra to prepare her for her big event. He says her skin will be red for a few days but will look younger when the swelling goes down.

켄드릭 의사는 큰 행사를 앞둔 마이라에게 해 줄 수 있는 치료법을 하나 더 가지고 있습니다. 그녀의 피부는 며칠 동안 붉겠지만, 붓기가 가라 앉으면 더 젊어 보일 것이라 말합니다.



Kristen: Thank you for joining us. Around this time, I make an announcement about the Power English book giveaway. And I have an overwhelming response of DMs from my Instagram account, which is @thekristencho. And I’m kind of in over my head. I’m a little bit overwhelmed. There are so many.

Cameron: Really?

Kristen: And I feel like I want to post this month, but then I can’t because the books are already gone.

Cameron: The book’s already gone.

Kristen: So if you still want a book, you will have to wait for not next month, but the month after that.

Cameron: Well, that’s great that we’ve got such a good response. It’s a good problem to have.

Kristen: It is a good problem to have.

Cameron: So thank you very much for contacting. Kristen will try and get those books to you whenever she can.

Kristen: Please, I ask for your patience. Okay, and of course, if you want to check out Cameron’s Instagram account, it’s @cameron.word.


Power Expressions
  • In over my head: 내 능력 밖인, 감당이 안되는
  • Harness: 이용하다.
  • Something is in demand: 인기가 있는, 모두가 원하는

= It’s very popular, Everyone wants it. 

  • Go through with something: 약속이나 계획을 실행하다. 실제로 하다.

= proceed with –

  • Go through something: 겪다: you’re suffering as you go through something. 
  • Swell up: 부어오르다.
  • Puffiness:  붓기 
  • Puffy, plump: 밤에 많이 먹어서 눈이나 얼굴이 부은
  • Swelling: 부종.
  • Swollen: 다치거나 시술 등으로 퉁퉁 부은

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and your eyes are puffy

My mom feels puffy when she eats a lot of salt.

  • Pull a sled (sleigh) behind 썰매를 뒤로 당기다


All right, we’re getting a touch-up. It harnesses the power of collagen. So, we’ve been talking about not plastic surgery, but plastic treatments, procedures. Cosmetic procedures.

Kristen: Okay. What is “This harnesses the power of collagen? What does this mean?

Cameron: Yes, so I think many Koreans will know the word harness, if you have like a dog. You know when you walk your dog, you put a harness on them, right? But don’t think of it about like walking a dog. Think of like dog sleds. And how they are, you’re using that dog’s power to move forward. So in the same way, harness the power of collagen means to use the power of collagen.

Kristen: Got it. All right. Very fancy way of saying use. OK. Our power expressions today is two others. If something is in demand.

Cameron: It’s very popular. Everyone wants it.

Kristen: Yes. Okay. How about go through with something? So, we have the expression go through something. But what is go through with something?

Cameron: The meaning is quite different here. To go through with something means that you are doing something that you promised or planned to do. You are not canceling something.

Kristen: So you are fulfilling your promise.

Cameron: Fulfilling, Continuing on with.

Kristen: Got it. All right. Let’s go ahead and listen to our dialogue.


Power Dialog

Dr. Kendrick: Since there isn’t much time for you to heal before your class reunion, I don’t have many options.

Myra: Well, what can you do to make my skin look younger?

Dr. Kendrick: I think the treatment that is most in demand is microneedling.

Myra: I’ve heard of that. Doesn’t it harness the power of collagen to make the skin look younger?

Dr. Kendrick: Yes, but your face will be a bit red and swollen for a few days.

Myra: I’m willing to go through with it, Dr. Kendrick. I trust your judgment.

켄드릭 박사: 동창회 전까지 치료할 시간이 많지 않아서 선택의 여지가 별로 없네요.

마이라: 피부를 젊어 보이게 하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

켄드릭 박사: 가장 수요가 많은 치료법은 마이크로니들링이라고 생각합니다.

마이라: 들어본 적이 있어요. 콜라겐의 힘을 이용해 피부를 젊어 보이게 하지 않나요?

