봐주다 영어로 – Cut One Slack (0513 내 최애 한국 음식 My Favorite Foods in Korea: Mapo Mandu 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

봐주다 영어로 – Cut One Slack

(0513 내 최애 한국 음식 My Favorite Foods in Korea: Mapo Mandu)


Power Warm-up

Dakota and Joshua are riding the subway home together when she learns that Joshua has never had Mapo mandu. Dakota insists they go there immediately to have some.

다코타와 조슈아가 함께 지하철을 타고 집으로 가던 중 다코타는 조슈아가 마포만두를 먹어본 적이 없다는 사실을 알게 됩니다. 다코타는 당장 마포만두를 먹으러 가자고 주장합니다.

Kristen: I just want to do a big shout out to some of our listeners who are listening to us from abroad.

Kristen: Places like New York. So we met our one of our listeners at our fan meeting. She is currently living in New York. Hi I can’t mention her name but she sent me this wonderful dm through Instagram and by the way my uh Instagram account is at the Kristen Cho and you have at.

Cameron: Cameron.word.

Kristen: So it was really very nice. It was such a big compliment. She loves our show so much. She actually had a native speaker in New Yorker. She had a New Yorker listen to our show.

Cameron: Oh my gosh.

Kristen: Was oh dear and she said oh they were like complimenting us and like wow they’re really yeah this is the real deal they’re really fun oh my.

Cameron: Oh my God.

Kristen: And I was like, oh, that’s it made me feel really good. It made me feel really good.

Cameron: That is, that’s embarrassing.

Kristen: A little embarrassing. But.

Cameron: Thank you so much.

Kristen: I was a bit, oh, gosh, you know, but yeah. And so she said, I just want you to know that, you know, even native speakers in the States totally approve of Power English. Wow. What a compliment.

Cameron: Well, thank you so much for spreading the news.

Kristen: Spreading the news. We appreciate you.


Power Expressions
  • A stone’s thrown from –: 돌을 던지면 맞힐 만큼 가까이에 있는 (not too far away)

(바로 코앞에 있을 때에는 쓰지 않음. 가까운 도시간에는 쓰지만 국가간에는 쓰지 않음)

  • Cut someone some slack: 사정을 봐주다. 여지를 주다. 빡빡하게 굴지 않다. 줄을 길게 해서 느슨하게 만들다. = go easy on them, not be too strict on them.

  • Slack: 느슨한.

  • Retractable leashes: 반려견용 자동 목줄

  • Retractable: 몸통 속으로 집어 넣을 수 있는

  • Foodie: 식도락가. 비싸거나 건강식만 챙겨 먹는 미식가가 아닌, 맛 좋은 음식을 즐기는 사람 (푸드트럭, 패스트 푸드도 즐기는 사람)

  • Gourmet, epicure: 미식가

  • Whatever you say: 네가 뭘 하든 따라할게.

  • Follow someone’s lead: 을 따라하다.

  • Reprimand = scold 꾸중하다. 질책하다.

Okay. We’re going to talk about food. Favorite foods in Korea. Yes. Mapo mandu. Okay.

Cameron: Is Mapo known for Mandu?

Kristen: Well apparently.

Cameron: I’ve had, I’ve had mandu, But I didn’t know it was famous.

Kristen: Well, I feel like for Mandu, it is really more about the restaurant.

Cameron: Or the air fryer. You know, I love… Like frozen mandu.

Kristen: With the air fryer.

Cameron: Yeah, with the air fryer.

Kristen: I understand. okay. So, okay. Everybody is a huge, I’m sure. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like mandu.

Cameron: She doesn’t like the skin.

Kristen: That’s the best part.

Cameron: I know. I love a thick skin. You know how they do the skinny skin? I know. Like the thin skin? Yeah. I want it thick.

Kristen: You want it thick.

Cameron: I want to really thick. I just want it like, 떡! just like, just make it super thick. But yeah, I know my mom and my sister, they can’t take the skin of the mandu.

Kristen: Interesting.

Cameron: Otherwise, I think almost everybody in the entire world loves mandu.

Kristen: Okay, some sort of dumpling, mandu, whatever it is. Okay, here are some expressions that we’re going to cover.A stone’s throw from somewhere. So like a stone, S-T-O-N-E, stone’s throw.

Cameron: It’s to describe something that is not far away. It’s pretty close.

Kristen: You can just, like, throw a stone. And it’s there. All right. Cut someone some slack.

Cameron: Yes, it means it’s go easy on them, to not be too strict on them.

Kristen: Okay. Follow someone’s lead.

Cameron: To follow someone, to do what they are doing.

