Get the Blood Pumping 활력을 넣다. Grab Life by the Horns 적극적인 인생을 살다 . (0731 아침형인간, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

Get the Blood Pumping 활력을 넣다. Grab Life by the Horns 적극적인 인생을 살다

Power Warm-up: Becoming a Morning Person: Grabbing Life by the Horns

Night-owl randy is now early-bird Randy. He goes to bed early, gets up early, and exercises in the morning. He’s even taking an online course each day. He feels great.


It is our last dialogue today of the month, becoming a morning person, grabbing life by the horns.

What a weird expression.

Oh my gosh. Quite dramatic, isn’t it? It is. Okay. So we know now that you are definitely a morning person. I feel I am a morning person, but I would like to get up a little bit earlier. But there are people like my son, he is not a morning person. It’s so hard.

Well, they say… I mean, he’s a teenager.  And often teenagers do… Like, naturally, their bodies are built for the night, is what they say.

It doesn’t surprise me.

Yeah, which I remember whenever I was his age. I think I went to bed quite a bit later.

You too. I think they all do. And then like when you get into society, you become a morning person because you have to. Okay.

I have to.

You have no choice.


 All right. Now, here is in the subtitle a very interesting expression to grab life by the horns. Now, you grab G-R-A-B, you’re grabbing life. And horns is 뿌리 no? H-O-R-N-S.

Yeah, so 뿔

Yeah, 뿔! not roots.

Not roots. So the horns, so think about like a bull. Or like a goat. I don’t know, just grabbing those horns, like a deer or something. The expression means that you are living a dynamic life. You are going after problems. You’re trying to solve them. You’re doing big things. You’re going up mountains and jet ski.


I don’t know.

It’s very dramatic.

Yeah, it is dramatic, but it’s like, you’re not passive, you’re very active in your life.

So very active, proactive, just really living life to the fullest (인생을 만끽하다. 최대한 즐기다).


How about this expression, get the blood pumping? Wow, we’ve got a lot of great expressions.

This is when you start moving so that literally your body kind of wakes up. You know, we talk about like, you know, when you wake up in the morning, it’s like your blood is still like it’s not moving through your body. So you do some jogging, you kind of do some stretches and that starts to get your body warmed up and your blood pumping. Pumping.

Great and looking forward to, look forward to something.

You’re anticipating something, you want it to happen.

All right, let’s go ahead and listen to our dialogue.


Power Dialog

Randy: Good morning, Kristina.

Kristina: Good morning. I’ve never seen you in this coffee shop so early before.

Randy: I just got back from the gym to get the blood pumping. I’m also taking an online course every morning.

Kristina: Wow, you’re really grabbing life by the horns.

Randy: Ever since I started forcing myself to get out of bed early, I’ve been looking forward to everything I’ve been missing.

Kristina: Well, I’m looking forward to seeing the morning Randy more often. Maybe we can start meeting here for coffee a few times a week.


So Randy begins, good morning, Kristina. And Kristina says, good morning. I’ve never seen you in this coffee shop so early before. So, Kristina is telling Randy, wow, you’re here early. And what does Randy say?

I just got back from the gym to get the blood pumping. I’m also taking an online course every morning.

Wow. Okay. So randy has two things going on. So, he went to the gym very early to get the blood pumping.


To be honest, I’ve said this expression. I don’t know if I could say it seriously, though. Like, obviously, that’s what he was doing. The expression to get the blood pumping means to kind of wake up your body. And we’re often talking about either A exercise or B maybe heat? Like maybe you go to a sauna? To get the blood pumping, but it is very much that feeling like you’re waking your body up.

You’re activated.

You’re activating your body. But I don’t know if I would say it, okay, let’s get the blood pumping in a serious way.

Well, if you’re a fitness coach or if you’re like a PT, you know, physical trainer. Maybe you could say, let’s get that blood pumping. But I don’t know if we would say it in everyday life.

Right, yeah, I do kind of feel, you know how they have the cycling classes?

Kristen: Yeah, the spin?

And they like One, two, three, four. Okay, let’s get that blood pumping.  

Ha ha ha.

It is that feeling.

I would probably just say warm up or wake up (일상생활에서는 get the blood pumping보다는 warm up 이나 wake up 많이 사용)  

And then Randy is also taking an online course every morning. Wow, Randy is very busy in the morning.

He is a go-getter (열정적인 사람, 에너지 넘치는 사람) is what we would say. Yeah, go-getter. Just very active in his life.

And what does Kristina say?

Wow, you’re really grabbing life by the horns.

So, of course, Kristina has a proper response, which is like, wow, that’s a lot. You’re really grabbing life by the horns.