켄드릭 박사: , 하지만 며칠 동안 얼굴이 약간 붉어지고 부어오를 거예요.

마이라: 기꺼이 시술할게요, 켄드릭 박사님. 박사님의 판단을 믿어요.


Kristen: Here we go. Dr. Kendrick says, since there isn’t much time for you to heal before your class reunion, I don’t have many options. So what Dr. Kendrick is saying is that I can only do a certain number of things because we don’t have time.

Cameron: Right. Yeah, some of these cosmetic procedures, your face kind of swells up. It gets red. Maybe there’s bruising. Right. Like…

Kristen: Puffiness.

Cameron: The class reunion is, I believe, what is it, like a week from now? So it’s not like she can go get a facelift. It’s that surgery that is going to take quite a bit of time to heal.

Kristen: Yeah. So he’s saying, okay, I only have just a few options, few choices. And Myra says, well, what can you do to make my skin look younger? Our power pattern today is what can you do and then blah, blah, blah. Why is this a pattern and what does it mean?

Cameron: So what can you do is a way of asking all of the different possibilities. So here she’s talking about what are the different possibilities to make her skin look younger. So this you here can be talking about the person. What can you do for me? Which is what she’s asking here. But the ‘you’ isn’t necessarily 당신, 너. It can be a general you to mean what can someone do? Or even what can I do?

Kristen: Wow, that’s a very, very important point, Cameron, that you bring out. that’s right. What can you do?

Cameron: It’s just a general question about what can a person do to solve whatever problem or whatever needs to be done.

Kristen: So here’s a situation where you can hear something like this. Maybe, for example, like, oh, you booked a hotel, you booked a room and it’s no longer available. You’re very upset.

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: Why I did this. I paid for it. How come? And then the hotel could say, what can we do to make you happy? Yeah. Or what can we do to make you satisfied? It’s a general sort of statement.

Cameron: It is very general. And you did change it to ‘We’ there. Because you’re asking, what actions can I do?

Kristen: That’s right. Okay. All right. So what does Dr. Kendrick say?

Cameron: I think the treatment that is most in demand is microneedling.

Kristen: So in demand, if something is in demand, so these sort of procedures, these little procedures, there’s a trend too, right? So there’s this microneedling, that’s very popular, which we’ll take another segment to describe. But anyway, if you want to find out, you can check it out in demand.

Cameron: In demand means very popular. Everyone wants it. So this demand here is related to the words demand and supply. So the demand is how much people want something, and the supply is how much is available.

Cameron: So in demand means that it is more popular than maybe can be supplied.

Kristen: Okay. Myra says, Yeah. Yeah.

Cameron: Yes. So like we talked about in the intro, harness the power of means to use or utilize the power of.

Kristen: Yeah.

Cameron: So just like if you are in Alaska, dog sledding, and you put a harness on that dog so that whenever they run, it pulls the sled behind, right? You’re harnessing the power of those probably husky dogs. In the same way, if you say harness the power of collagen, you’re using collagen for some effect. And this doesn’t necessarily have to be with dogs or, in this case, collagen. You could say things like harness the power of the sun, where you’re using solar power to run your house.

Kristen: And Dr. Kendrick says…

Cameron: Yes, but your face will be a bit red and swollen for a few days.

Kristen: So I use the word puffiness or puffy which is similar to the word swollen which is swell. What does that mean?

Cameron: So to swell, S-W-E-L-L, is the verb. Swollen is the adjective. And that means that it’s rather plump and..붓기 부엇다 Yeah, that’s it. So it’s usually very bigger and redder. You often get this whenever you’ve injured yourself, injured your body.

Kristen: That’s right

Cameron: So that would be kind of the difference between swollen and puffy.

Kristen: Puffy.

Cameron: Sometimes you wake up in the morning and your eyes are puffy.

Kristen: Oh, me.

Cameron: Right? Yeah. Or like my mom feels when she eats a lot of salt.

Kristen: Yeah.

Cameron: Her face gets puffy.

Kristen: Yes.