Kristen: All right, very good. Let’s go ahead and listen to our dialogue.

Power Dialog

Dakota: I can’t believe you live a stone’s throw from Hapjeong Station and have never tried Mapo Mandu.

Joshua: Cut me some slack. I’ve only been here a month.

Dakota: Haven’t you been reading my blog? I dedicated five posts to Mapo mandu.

Joshua: I didn’t realize you were such a foodie. I’ll read the posts when I get home.

Dakota: Sorry, but we have to fix this error right now. When we get to Hapjeong, I’m introducing you to the best mandu in Korea.

Joshua: Whatever you say, Dakota. I’ll just follow your lead.

다코타: 합청역과 가까운 곳에 살면서 마포만두를 한 번도 먹어보지 않았다니 믿을 수가 없어!

조슈아: 좀 봐줘. 여기 온 지 한 달밖에 안 됐어.

다코타: 내 블로그 안 읽어봤어? 마포만두에 관한 포스팅을 다섯 개나 올렸는데.

조슈아: 네가 그렇게 미식가인 줄 몰랐네. 집에 가서 포스팅 읽어볼게.

다코타: 미안하지만, 지금 당장 이 오류를 수정해야 해. 합정에 도착하면 한국 최고의 만두를 소개해줄게.

조슈아: 맘대로 해, 다코타. 네가 하자는 대로 할게.


Kristen: Okay, here we go. Dakota says, I can’t believe you live a stone’s throw from Hapcheong Station and have never tried Mapo mandu.

Kristen: So this is all Seoul. If you live a stone’s throw from somewhere, it means you live close by. But what’s the kind of image that we have? A stone’s throw.

Cameron: It means that the distance from Hapjeong Station, you could pick a rock off of the ground. You could throw it and hit Hapjeong Station. That’s what it literally means. So obviously we don’t throw stones in the city. Very dangerous.

Kristen: Very dangerous. You don’t want to do that.

Cameron: But it is an expression that means it’s not too far away.

Kristen: I see.

Cameron: And it could be further. It could be farther than the length that you could throw, but it’s still not too far away.

Kristen: Right. So I think it’s somewhat relative. It could be literally like, you know, the next block.

Cameron: Right.

Kristen: It could be within like five minutes.

Cameron: Well, and depending, you could possibly even do, like, cities. So, like, Bucheon is a stone’s throw away from Seoul. (도시간 가까운 거리에는 사용)

Kristen: True, yeah!

Cameron: You could probably go that far. But I wouldn’t say like Canada is a stone’s throw away from the United States. There is a point where it starts to get so big that it doesn’t work. (국가간 가까운 거리에는 사용하지 않음)

Kristen: All right. Joshua says, cut me some slack.I’ve only been here a month. So when Dakota is saying, you didn’t go to Mapo mandu? How could you do that? Like, he’s kind of like, what’s wrong with you? And that’s why Joshua says, hey, cut me some slack. What does this mean?

Cameron: It means go easy on me. Don’t be strict with me. Hey, have some understanding.

Kristen: That’s right. S-L-A-C-K. Cut me some slack. Kind of a hard expression to memorize, 

Cameron: Yeah. Yeah. So it’s not easy. It isn’t easy. So slack is it originally means looseness to be loose, specifically when you’re talking about like ropes, like ropes you can pull tight 탱탱하게.

Cameron: That means that there is no slack. But to cut some slack means to make a rope a little bit longer so it’s easier it’s not as you know tight and strict

Think like a dog like if you have a short leash, there’s no slack, there’s no they’re pulling and it’s very tight. You cut the dog some slack or you give the dog some slack, you kind of the lead leash you give more of it, so they can move more freely well.

Kristen: That’s why you have those retractable leashes (반려견 자동줄) that people use that give it where they can go really far, but they’re still on a leash. That’s the one that I have for Scotty. But it doesn’t work for all dogs. Because you do need like a real tight leash for some dogs. Yeah. So Joshua’s like, hey, be easy on me. Don’t be so hard on me. Give me some slack. And Dakota says,

Cameron: Haven’t you been reading my blog? I dedicated five posts to Mapo mandu.

Kristen: Okay. So dakota is a real big fan of Mapo mandu and she has her blog. And Joshua says, I didn’t realize you were such a foodie. I’ll read the post when I get home. So foodie, F-O-O-D-I-E.

Cameron: Yes, a foodie is someone who likes food. So the Korean expression we have here is 미식가, which is not wrong. However I feel like 미식가, it often goes for more like luxurious food like very like exquisite, expensive or great quality. Foodie doesn’t necessarily have that meaning. It means maybe good tasting food and maybe rare food, like not common food. But it could be cheap or it could not even be healthy for you. (미식가가 아닌, 식도락가)

Kristen: Right, right. That’s a very good point.

