영어 낭독의 효과 – Benefits of English Recitation

영어 낭독의 효과 – Benefits of English Recitation

Pattern Practice
1. 최상의 컨디션이 아닌: Not in peak condition

컨디션이 안좋을 떄에도 그건 매일 했다.
I’ve done it every day even when I was not in peak condition.

시험 당일에 나는 최상의 컨디션은 아니었다.
I was not in peak condition on the day of the exam.


2. 지대한 관심을 가지다: develop a keen interest in

아이들이 영어에 깊은 관심을 가지게 되었다.
My children have developed a keen interest in English

난 우리 아들이 책 읽는 거에 많은 관심을 가지게 되면 좋겠다.
I want my son to develop a keen interest in reading.


3. 본보기가 되다: Become a role model for somebody.

아이들에게 본보기가 되는 것 같아 뿌듯하다.
It feels gratifying to become a role model for my children

나는 딸에게 본보기가 되어주고 싶다.
I want to become a role model for my daughter.


Dialog Practice

A: I noticed over 700 recitation posts on your Instagram.

B: Yes it’s been almost two years and they’ve really piled up.

A: That’s truly impressive.

B: Now something feels off if I miss even a single day. Consistency is the key in anything you do.

A: You’re setting a great example.

B: Having companions who support and encourage me makes a huge difference.

A: 너의 낭독 게시물 인증이 700개가 넘더라!

B: 응 벌써 2년 가까이 됐고 엄청 쌓였지.

A: 정말 대단해.

B: 이제 하루라도 안하면 뭔가 좀 허전해. 뭐든지 꾸준히 하는 게 최고야.

A: 너 정말 굉장한 모범생인데?

B: 지지하고 힘을 주는 동료들이 있어서 더 크게 달라지는 거 같아.


Today’s Sentences: Benefits of English recitation


I first got into 입트영 (Ipteuyoung) recitation in March 2022.

Since then, I’ve been posting my recitations without missing a single day.

I’ve done it every day without fail including on public holidays, while I was on the road, when I was not in peak condition, and even when I was sick.

Practicing diligently for so long has had several advantages.

Firstly, I lacked confidence in my English pronunciation.

But it has become much more natural, making my English studies more enjoyable.

Secondly thanks to my daily English recitations, my children have developed a keen interest in the language.

Lastly all these small successes have piled up and made me recognize my personal growth.

As an ordinary mom with no remarkable achievements to speak of, it feels gratifying to gain confidence and become a role model for my children.


  1. 나는 2022년 3월에 처음으로 입트영 낭독을 시작했다.

I first got into 입트영 recitation in March 2022.

  • 시작하다: first got into (begin, start)
  • 낭독: recitation


  1. 그 이후로 지금까지 하루도 빠짐없이 낭독 인증을 하고 있다.

Since then, I’ve been posting my recitations without missing a single day.

  • 인증하다. 포스팅하다: post
  • 하루도 빠짐없이: Without missing a single day = every single day


  1. 공휴일이든 여행을 가든 컨디션이 좋지 않거나 심지어 몸이 아플 때도 단 하루도 인증을 놓치지 않았다.

I’ve done it every day without fail, including on public holidays, while I was on the road, when I was not in peak condition and even when I was sick.

  • 언제든지, 빠짐없이: without fail
  • 여행 중에: while I was on the road = while I was on a trip
  • 최상의 컨디션이 아닐 때: when I was not in peak condition.


  1. 이렇게 오랜 기간 꾸준히 낭독 연습을 하니 여러 장점이 있었다.

Practicing diligently for so long has had several advantages.

  • 부지런히 연습을 해왔다: practice diligently


  1. 첫 번째로 영어 발음에 자신감이 없었는데, 훨씬 자연스러워지고 영어 공부가 즐거워졌다.

Firstly, I lacked confidence in my English pronunciation. But it has become much more natural, making my English studies more enjoyable.

  • 에 대한 자신감이 부족하다: lack confidence in —


  1. 두 번째로 엄마가 매일 영어 낭독을 하는 덕분에 아이들도 영어에 많은 관심을 가지게 됐다.

Secondly, thanks to my daily English recitations, my children have developed a keen interest in the language.

  • 에 지대한 관심을 갖게 되다: develop a keen interest in


  1. 마지막으로 이 작은 성공들이 모두 모여서 내 자신이 성장하고 있다는 그런 것을 느끼게 됐다.

Lastly, all these small successes have piled up, and made me recognize my personal growth.

  • 작은 성공들이 쌓였다: So all these small successes have piled up.
  • 내 자신이 성장하는 것을 인식하게 해 주었다: made me recognize my personal growth.


  1. 크게 내세울 것 없는 평범한 엄마가 자신감도 가지게 되고 아이들에게 본보기가 되는 것 같아 뿌듯하다.

As an ordinary mom with no remarkable achievements to speak of, it feels gratifying to gain confidence and become a role model for my children.

  • 평범한 엄마: ordinary mom
  • 자랑할 만한 성과가 없는, 내세울 것 없는, 보잘 것 없는: with no remarkable achievements to speak of.
  • 보람된, 벅찬, 뿌듯한: gratifying
  • 본보기, 귀감: role model
  • 자신감을 얻다: gain confidence

0103 엄마표 영어 공부 – Mom’s English Studies (enko.co.kr)

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