So we talked about this earlier, to grab life by the horns means really like be active and proactive and busy in doing things.

Yeah, you know there is that very famous quote, I don’t remember who said it, but it goes, it says something like, boys be ambitious. Have you heard that before? No. I’ve heard it a few times. I’ve actually heard it in Korea quite a few times.

Oh really?  What is the whole?

The whole, it’s this longer thing, but the quote is basically, if you’re going to live life, try and really live life. Like, don’t be scared. Don’t be passive. Don’t be weak. Like, really attack life. That is the feeling of grabbing life by the horns.

So I really do get this feeling that this phrase requires a little bit of aggression.

Like you said, attack. It’s not just like, okay, let’s do this. It’s like, let’s do this. It’s that sort of like, you’re gonna get out there.

Yeah, you’re going to get out there and do it. And, you know, maybe it’s the test you have to take or graduating or you’re going to be the top of your class at law school. Or you’re going to start a business and you’re going to be successful with that. But it’s not waiting. It’s not, oh, I hope it’s okay. I hope I’m successful. It’s like, I’m going to do this.  I’m going to make it happen.  Get out of my way as well.

Get out of my way.

Or you’re going to get hurt.

That’s kind of scary.

I mean, maybe. It depends. But, you know, in business, in life, in a lot of ways, you got to go after it.

Well, I feel that the people who are really successful have the sort of grab life by the horns attitude.

Oh, it’s true.

This is one of the reasons why I am not that way. I’m just kind of like, okay, whatever comes my way. I don’t go after things.

Yeah, because grabbing life by the horns is very intense.

Very. You go after it.

Yeah yeah you’re gonna make it happen, you’re gonna sacrifice so many things to do it

They’re gonna go and find an animal and grab their horns,

You’re gonna fight a bull. You’re just going to go after it.

Okay. What does Randy say?

Ever since I started forcing myself to get out of bed early, I’ve been looking forward to everything I’ve been missing.

Okay, so Randy seems that becoming a morning person has really changed his life. First of all, he forced himself to get out of bed early. So, if you force yourself to do something, what are you doing?

You are making yourself do something. This is all about willpower. So, you know, we as humans, we kind of have a more animal side.  And then a more logical, I guess, human side, you might say. So… Our human side kind of knows we need to wake up early and do things.  But our animal side is like, I want to sleep more.  I want to.  So, forcing yourself to do something is telling your ‘the animal part of yourself.’ No, you’re not going to be lazy. You’re not going to like just eat junk food. I’m going to force myself to do something that maybe I physically don’t want to do, but I know logically is better for me to do.


That’s right so you’re doing something that you don’t want to do I’ve been looking forward to everything I’ve been missing so what has he been looking forward to? Basically you know living a full life, so look forward to something.

Look forward to something means you cannot wait to do it. It’s something that you see into the future and you think, wow I want to do this so much this is going to be so good you’re looking forward to it.


Then Kristina says, well, I’m looking forward to seeing the morning Randy more often. Maybe we can start meeting here for coffee a few times a week.

Okay. So, I’m looking forward to, actually, we just had the expression looking forward to, and I’m looking forward to. So, it may seem a little repetitive, but there is a slight difference in the way it is used.


So here as a pattern, it’s always I’m looking forward to. So what is that sort of difference?

Right. So I would say when in doubt, it is best to say it, I’m looking forward to. There are times where you’ll see like, I look forward to, I was looking forward to, I looked forward to. But I’m looking forward to is the most common way. And with Kristina here saying I’m looking forward to, it doesn’t feel… Like, she is waiting every day.  Thinking, oh, wow. Morning, Randy. I can’t wait. It’s more just the feeling of, oh, that will be nice. That will be good.

So Randy and when he first says this I’ve been looking forward to everything I’ve been missing you do get the feeling that he was like man i can’t wait to get up and work out and do my course, there was an actual expectation.

Whereas Kristina’s just feels like oh that’ll be good okay good for you that’ll be nice.

We’ll give you more examples to show the difference yes let’s go ahead and listen to that one more time.


Randy: Good morning, Kristina.

Kristina: Good morning. I’ve never seen you in this coffee shop so early before.

Randy: I just got back from the gym to get the blood pumping. I’m also taking an online course every morning.

Kristina: Wow, you’re really grabbing life by the horns.

Randy: Ever since I started forcing myself to get out of bed early, I’ve been looking forward to everything I’ve been missing.

Kristina: Well, I’m looking forward to seeing the morning Randy more often. Maybe we can start meeting here for coffee a few times a week.


Power Note
1. get the blood pumping: 활력을 넣다.

It’s time for Power Note. Let’s look at our first expression, get the blood pumping. It means to be kind of activate to energize the body.


