Name of the Game – 가장 중요한 일 (0517 온라인 꽃집, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

Name of the Game – 가장 중요한 일 (0517 온라인 꽃집, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)


Power Warm-up: Online Florist: The Secret to My Success


Ashley arrives at Kyle’s flower warehouse where she will work part time while also learning how to arrange flowers. She is surprised at how busy Kyle’s company is.

애슐리는 꽃꽂이를 배우면서 아르바이트를 하기 위해 카일의 꽃 창고에 도착합니다. 그녀는 카일의 회사가 얼마나 바쁜지 보고 깜짝 놀랍니다.


Kristen: Sometimes I like to share some messages that I get from my Instagram account.


Cameron: Oh, did you get a new one?


Kristen: I got another one and this listener I believe is Korean and she said her husband was American. And apparently, they listened to our show on the way to work.


Cameron: Oh no.


Kristen: And he finds us quite…


Cameron: Funny. Quite funny. Okay, good. Wow. You know, it’s…


Kristen: Great though.


Cameron: It is great, but finding out that like native speakers listen to us.


Kristen: It’s a little strange.


Cameron: It’s a little embarrassing sometimes.


Kristen: Yeah, and we kind of wonder, oh my gosh, do we say anything that’s like, you know, not right.


Cameron: Well, it’s like, like if you are a professional, like if you’re a chef, and you’re feeding normal people, it’s fine. But if you’re feeding like chefs, like a Michelin star chef, food, that’s pressure that is a lot of pressure.


Kristen: So we’re feeling a little pressure. So we need to up the game here.


Cameron: Well, that’s great. That’s great that they listened together.


Kristen: So we want to thank you guys. If you’re listening, this is a shout out to you. You know who you are.


Power Expressions


  • We need to up the game: 실력을 더 향상시키다.
  • This is a shout out to you: 여러분 감사해요!
  • I bust out of my pants: 너무 배불러서 바지 밖으로 배가 튀어나오다: = I can’t buckle my belt.
  • Build relationships: 관계를 쌓다.
  • The name of the game: 가장 중요한 일
  • word of mouth: 입소문: the verbal sharing of information
  • You weren’t kidding when you said: 네가 –라고 말한게 농담이 아니었네.

That was not a joke, You were being serious

  • Referral: 소개. (doctor referrals, dermatologist referrals, salon referrals)

An introduction or a recommendation for a service

Give me a dentist referral = can you refer me to a dentist: 치과 소개좀 해줘.

  • Consistency: 꾸준함 


We are talking about online florist, the secret to my success. And we have talked about our favorite flowers. But in addition to that, it’s really nice in the spring to be surrounded by flowers of all colors. And then when you pass by and you smell something, it just is such a wonderful feeling.


Cameron: It is true. Just gotta watch out for bees.


Kristen: Be careful of those bees. But we’re losing our bees, so, you know, don’t kill them.


Cameron: Okay.


Kristen: All right, build relationships.


Cameron: So to build a relationship is create connection between you and another person.


Kristen: The name of the game.


Cameron: So the name of the game, this is an expression saying, this is the most important aspect of something.


Kristen: Okay. And how about word of mouth?


Cameron: This is when you are sharing information, we would say verbally, so talking, not written down, not written on the Internet, but what you hear from other people.


Kristen: Okay, very good. Let’s go ahead and listen to our dialogue.


Power Dialog

Ashley: You weren’t kidding when you said you were busy. What’s the secret to your amazing success?

Kyle: I’ve spent the last few years building relationships with local florists and businesses. Plus, we’re really focused on quality!

Ashley: That must get you a lot of referrals.

Kyle: Free advertising from satisfied customers is the name of the game.

Ashley: I never thought word of mouth could be such a successful marketing strategy.

Kyle: If you deliver a beautiful product at a competitive price, you can’t fail.

Ashley: 바쁘다는 말이 장난이 아니었네. 놀라운 성공의 비결이 뭐야?

Kyle: 지난 몇 년 동안 지역 꽃집이랑 업체들이랑  관계를 쌓아왔어. 게다가 우린 품질에 정말 집중하고 있어.

Ashley: 덕분에 소개를 많이 받겠네.

