최대한 안전하게 To Err on the Side of Caution(0429 Meal Kits: I Finally Placed a Full Order 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

Power Warm-up

After testing out several companies’ products, Stacy finally decides which company she will use from now on. She and Noah discuss how inexpensive the service is for what you get.

여러 회사의 제품을 테스트해 본 후 스테이시는 마침내 앞으로 이용할 회사를 결정합니다. 스테이시와 노아는 서비스 대비 가격이 얼마나 저렴한지 논의합니다.

Power Expressions
  • Err on the Side of Caution: 최대한 조심하다. 최대한 안전하게 하다.

=be super careful, be extra careful to avoid all risks as much as possible.

Instead of making a risky mistake, I want to make a safe mistake. Rather be safe than be risky

To err is human, to forgive is divine.


  • It’s beyond me: 도무지 모르겠다.

= It’s beyond my ability to understand. I’m dumbfounded, I don’t even know where to begin to understand (어디서부터 이해해야 할지 전혀 모르겠다.)

  • Place an order: 주문을 넣다. (전화나 인터넷, 이메일 등으로)

  • Test out –: 을 가지고 실험해 보다

= try something, experiment with something, to sample something.

  • I never thought of this: 그렇게는 한번도 생각해 본 적이 없다.

  • Mass production: 대량 생산

  • Flame-grilled: 직화구이

  • Sharp curve: 급 커브

최대한 안전하게 To Err on the Side of Caution(0429 Meal Kits: I Finally Placed a Full Order 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

Kristen: All right. So we are talking about food today, and it is our last dialogue, Meal kits. I finally placed a full order.

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: Okay. Now, remember, everyone, by the way, before we begin, I want everyone to know that the new book for next month has arrived at your bookstores. So please go get a book. It makes such a big difference in your studies.

Cameron: being able to see the words. Because let’s be honest, English spelling is awful.

Kristen: It’s so hard sometimes.

Cameron: Korean is really good. The sounds of the words and how you spell them for the most part matches really well. And even with Korean, when I hear a new word, I’m just like, how do I write that? Is it ㅏ l ? Is it ㅓ ㅣ? Is it 가? 카? 까? I already have confusion with like Hangeul, which is really easy. I cannot imagine hearing a new word in English. And trying to figure out how to spell it. So having the book for things like that…

Kristen: is very important.

Cameron: is very important.

Kristen: So and we have so if you place an order so we know you know can I take your order what would you like to order we’ve heard of this but if you place an order is there a difference in like you know ordering?

Cameron: Uh, yes and no. So order is kind of the more general term. I ordered something. And it can be used at like a restaurant. Whereas place an order feels more official, but it also feels like you’re not doing it directly. So it might be over the phone or through the internet or like on a paper. You’re like making a submission on paper. And or it could be placing an order for something in the future. So maybe you place an order for flowers two weeks from now. They’re not delivering the flowers now. They’re going to deliver them later. It feels more official and it feels like there’s something in the middle. It’s not completely direct.

Kristen: Okay. All right. So here, I finally placed a full order. Here are some expressions that we’re going to cover today. Test out something.

Cameron: You’re gonna try something, see if it’s good, see if it’s bad, how it works.

Kristen: Err on the side of caution. This is a long phrase, but a commonly used phrase. Err, E-R-R, on the side of caution.

Cameron: Yeah, we’ll discuss this phrase a little bit later. But this entire phrase, err on the side of caution, means to be careful. Maybe extra careful.

Kristen: Got it. And if you say it’s beyond me.

Cameron: It’s beyond me means I don’t understand.I don’t know why. Okay, good. I can’t get it.

Kristen: All right, nice, simple explanations. Okay, let’s go ahead and listen to our dialogue.

최대한 안전하게 To Err on the Side of Caution(0429 Meal Kits: I Finally Placed a Full Order 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)
Power Dialog

Stacy: I finally placed a full order for a week of meal kits. I’m glad I tested out a few different companies.

Noah: Yeah, it’s better to err on the side of caution when you’re committing your food budget.

Stacy: It’s beyond me how they can make it so inexpensive.

Noah: I think because they’re preparing the same meal kits for a lot of people, it costs them less.

Stacy: I’ve never thought of this as a mass production kind of industry.

Noah: Yeah, but not in the same way that fast food is.