Cameron: Like, I can imagine a foodie going to a food truck and getting, like, the unhealthiest tacos. They probably taste amazing, but they’re not good quality in terms of flavor.

Kristen: You might have a heart attack.

Cameron: Yeah, you might be, yeah.

Kristen: Okay, very good point. It’s not like so much the 미식가

Kristen: Okay, so Dakota says what?

Cameron: Sorry, but we have to fix this error right now. When I get back in Hapjeong……I’m introducing you the best mandu ever made in Korea!

Kristen: And Joshua says, whatever you say, Dakota, I’ll just follow your lead.

Kristen: Great power pattern,whatever you say.Now, we can use this in various contexts, but in this context, whatever you say, Dakota, what is Joshua really saying?

Cameron: Joshua is saying, I will do what you tell me to do. Right? I won’t fight it. You give me a command and I will do it. I will follow you.

Kristen: That’s right. That’s right. And that’s why Joshua says, I’ll just follow your lead.

Cameron: To follow someone’s lead means to do what that person has done. So it means that the person will go first, you watch them and then do the exact same thing. So, Dakota will order the food and eat the food. Joshua will see and probably order the same thing.

Kristen: Okay. Yeah. All right. Let’s go ahead and listen to that dialogue one more time.

Power Dialog

Dakota: I can’t believe you live a stone’s throw from Hapjeong Station and have never tried Mapo Mandu.

Joshua: Cut me some slack. I’ve only been here a month.

Dakota: Haven’t you been reading my blog? I dedicated five posts to Mapo mandu.

Joshua: I didn’t realize you were such a foodie. I’ll read the posts when I get home.

Dakota: Sorry, but we have to fix this error right now. When we get to Hapjeong, I’m introducing you to the best mandu in Korea.

Joshua: Whatever you say, Dakota. I’ll just follow your lead.

Power Note
1. a stone’s throw from –: 에서 아주 가까운

Kristen: Okay, it’s time for Power Note. We’re going to do a quick review. If a place is a stone’s throw from somewhere, it means that it’s very close.


A: Is that the river I see from your window?

B: Yeah, I’m just a stone’s throw from the Han.

Kristen: Yeah, the Han River. So I’m close to the Han River.

2) Hurry up. We’re only a stone’s throw from the campsite.

서둘러, 캠핑장이 코앞이야.

Cameron: We’re very close. Very Close.

Kristen: I remember I was a stone’s throw from Namsan.

Cameron: Wow, really?

Kristen: Yeah, it would maybe take 10 minutes to get there. That’s pretty close, you know, for being in Seoul.

Cameron: Yeah. Do you, what, are you a stone’s throw away from anything now?

Kristen: Now not so much. It’s pretty residential. Yeah, maybe a mountain, a small mountain.

Cameron: Yeah, like those small mountains. I guess I’m a stone’s throw away from Anyangcheon, which is not that big. It’s bigger than you think. But it’s not huge. I think one thing to kind of note is that if it is too close, you cannot say it again. So for example, like we’ll go back to 안양천, it takes me about 15 minutes walking to get there. Faster if I run or bike so that would be considered a stone’s throw. However, there is a closer 천. There’s a 도림천, which takes like a 30-45 seconds for me to get there. It is too close. It’s too close to say a stone’s throw away. It is right next to you, you cannot say it’s stone’s throw. There has to be a little bit of a distance. (돌을 힘껏 던졌을 때의 거리를 의미. 너무 가까운 거리에는 a stone’s throw를 쓰지 않음)

Kristen: You have to be able to kind of throw that stone Kind of far.

Cameron: like you’re using your real strength. Not that you’re kind of like, 에헤이… Just barely throwing the stone. It needs to be like full strength throw.


2. cut someone slack: 의 사정을 봐주다. 

To be forgiving of one

Kristen: That’s so great. Okay. So that’s a stone’s throw from now cut someone. Some slack means to be easy or to be forgiving of someone. Not so understanding. Not so harsh


A: is Michael late again. He should really be reprimanded.

B: Cut him some slack. He has to take care of three kids while his wife is sick.

A: 마이클이 또 지각했나요? 그는 정말 질책을 받아야 해.

B: 좀 봐줘요. 아내가 아픈 동안 세 아이를 돌봐야 하잖아요.

Kristen: Reprimand means scold, 혼내다. So like, oh, come on. He’s going through a lot.

2) Cut me some slack. I’ve been up all night.