Kyle: 만족한 고객의 무료 광고가 가장 중요하지.

Ashley: 입소문이 이렇게 성공적인 마케팅 전략이 될 줄은 몰랐어.

Kyle: 경쟁력 있는 가격에 아름다운 제품을 제공한다면 실패할 리가 없지.


Kristen: Okay, here we go. Ashley says, you weren’t kidding when you said you were busy. What’s the secret to your amazing success? Okay, our first line there is our power pattern.


Kristen: You weren’t kidding when you said, okay, this is really a.


Cameron: It’s a great expression because it’s so native sounding. It’s a bit long, but if you know the word kid, as in to kid, meaning to joke, so the entire expression, you weren’t quitting when you said…


Kristen: You weren’t kidding.


Cameron: Yeah, you weren’t kidding when you said, it means that was not a joke. You were being serious. So, apparently Kyle has said he was busy.. But, you know, sometimes you say, 아 너무 바빠, 바빠 죽겠어. And we don’t really mean it. But Ashley is like, oh, wow, you meant it. You are busy. You weren’t kidding when you said you were busy.


Kristen: Okay, so what this is saying is really emphasizing, wow, you said you were busy? You’re really busy. You are not kidding around. That is no joke.


Cameron: No joke.


Kristen: You’re really serious. Yeah. You weren’t kidding when you said you were full. Like you can’t stand up. You ate so much.


Cameron: I broke my pants- I busted out of my pants.


Kristen: Say, for example, one of your buttons popped off. And so it’s kind of like a little sarcastic. Like, oh, you weren’t kidding when you said you were full.


Cameron: My belt won’t. I can’t buckle my belt.


Kristen: Which is Kyle saying.


Cameron: I spent the last few years building relationships with local florists and businesses. Plus, we’re really focused on quality.


Kristen: So these are some aspects as to, these are some reasons why the business is doing so well. Kyle really spent a lot of time building relationships with an S. So build relationships. What does this mean?


Cameron: So here we’re in a business setting, we’re talking about making connections, about networking. So he is trying to create a good relationship with the florist and other businesses, not just calling up when he needs them, but actually trying to learn about the business, see how they can collaborate and work together. You know, because especially if you are a smaller business or a local business, it’s the relationships that you build that kind of make the exchange go more smoothly.


Kristen: Yeah. And the idea of building relationships, you know, think of like a building. It’s not just like laying the foundation, but you’re kind of laying one brick at a time, traditional like building. So it is like with time, it takes time and effort to establish this particular relationship.


Cameron: Yeah, it’s not that you just like, okay, we have a contract, it’s over with.


Kristen: Oh, we have a relationship now. No, building a relationship means it takes years to build a relationship. Really good relationships. Okay, so Kyle building relationships, that’s the secret to her success and also quality, okay? Ashley says that must get you a lot of referrals. Great word. Difficult to pronounce. R-E-F-E-R-R-A-L-S. A referral. And we do that a lot, right? When we want to go to a dentist, hey, do you know a dentist? Can you refer me to a dentist?


Kristen: You give them a referral.


Cameron: So this is a great term. It is not used kind of for a more personal type of thing, like friends, but it means an introduction or a recommendation for a service usually. Like you said earlier with the dentist, Hey, do you know a good dentist? Yeah, here, go to Dr. M. He’s really good. He does my teeth.


Kristen: Right, doctor referrals, dentist referrals.


Cameron: Is this referring?


Kristen: Dermatologists, referrals. It’s very hard. Salon referrals. Salon referrals. Because it’s very hard to just like pick a place and go. Like you want to know what’s their history. Are they nice? Are they good at what they do? Right? So referrals are very important.


Cameron: Yeah, this referral was I in Korean maybe say something like a 찐 소개? They are introducing you to that business.


Kristen: Right, right, okay. So, oh yeah, like, hey, do you know where I can get some flowers? Oh yeah, I’ll give you a referral. Floral, this online florist. Kyle says, free advertising from satisfied customers is the name of the game. So it’s not about advertising. It’s actually the customers who are advertising on their own for free. That is the name of the game. What is she saying?