스테이시: 드디어 일주일 분량의 밀키트를 주문했어. 여러 업체를 테스트해 보길 잘했어.

노아: 응, 식비 예산을 책정할 때는 신중하게 결정하는 것이 좋아.

스테이시: 어떻게 그렇게 저렴하게 만들 수 있는지 도무지 모르겠어.

노아: 대량으로 똑 같은 밀키트를 준비하기 때문에 비용이 적게 드는 것 같아.

스테이시: 이걸 대량 생산 업종으로 생각하진 못했는데.

노아: 응, 하지만 패스트푸드와 같은 방식은 아니야.

Kristen: Okay, meal kits. I finally placed a full order. Okay, so if you, Stacy says, I finally placed a full order for a week of meal kits. I’m glad I tested out a few different companies. Now, we all know the word test 시험. Everybody in Korea is very familiar with tests. Everything, you have to take a test. Now, if you test out as a verb, what are you doing?

Cameron: Yeah, so here the test is more like 실험 experiment.

Kristen: Experiment.

Cameron: Yes. So this is you are looking at the different companies. You’re using their service, using their products, and seeing which is best. Company A has lower prices, but the quality is bad. Yeah. Company B has quick service, but the food tastes bad. Right. So those types of things. She used them all kind of in like a trial, and she’s seeing which works for her, which is best. So she is testing out the companies.

Kristen: Very good um and Noah says yeah it’s better to err on the side of caution when you’re committing your food budget. Okay so here is an expression the expression of the century, ‘Err on the side of caution,’ now if you err, doesn’t it mean like make a mistake.

Cameron: Yes, it does. So a lot of Korean speakers will know the word error, which is a mistake. But a verb form of that is to err, E-R-R. And it is not very common. No.

Kristen: It’s kind of old.

Cameron: It’s old, but it does show up in certain… almost like fixed phrases and one of those fixed phrases is to err on the side of caution, and it means I don’t know the exact thing I need to do. I don’t know the perfect answer right the perfect decision, so you’re already saying I will make a mistake, I will err, because I won’t have the perfect decision so if I’m going to make a mistake, I want to be safe.

Kristen: I want to be super careful.

Cameron: I want to be super careful. Instead of making a risky mistake, I want to make a safe mistake. That is what we’re saying here with to err on the side of caution. Wow. I won’t get it perfect, so I’d rather be safe than be risky.

Kristen: that’s a great…

Cameron: Great.

Kristen: Expression. This expression actually is, even though air is an old word, it is a very commonly used expression. When in the right place. I think I’m going to err on the side of caution.

Cameron: Right. This is one of the few places that err appears and it feels very natural.

Kristen: Yeah.

Kristen: Great expression. Okay. So then, so basically Noah is saying that he’d rather make a safe mistake when doing his food budget. And Stacy says, it’s beyond me how they can make it so inexpensive.

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: Okay, so Stacy is saying, wow, the prices are really great. It’s beyond me. I don’t understand.

Cameron: Yeah. Yeah. It’s beyond my ability to understand. I don’t know. I don’t get it. Yeah. This is, I am not smart enough to understand is basically what you’re saying.

Kristen: Right.

Cameron: That’s beyond me.

Kristen: So it’s like when you don’t, when you’re kind of like speechless, like, or kind of, this is a harder word, dumbfounded, which is basically like, huh? Like what? So it’s beyond me. I have, I don’t even know where to begin to understand.

Cameron: What? Even the start. It just…

Kristen: Her behavior is beyond me. Me, like, I just don’t know. Okay. Noah says…

Cameron: I think because they’re preparing the same meal kits for a lot of people, it costs them less.

Kristen: Okay. So they’re preparing the same meal kits for a lot of people. It costs them less. And then Stacy says, I never thought of this as a mass production kind of industry. Yeah. Okay. This is a great pattern. I never thought of this as. What does this mean?

Cameron: So this is often said when you see something in a new light or, oh, I didn’t think about that. Huh. That’s an interesting way of looking at it. So that is what Stacy is saying here. I never thought of this as means, oh, yeah, you’re right. Maybe that is true. Yeah. Huh. I never thought of that.

Kristen: So I never thought of this as a mass production kind of industry. So our power vocab today is mass production.