Cameron: Yeah. So that would be puffy. It’s just like slightly bigger, plumper. Swollen feels like it’s red, maybe you’ve injured something. Because this procedure, you’re putting needles into your face. Yes. And your face is very angry about that.

Kristen: Yes.

Cameron: So there is some swelling. You become swollen.

Kristen: All right. Myra says, I’m willing to go through with it, Dr. Kendrick. I trust your judgment. So she is going to go through with it. So I’m going to go through with something means that you are going to actually do this procedure.

Cameron: Yeah, you’re going to proceed with it. To go through with means to do something you had planned or promised to do. And it’s different from go through it. To go through it means to do something, but it’s like you’re suffering as you go through something. 

Kristen: Aha.

Cameron: Right? As you do the thing you’re suffering, a completely different meaning than go through with means to do something like you said you would, like you promised or planned to do. That’s right.

Kristen: All right. All right. So she’s going to do it. Let’s go ahead and listen to that dialogue one more time.


Power Dialog

Dr. Kendrick: Since there isn’t much time for you to heal before your class reunion, I don’t have many options.

Myra: Well, what can you do to make my skin look younger?

Dr. Kendrick: I think the treatment that is most in demand is microneedling.

Myra: I’ve heard of that. Doesn’t it harness the power of collagen to make the skin look younger?

Dr. Kendrick: Yes, but your face will be a bit red and swollen for a few days.

Myra: I’m willing to go through with it, Dr. Kendrick. I trust your judgment.


Power Note
  1. in demand: 수요가 많은

Highly popular and desired. Everybody wants it.

Kristen: Okay, it’s time for Power Note. We’re on page 136 to 137. If something is in demand, it is highly popular. Everybody wants it. They are demanding it.

A: Hey, Mike, we ran out of the new energy drink. Should I order more?
B: Yeah, order twice as much since it’s in demand right now.

A: 마이크, 새로 나온 에너지 드링크가 떨어졌네, 주문할까?
, 수요가 많으니 배로 주문해 .

Kristen: So it’s in demand, so meaning this new energy drink is really popular.

Cameron: Yeah, so popular it is not always in stock.

Kristen: Yeah, because, you know, the word demand often goes with supply and demand in economy. And or economics, I should say. So really, it’s kind of like there’s a certain supply element to this word.

Cameron: Yeah, there’s more demand than supply.

2) After they won the championship, the team’s branded merchandise was in demand.

그들이 우승을 차지한 , 팀의 브랜드 상품은 인기가 많아졌다.

Cameron: Yeah, that’s true. Like, a team wins, and then everybody wants to buy the jerseys or the uniforms.

Kristen: Right, right. Are you a big fan of things like that? Like you love a team and you want to buy their t-shirts or you know what I mean? Like merch as we call them.

Cameron: Yeah, merch.

Kristen: Merchandising.

Cameron: I was gonna say MD, right?

Kristen: MD

Cameron: MD is what they call it, but we usually call it merch or merchandise. But I know there isn’t really anything that I want to collect like that or like a team that I support.

Kristen: Yeah, because you really don’t support a team that…

Cameron: I’m not a supportive person.

Kristen: Me? I understand. You know, I don’t fan over things.

Cameron: Yeah, I mean, like, I… So, for example, I love watching the Olympics.

Kristen: Me too.

Cameron: Even though I’m American living in Korea. It’s not like I’m rooting for America or rooting for Korea. I just like watching the sports.

Kristen: Right.

Cameron: So, I don’t know, I just don’t feel that kind of loyalty to a certain team.

Kristen: Oh my gosh. Okay.


  1. harness the power of something: 힘을 이용하다

Use the strength of something to do something else

So harness the power of something means to use the strength of, it’s like gathering all the strength into this one thing and using that strength.


A: How do solar panels work?
B: They harness the power of the sun to create heat, which is converted into electricity.
A: 태양 전지판은 어떻게 작동해?
B: 태양의 힘을 이용해 열을 발생시키고, 열이 전기로 변환되는 거야.

2) Before tractors, people harness the power of horses and oxen to plow fields.
사람들은 트랙터 이전에는 말과 황소의 힘을 이용해 밭을 갈았다.