사정좀 봐줘. 난 밤을 꼬박 새웠다구.


Kristen: Why are you so slow today?

Cameron: Why are you yawning?

Kristen: Why are you yawning? Why are you dozing off?

Cameron: Why does your hair look bad? Why do you smell? Why didn’t you take a shower? Cut me some slack. I was up all night.

Kristen: Right. Okay. Cut me some slack. So let’s give another example of like, cut me some slack.

Cameron: Yeah, so yeah, if you want to say cut me some slack. You know just anything where you’ve worked really hard and then someone is being. Let’s say for example you worked all day. And then you come home and now your spouse husband or wife right want you to clean, to cook, wants you do a full laundry, wants you play with kids, want you to take off the trash. Gosh, got me some slack. Can I relax a little bit? (퇴근하고 기진맥진해 돌아온 배우자에게, 뭐 해달라고 잔소리할 때)

Kristen: Well, you know, the same goes for the wife, too, if it’s a working wife.

Cameron: Oh yeah, it’s both sides, both sides.

Kristen: Cut me some slack. Cut me some slack. You know, I mean, mothers say this all the time. Because, you know, they’ve got always so many things to do. It’s like, come on. Cut me some slack.

Cameron: I feel like some students want to say this to their teachers. Come on, I have homework in five classes. Yeah. Cut us some slack.

Kristen: Yeah, that’s right.

Cameron: Like extend the deadline.


3. Follow someone’s lead: 가 이끄는 대로 따르다. 따라하다.

Kristen: That’s right. That’s right. Okay. All right. Follow someone’s lead is basically to do as someone else does.


A: When the border guard starts asking questions, follow my lead.

B: It sounds like you’ve crossed this border before.

A: 국경수비대가 질문을 시작하면 제 안내에 따라주세요.

B: 이 국경을 넘은 적이 있는 것 같네요.

So just watch what I do and do the same thing that I do.

2) If you want to learn how to dance, just follow my lead.

춤을 배우고 싶다면, 그냥 나를 따라하세요

Cameron: Yeah, so true.

Kristen: So just do what I do. Yeah. Okay.

Cameron: I feel like as a foreigner in Korea, this happens a lot. Like, especially when I first came here, there are things that I like, a wedding or funeral or culturally, things that are very unknown to me. Sure. My friends would be, I’ll just follow my lead, do what I do.

Kristen: Just follow me. Follow my lead. So it’s especially when it’s not so much that someone is actually taking the lead, but it’s that someone knows what they’re doing and they can kind of guide you, but they’re not meant to be the leader. It’s just like, okay, if you don’t know, then I’ll show you a little.

Cameron: Bit yeah like for example; you go to like a sandwich shop yeah burrito shop, the first time you have to order a sandwich and get all the toppings and then do you want chips and a coke, like all of those things. That’s confusing. So you like go with a friend.

Kristen: Yeah, that’s right.

Cameron: Because a friend will be like, I’ll follow my lead.

Kristen: Like in LA, when you get a burrito, it’s like, okay, what do you want in there? Okay, I want like this and then salsa. There are different combinations.

Cameron: You want white rice, do you want—

Kristen: Green salsa, red salsa.

Cameron: Flower rice, red sauce, green sauce.

Kristen: Guacamole

Cameron: Black beans.

Kristen: Brown beans. Sour reams

Cameron: Re-fried beans. chicken


4. Whatever you say..: 너 좋을 대로 해


Kristen: All right, whatever you say is our power pattern, okay? This means like, okay, whatever you do, I’ll do it.

Cameron: Whatever you say to do, I’ll do.

1) Whatever you say, you’re the boss.

좋을 대로 하세요. 당신이 사장이잖아요.

2) Whatever you say, I’m here to learn from you.

좋을 대로 해. 난 너한테 배우러 웠어.

Kristen: So it’s all up to you. I’m just going to follow.

5. Foodie: 식도락가

A foodie is a person who is knowledgeable of one or more cuisines and spends a lot of time eating and comparing different restaurants, styles of cooking, etc.

식도락가는 하나 이상의 요리에 대해 잘 알고 있으며 다양한 레스토랑, 요리 스타일 등을 먹고 비교하는 데 많은 시간을 보내는 사람입니다.

Foodie is our power vocab on page 72. Yes. And Cameron made a very good distinction between 미식가 and Foodie.

Cameron: Yeah, foodie is only about the flavor. So it could be high quality food or great tasting, bad quality food.


언제나 옳다 영어로 You Can’t Go Wrong With – 엄청 바쁜 영어로 On The Go (0506) (enko.co.kr)

파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트

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