Cameron: I think we all live in capitalist societies now, most people. So we understand mass production. It means to make a lot of something. And we’re not just talking about like in your kitchen. We’re talking about factories. Like factories on a countrywide scale. Making a lot of one thing. Right.

Kristen: Exactly. So forget about the tailor making of clothes, but it is mass production.

Cameron: Yeah, fast fashion is all mass production. All of these like cheap furniture stores. That’s all mass production.

Kristen: Yep. And Noah says, yeah, but not in the same way that fast food is.

Cameron: Yeah. At least with a meal kit, it’s fresh. Fast food is generally true, like deep fried and frozen.

Kristen: Or like prepackaged.

Cameron: Yeah.

Kristen: And just heated.

Cameron: Like super processed.

Kristen: So like I did not know that this fast food chain burger, because they’re known for their charbroiled, charbroiled burgers? Grilled, fried.

Cameron: Flame grilled.

Kristen: Flame grilled, that’s it. And that it’s not really flame grilled.

Cameron: Yeah, it’s just a flavor. The flavor of flame-grilled.

Kristen: I did not know that all right let’s go ahead and listen to that one more time.

최대한 안전하게 To Err on the Side of Caution(0429 Meal Kits: I Finally Placed a Full Order 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

Power Dialog

Stacy: I finally placed a full order for a week of meal kits. I’m glad I tested out a few different companies.

Noah: Yeah, it’s better to err on the side of caution when you’re committing your food budget.

Stacy: It’s beyond me how they can make it so inexpensive.

Noah: I think because they’re preparing the same meal kits for a lot of people, it costs them less.

Stacy: I’ve never thought of this as a mass production kind of industry.

Noah: Yeah, but not in the same way that fast food is.

Power Note
1. Test out –: 을 시험해 보다.
Kristen: It’s time for Power Note. Let’s do a quick review. If you test out something, it means to try something, experiment with something, to sample something.


A: What is that noise?

B: We’re testing out the new fire alarm we installed.

A: 무슨 소리인가요?

B: 새로 설치한 화재 경보기를 테스트하는 중입니다.

Kristen: Right. So when you get machines or like an alarm system, you have to test it out. Yes. See if it works.

2) Come over so we can test out the speakers I just bought.

방금 구입한 스피커를 테스트할 수 있도록 이리로 와봐.

Cameron: So here you’re probably not actually testing out, like experimenting. You’ve already bought them but it’s like let’s see what they’re like let’s listen.

Kristen: Let’s listen to the sound. What else can you test out?

Cameron: You can test out a car before you buy a car. You go, well, in America, I don’t know how Korea works.

Kristen: No, they do.

Cameron: Yeah, you drive the car and you see if you like it before you buy it.

Kristen: It’s unfortunate that you cannot like really, really drive it. They only let you drive it for like around the block, which is not cool.

Cameron: Oh, seriously?

Kristen: I mean, I’ve test-driven a few cars, and it’s not you can’t go very far.

Cameron: In America, like, we get on the highway.

Kristen: What?

Cameron: Well, maybe it’s Arkansas, because we’re in the middle of the country. But the car lots are usually right by the interstate, the highway. And so it allows you to test out the car and get up to the highway speed.

Kristen: Really? Oh, this is new information.

Cameron: Did you not do that in California?

Kristen: In California, I think we could, not necessarily highways, but we can drive quite a bit. But I’ve noticed that in Korea, it’s not that long. It’s like three blocks and okay, let’s go back.

Cameron: You gotta feel the speed. See how loud it gets. Gotcha. Gotta test out that engine.


2. Err on the side of cation: 지나칠 정도로 조심하다. 돌다리도 두드리다.

= Be extra careful to avoid risks

Kristen: Err on the side of caution means to be extra careful to avoid risks.


A: Looks like a really sharp curve coming up. I can’t see if other cars are coming.

B: You should go slow and err on the side of caution.

A: 정말 급커브길인 것 같아요. 다른 차가 오는지 안 보여요.

B: 조심해서 천천히 가야 해요.

Cameron: Be extra safe. Be safer than you probably need to be.

2) Let’s err on the side of caution and leave for the airport two hours earlier.

최대한 안전하게, 2시건 전에 공항으로 출발하세요.

Cameron: Oh, this one hurts me. I recently, you know, I was traveling with a friend and then and I only got to the airport an hour and a half.

