입시 학원 영어로 – Cram School

입시 학원 영어로 – Cram School

Key Expressions


1. B와 A에 대해 논의하다: Talk things over A with B

결정을 내리기 전에 남편과 의논을 좀 해보고 싶습니다.
I want to talk things over with my husband before I decide

2. 자기주도형 학습: self-directed learning

선생님은 자기 주도형 학습을 장려하십니다.
The teacher encourages self-directed learning.

3. 많은 시행착오: a lot of trial and error

많은 시행착오 끝에 마침내 우리는 해결책을 찾아냈다.
After a lot of trial and error, we’ve finally found a solution.


Dialog Practice

A: What types of private academies do you send your child to?
B: We mostly send her to academies for arts and physical activities.
A: oh really?
B: Yes, we try to help her to study on her own and to read a lot of books.
A: Is her academic performance okay?
B: Thankfully she is getting pretty good grades.

A: 어떤 학원에 아이를 보내나요?
B: 주로 예체능 쪽 학원을 보내고 있어요.
A: 아, 그래요?
B: 스스로 공부하고 책도 좀 많이 읽도록 도와주려 해요.
A: 학업 성취도는 좀 괜찮아요?
B: 다행히 성적이 잘 나오는 편이에요.

  • 사설 학원: private academies
  • 스스로 공부하다: study on one’s own
  • 학업 성취도, 성적: academic performance


Today’s Sentences: Educating Our Child

We moved to a neighborhood with excellent learning conditions 10 years ago for the sake of our grade school daughter’s education.
However after talking things over with my wife, we decided to raise our child to experience a wide variety of things like students overseas throughout elementary, middle. and high school.
We never sent her to cram schools focused solely on entrance exams for subjects like math and English.

Instead, we consistently enrolled her in piano and art classes and helped her to engage in sports like swimming and skating.
We encouraged her to practice self-directed learning, cultivating habits of planning and studying independently.
We also made an effort to read books on various subjects together.
As her parents, there was a lot of trial and error at first but she gradually got the hang of it and gained confidence.

Eventually she succeeded in getting accepted to the university and major she was aiming for.
She is now in her senior year, getting prepared to step into society.


1. 10년 전 초등학생 딸 아이의 교육을 위하여 교육 여건이 매우 좋은 동네로 우리 가족은 이사를 왔습니다.
We moved to a neighborhood with excellent learning conditions 10 years ago for the sake of our grade school daughter’s education.

  • 을 위해서: for the sake of (for)
  • 교육환경이 좋은, 교육여건이 좋은: excellent learning conditions


2. 그래서 이제 좋은 지역으로 이사 왔는데 하지만 아내와 좀 논의를 통해서 우리 아이는 외국 아이들처럼 다양한 것을 체험할 수 있도록 키우기로 결정을 했습니다.
However after talking things over with my wife, we decided to raise our child to experience a wide variety of things like students overseas.

  • 아내와 논의를 하다: talk things over a subject with my wife = have a discussion about something you’re really focusing on that subject with my wife
  • 다양한 것을 경험하도록: to experience a wide variety of things
  • 전인교육: well-rounded education


3. 초, 중, 고등학교 모두, 우리는 아이를 영어나 수학에 집중된 입시학원에는 한 번도 보내지 않았다.
Throughout elementary, middle, and high school, we never sent her to cram schools focused solely on entrance exams for subjects like math and English.

  • 초중고 통틀어서: Throughout elementary, middle, and high school
  • 입시 학원, 단기 집중 학원: cram schools
  • 에만 집중된: focused solely on
  • 입시: entrance exams


4. 그 대신 피아노와 미술 학원을 꾸준히 보냈고요. 수영과 스케이팅 같은 스포츠를 즐길 수 있도록 하였습니다.
Instead, we consistently enrolled her in piano and art classes and helped her to engage in sport like swimming and skating.

  • 꾸준히: consistently
  • A를 B에 등록시키다: enroll A in B
  • 피아노 학원을 다녔다: I used to get piano lessons when I was young.


5. 우리는 아이가 스스로 또 계획을 짜고 학습하는 습관을 기르면서 자기 주도형 학습을 실천하도록 하였습니다.
We encouraged her to practice self-directed learning, cultivating habits of planning and studying independently.

  • A가 B하도록 격려하다: encourage A to B
  • 자기주도형 학습: self-directed learning
  • 습관을 기르면서: cultivating habits
  • 심혈을 기울여 (노력하여) 개발하다: cultivate


6. 또한 부모로서 다양한 분야의 책을 같이 읽기 위해 노력하였습니다.
We also made an effort to read books on various subjects together as her parents.


7. 처음에는 많은 시행착오가 없지는 않았지만 아이는 차츰 익숙해져 가고 자신감을 갖게 되었습니다.
There was a lot of trial and error at 1st but she gradually got the hang of it and gained confidence.

  • 많은 시행착오: a lot of trial and error (복수형을 잘 안씀)
  • 익숙해지다. 감을 잡다: get the hang of it.
  • 자신감을 얻다: gain confidence.


8. 결국 우리 딸은 목표하던 대학 그리고 그 목표하는 전공에 합격했습니다.
Eventually she succeeded in getting accepted to the university and major she was aiming for

  • 합격하다: get accepted to —
  • 목표로 하다: aim for


9. 졸업반인데 사회 나갈 준비를 차차 하고 있습니다.
She is now in her senior year, getting prepared to step into society.

  • 준비하면서: getting prepared to
  • 사회에 진출하다: step into society



Lucia’s Pick

사설 학원 영어로: cram school, private academy

논술 학원을 다니다 영어로: get writing lessons

전인 교육: well-rounded learning


교육 관련 포스팅

0103 입트영 – 엄마의 영어공부: Mom’s English Studies – Lucia’s Translation – English & Korean (enko.co.kr)

문제 출제 영어로 – Setting Exam Questions (enko.co.kr)

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