Cameron: Right. Yeah. So this is a phrase that is used often, but I feel that the types of things, the types of power that you’re harnessing are somewhat limited. So you can say harness the power of the sun, harness the power of horses or wind. Or chemicals, so you could harness the power of gasoline. Harness the power of, we said collagen or calcium earlier.

But I don’t think you can really harness the power of a person. Even though a person has strength, it might be a little difficult. You might be able to say, harness the power of knowledge.

Kristen: All of these examples are somewhat more factual, like it’s more scientific. It’s more, it’s not something like, oh, harness the power. Well, I mean, I guess you can harness the power of friendship. Can you? I’ve heard that.

Cameron: I’ve heard that before.

Kristen: Have you? Yeah.

Cameron: Like in a child and a children’s show. Yeah. Where they’re like, That’s right.

Kristen: Harness the power of friendship to defeat the bad guy. And you would hear this term, I would say, like, in one of those comic movies, like, based movies, like, harness the power of, you know, the earth or, you know, the underground energy, that sort of thing, right?

Cameron: It does feel quite scientific or something.

Kristen: It does.

Cameron: I guess superhero in effect.


  1. Go through with something: 계획이나 약속을 실천하다. 실행하다. 진행하다.

Proceed with. Execute, you’re going to do something that was planned or promised.


Kristen: All right. I like this expression, go through it all the time.

Cameron: With.

Kristen: I mean, this is means that you’re going to do something that was planned or promised.

Cameron: Yeah, you’re going to execute.

Kristen: That’s right. You’re going to do it.

Cameron: Do it.

A: Are you still going to go through with the sale?
B: Yeah, since I signed the contract, I have to do it.
A: 판매를 계속 진행하실 건가요?
B: , 계약을 했으니 해야 해요.

Kristen: Yeah. So meaning like, oh, I agreed to buy this or to sell this. Are you going to really sell it? That’s what the person is asking.

Cameron: Right. I’ll give you a good example when this is used. So I recently found a new place to live. And I had to sign what was like a 가계약. Which is, I guess, like a temporary contract. But then I had to go in and sign the real contract. And when you sign the real contract, that’s when you’re going through with the exchange.

Kristen: I do.

Cameron: Because it’s I already made a promise with the 가계약 but when I’m really saying yes I’m doing this that’s when I signed the real contract so that’s when you would say I’m going through with.

Kristen: Right. So you can always plan and promise.

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: But you have to go through with that for this to work.

Cameron: Uh-huh.

2) Millie took the doctor’s advice and agreed to go through with the surgery.
밀리는 의사의 조언을 받아들여, 수술을 받는 동의했다.

Cameron: Yeah. So the surgery is something you plan. I mean, unless it’s an emergency surgery, you usually plan it in advance. And some people get a little scared and cancel. Right. Other things that I’ve heard this used for go through with the marriage. You know, when you’re wedding. When you’re engaged. But then someone’s like scared. Oh, do I really want to marry him? Do I not? But you finally decide to do it. You go through with the marriage.


  1. What can you do..? 당신은 무엇을 있습니까?

Kristen: Okay, very good. What can you do, meaning what are the…

Cameron: What are the options?

Kristen: Possibilities. Okay.

1) What can you do to make him stop?
그를 멈추기 위해 무엇을 있습니까?

Cameron: This might be askng you, or it might be asking about a person in general.

3) Okay. What can you do if they fire you?
그들이 당신을 해고 한다면, 무엇을 있나요?

If they get fired from this job, what can I do? Can I sue? Yeah. Can I, like, go to the police? Right. What happens? That’s right.


  1. Swollen: 부어오른

When something is swollen, it is filled with blood and is puffy and bigger than usual. Swelling is the body’s way to protectively react to an injury, infection, or illness

어떤 것이 swollen (부어오르)면 혈액으로 가득 차 평소보다 부풀어 오르고 커진 상태입니다. Swelling (부종)은 부상, 감염 또는 질병에 대해 신체가 보호적으로 반응하는 방식입니다.


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