Kristen: Yeah. And it was closed

Cameron: And it was too late. I checked in the counter closed, So by the time I got to the counter to check in, it was 55 minutes before the flight.

Cameron: But the flight, you have to check in one hour before. No matter what the security line looks like.

Kristen: Right. So basically, if the flight is at 1 p.m., you have to check in before 12.

Cameron: Before noon, yeah.

Kristen: Before, but you were like.

Cameron: I was at 12:05

Cameron: And they would not let me check in.

Kristen: Wow, you lost your ticket.

Cameron: I lost it.

Kristen: Oh!

Cameron: I was a no-show, so I didn’t get a refund. And I didn’t get another flight.

Kristen: Oh my gosh.

Cameron: Yeah, so.

Kristen: Okay, let’s everyone.

Cameron: Err on the side of caution.

Kristen: Everyone, this is a very good expression for the situation. We must always err on the side of caution when we are going to the airport and taking a flight.

Cameron: Just arrived like 12 hours early.

Kristen: Just sleep at the airport.

Cameron: Leave at 9pm, get there at 9am. Just like, don’t risk it.

Kristen: Oh, my gosh. Okay. So I think that when you, this is often said when we want to say, let’s be extra careful. Let’s avoid all risks as much as possible.

Kristen: I don’t… That’s a little…

Cameron: But when I pack, I’m just like, what if it rains every day? Also, what if I want morning socks and night socks? Well…

Kristen: Okay, wait a second, Cameron, wait a second. But when you travel,

Cameron: What?

Kristen: I guess you’re very particular about your socks. You don’t want to buy the socks there if you run out.

Cameron: Well, yeah, I don’t know. I just, I feel like every day is going to be a flood. Or, I don’t know. Like, I always pack too many clothes. I err on the side of caution, but it’s just so much over what I need to bring.

Kristen: It’s funny that you are erring on the side of caution when it comes to your socks and your clothes, but you don’t err on the side of caution when you’re trying to take a flight.

Cameron: Oh yeah, no. Totally different. Totally different.

3. It’s beyond me: 도저히 모르겠다.

I can’t possibly understand

Kristen: It’s beyond me.

Cameron: It’s beyond me.

Kristen: I don’t understand.

Cameron: I don’t get it.



A: Does your neighbor always play his music so loudly?

B: Yeah, day and night. It’s beyond me how he hasn’t lost his hearing yet.

A: 이웃집에서 항상 음악을 그렇게 크게 틀어놓나요?

B: 네, 밤낮으로요. 어떻게 아직 청력을 잃지 않았는지 이해가 안 돼요.

Kristen: It’s so loud. I just don’t get it.

2) It’s beyond me how that knife ended up in the swimming pool.

어떻게 그 칼이 수영장에 들어갔는지 도저히 이해할 수 없어요.

Cameron: Right. How did the knife get there?

Kristen: How did that ever happen?

Cameron: Who’s swimming with knives? Trying to cut the water?

Kristen: So this is what you say when you’re absolutely puzzled, when you’re absolutely confused and you absolutely don’t understand.

Cameron: It’s like, you know how like mountain goats? Yeah. They like get on the side of the mountain, like those rock. And you’re like, how did the goat get up there up that mountain?

Kristen: Thank you.

Cameron: Cliff.

Kristen: It was a vertical. I saw something on National Geographic. It was like a vertical. It was like a straight thing. And these goats were climbing up this vertical mountain.

Cameron: Yeah, yeah, I don’t… It’s beyond me. It’s beyond…

Kristen: How?

Cameron: They’re like, instead of Spider-Man, it’s Spider-Goat.


4. I never thought of this as –: 나는 이걸 – 라고 생각해본 적이 없었는데.

Kristen: All right, power pattern, I never thought of this as. Okay? So meaning…

Cameron: I didn’t think of that. I didn’t know that. Oh.

1) Okay. I never thought of this as an exclusive golf club.

2) I never thought of this as a cartoon for kids. (I thought adult)

1) 여길 고급 골프 클럽이라고 생각한 적은 없었는데.

2) 저는 이것을 아이들을위한 만화라고 생각한 적이 없습니다.

5. Mass production: 대량생산


On The Flip Side 다른 한편으로는 (0422 요리 자신감을 높여주는 밀키트)

EBS Power English

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