A: Do you need the music to be so loud?

B: Nothing gets the blood pumping like great tunes.

Okay. It is really true that when you kind of work out, it’s good to have music that’s like really…

Yeah, 비트비트, you have that like club…

Cameron, you do that really well.

That’s what I do in my house. Lots of practice.

At home with my dog, we’re just dancing.

And some lights.


2) I do yoga every morning to get the blood pumping.

So this, I think a lot of the phrases that we often introduce are, are what we’d call metaphorical. The meaning is not exact. There’s like an emotional or comparison type of meaning. However, this one really is what it’s saying. It’s saying the blood in your body is going round and round, whether that is by heat, whether it is by intense music or exercise. It really is talking about the blood in your body going through faster.

Well, I tell you, these days I’m trying to make a habit of going out as soon as I wake up within the 30 minutes, taking the dog for a walk.

And just getting that morning sun. And to get the blood pumping. Literally.

It’s true.  And it’s really, I don’t think young people know this, but as you get older, the importance of blood flowing in your body, you know, to be honest, I can tell the difference in like my body if I’ve like moved during the day or not. or like your body’s warmer.

And also sleeping.

Right?  It’s so true. It’s just so… Oh my gosh. Gotta get that blood pumping.

You gotta get it.

Whereas when you’re young, I guess you don’t. Your blood’s just always pumping.

Yeah, but you’re always, but you’re still young.

Sometimes my bloods get clogged like a toilet.


2. Grab life by the horns: 적극적으로 삶에 임하다. 

Be active, proactive, and busy in doing things, be a go-getter, be ambitious, live life to the fullest, get out my way

If you grab life by the horns, it means that you are here doing difficult things because they are important. You are being active about something. You’re getting things done. 


A: Why do you have so many projects going on at once?

B: You have to grab life by the horns if you want to accomplish anything.

So this is not easy stuff. No. No. Because you’re grabbing that wild animal and the horns. It’s going to be a fight. Right. Okay.

2) Never let the fear of failure stop you. You just grab life by the horns.

That’s true. I think that is, most people are scared of failure, myself included. So sometimes it’s better not to try.

Yeah, absolutely.

Cameron: If you don’t try. Mm-hmm.

You’ll never know.

You can’t fail, but you also won’t succeed.  But people who are like, No, I’m gonna do it anyway.

Some people actually are so scared to make a mistake and to fail that they just want stay there. But if you have attitude, your world is gonna get very small.

 Unfortunately. And we like to live big, right Cameron?

Do we?

What are you doing?

I don’t know. I think there are some parts of my life that I have grabbed life by the horns. I mean, we both… We came here. We moved to another country. Honestly, doing radio work, if you… It worked out well for us. But… Probably not a good career decision. If you think about it, the possibility of it working out well is not very high. So I guess in those times, like, I guess there are times when I’ve grabbed life by the horns. But most of the time, I just run away from the bull.  

You run away? Sometimes you need to run away. Okay.


3. look forward to : 을 기대하다.

If you look forward to something, you are anticipating something.


A: You’re eager to do something. I had a really nice time tonight. Thanks for having dinner with me.

B: It was my pleasure. I look forward to a second date.

So I look forward to a second date and I feel when it is in the present tense like this, there’s a bit of formality.

* I look forward to –: 현재형으로 사용할 때에는 진짜 원한다는 뉘앙스가 아니라 형식적인 인사에 가까움.

Yeah, it does feel more formal. It feels formal. And because it’s more formal, it might not seem like you really mean it. Like in business, I could say, I look forward to our second meeting. Like, you probably don’t really care.  Or you probably don’t want to have the meeting.

Trying to be polite.

2) I was looking forward to pizza but my favorite restaurant was closed.

Here in the past progressive, it’s actually kind of disappointing. Disappointing. I was looking forward. 

* I was looking forward to –: 과거 진행형일 때에는, 이루지 못한 아쉬움의 뉘앙스가 .


Power pattern. I’m looking forward to, so this is the power pattern. You use it just like this.

1) I’m looking forward to seeing you make your acceptance speech.

Oh, your acceptance speech will be nice. Yes.

2) I’m looking forward to the day when I own my own house.

Oh, it’ll be so nice when I have my own house.

Oh my god.


It will be so nice. Okay, power vocab on page 168 is force oneself. To do something that you don’t want to do, but you do it. Let’s thank our sponsors. Please stop by at all…

Oh, hot dog.

5. Force oneself: –를 억지로 하다 = be forced to –

When you force yourself to do something, you are doing something you do not enjoy or want to do. Often, this is a good thing, like exercising, getting up early, or studying.


오래 전에 영어로 Way Back When, 보아하니 Apparently

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