Cameron: So Kyle is saying this is the most important thing. This is the number one rule. Now here, we know what name means and we know what game means, but the game we’re talking about specifically here is the game of business, the game of the floral business, you know, the florists. So Kyle is saying if you want to succeed in the flower industry, the most important thing is free advertising from satisfied customers that is the name of the game yeah you can almost forget about everything else. That’s the most important.


Kristen: So it’s the most important. What does Ashley say?


Cameron: I never thought word of mouth could be such a successful marketing strategy.


Kristen: So word of mouth is a marketing strategy. Okay, so word of mouth is.


Cameron: This is whenever one customer is very happy so they tell the other person and they tell another person and another person. It’s the reputation that is built from people talking to one another.


Kristen: It’s the best marketing strategy. You know, I mean, because there’s already, if you get a referral already, you trust that referral. So you’re already in. So word of mouth is just like 입소문, that’s basically what it is. If you deliver a beautiful product at a competitive price, you can’t fail. So good product and good price. You can’t go wrong. All right. Let’s go ahead and listen to that one more time.


Ashley: You weren’t kidding when you said you were busy. What’s the secret to your amazing success?

Kyle: I’ve spent the last few years building relationships with local florists and businesses. Plus, we’re really focused on quality!

Ashley: That must get you a lot of referrals.

Kyle: Free advertising from satisfied customers is the name of the game.

Ashley: I never thought word of mouth could be such a successful marketing strategy.

Kyle: If you deliver a beautiful product at a competitive price, you can’t fail.


Power Note
1. Build relationships: 관계를 쌓다.

Make meaningful connections with others


Kristen: It’s time for Power Note. We’re on pages 94 and 95. Build relationships means to make relationships or connections that take time and effort.


Cameron: Yeah, a meaningful connection with someone.



A: How can I be as good at selling as you are?

B: I suggest that you focus on building relationships instead of making sales.

A: 어떻게 하면 내가 당신처럼 영업을 잘할 있을까요?

B: 영업보다는 관계 쌓는 일에 집중하시길 권해드려요.


Kristen: I think in business, it’s really about building relationships. Most of the time. Building relationships with your clients, you know, customers.


Cameron: Your suppliers.


Kristen: Your suppliers. It’s all about relationships.


2) Mickey spent years building relationships before launching his company.

미키는 창업하기 전에 관계를 쌓는 년을 보냈다.

Yeah. Yeah. I have to say through all my years at EBS, I have been also building relationships with various PDs and.


Cameron: Yeah, that’s true. You know, I think that it’s, it’s true. And I think culturally it can be a little different, uh, you know, in the U.S. here in Korea making, do you, or do you not make relationships with your coworkers? Or if you own a business, are you making relationships, building relationships with other companies? You know, some cultures think that’s more important than other cultures.


Kristen: I would say that in Korea, it’s even more important. That’s why a lot of the 회식 happens. You know, that’s why a lot of the business deals are happening in the evening with some spirits, alcoholic beverages. And, you know, it’s all about building relationships. Korea is a prime example. So if you’re antisocial, you can forget it.


Cameron: Which on the opposite end of that, in the U.S., there are so many workplaces. You do not talk to your coworkers unless you have something to talk about business-wise. There is no, hey, let’s meet after work.


2. The name of the game: 가장 중요한

The most important aspect of something


Kristen: Right, right. Okay. The name of the game, which is basically the most important aspect of something.



A: What should I focus on as a factory manager?

B: If you’re dealing with big machines safety is the name of the game.

A: 공장 관리자로서 무엇에 집중해야 할까요?

B: 기계를 다룬다면 안전이 가장 중요하죠.


Kristen: This is the most important.


Cameron: If you’re a factory manager, yeah, safety. Oh, yeah. Because you’ve got to keep your employees and your customers safe.


Kristen: Totally. You know, I’ve actually last year or this year, yeah, last year, this year, I’ve done several very big safety guideline recordings.


Cameron: Oh, really?


Kristen: Some very big companies because they have factories.


Cameron: In the States. Yeah.


Kristen: And batteries and all sorts of things. Yeah. And it’s very, very detailed.


2) To be successful in anything, consistency is the name of the game.

어떤 일이든 성공하려면, 꾸준함이 가장 중요하다.


Kristen: What is consistency?


Cameron: Consistency is doing the same thing over and over again. And specifically, we’re talking about maybe your schedule and practicing or studying or rehearsing, whatever you need to do to be successful, but not just, you know, working hard for three days. They don’t stop it. They’re then starting again.


Kristen: It’s like 꾸준히 하다. It’s just like that turtle. Just keep on working.

Cameron: Keep going.


Kristen: Just keep going.


Cameron: Over and over.


Kristen: That’s right. So that is the name of the game. So it’s really like specifically the success to something very specific would be the name of the game, right? Like what is success? How do you attain success? Or how do you become a good manager? How do you become one of the best English teachers? The name of the game.


Cameron: Yeah, it’s so true.


Kristen: I don’t know. I don’t know. What is the name of the game to a successful English teacher? I don’t know.


Cameron: I think it depends. I don’t know what the name of the game is.


Kristen: Well, I think that it’s, well, it’s preparation. It’s a little bit of humor. I think the name of the game is to be able to reach your students whatever it takes,


Cameron: Honestly, you have to be entertaining.


Kristen: Absolutely.


Cameron: Like if you’re not interesting as an English teacher, you’re not going to go very far.


Kristen: No, no, no. People are going to fall asleep. Yeah, that’s the name of the game right there.


3. word of mouth: 입소문

the verbal sharing of information


Cameron: Yes, this is the things you hear or the things you say, not the things that you write about a product, about a business.


A: How did you hear about this bakery?

B: Through word of mouth, my friend Tim comes here every day.

A: 빵집은 어떻게 알게 되었나요?

B: 입소문을 듣고요 친구 팀이 매일 이곳을 찾아옵니다.


Kristen: Yeah. And speaking of bakeries, because we had that ham and butter sandwich. So I actually uploaded a video of this place on my Instagram account. So if you want to know, it’s at the Kristen Cho.


Cameron: Yeah. Such a good sandwich.


2) Before there were books, Plato’s ideas were spread through word of mouth.

2) 책이 나오기 전에는 플라톤의 사상이 구전으로 퍼져나갔습니다.


Cameron: Yeah, it’s true. A lot of these older legends or stories.


Kristen: Folk Tales.


Cameron: Songs. They were all spread through word of mouth. Sure. They didn’t write them down.


Kristen: Right. Yeah, exactly. The stories that you hear from your grandmother or your great-grandmother, it’s all word of mouth.


Cameron: Can you imagine? Like there used to be no writing.


Kristen: Well, that’s why I feel like those that our ancestors probably had really good memories.


Cameron: Or it was bad, but no one knew. You know? Before the internet, you just believed what people said..


4. You weren’t kidding when you said: 네가라고 말한게 농담이 아니었네.


Kristen: All right, power pattern, great pattern. You weren’t kidding when you said, which means, wow, you were really serious.


1) You weren’t kidding when you said you were hungry.

배고프다고 장난이 아니었구나.


Cameron: I ate a family-sized pizza by myself.


Kristen: Whole pizza, okay.


2) You weren’t kidding when you said this box was heavy.

상자가 무겁다고 농담이 아니었구나.


Kristen: It’s… I can’t lift it. It’s too heavy.


Cameron: It hurt my back.

5. Referral: 소개, 추천

A referral is when a friend or customer directs someone to a business or source of information because they trust it and feel good about it.

Referral 이란 친구나 고객이 신뢰할 수 있고 좋은 정보라고 생각하여 다른 사람에게 비즈니스나 정보 출처를 안내하는 것을 말합니다.


Writing Practice
  1. 자기 자신에 대해서만 이야기하면 관계를 쌓기 어렵다.

It’s hard to build relationships when you only talk about yourself.

  1. 경쟁사보다 더 나은 제품을 생산하는 것이 가장 중요하다.

Producing a better product than your competitors (competition) is the name of the game.

  1. 광고비도 없이 그 피자 전문점은 입소문에 의존해 사업을 운영했다.

Without money for advertising (without paying advertising cost), the pizzeria (pizza place) depended on word of mouth for business.


뼈빠지게 일하다 영어로 – Work One’s Butt Off (0510 Online Florist: 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트

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