0306 레딧 상장: 3월 IPO 계획 – Reddit Plans IPO in March (귀트영 스크립트)

레딧 상장, 반려견 동반 호텔, might as well

0306 레딧 상장: 3월 IPO 계획 – Reddit Plans IPO in March   Reddit plans IPO in March testing investor appetite. Social media giant Reddit is gearing up for its initial public offering IPO in March, a move it has contemplated for over three years. Founded in 2005, Reddit is known for its niche discussion … Read more

0304 2024년 항공료 인상? Will Airfares Remain High in 2024? (귀트영 스크립트)

0207 Headlines, 항공료 인상, have a craving

0304 2024년 항공료 인상? Will Airfares Remain High in 2024?   Will Airfares Remain High in 2024? Here’s what experts say. The airline industry which witnessed a remarkable recovery from the pandemic’s depth is poised for stabilization in 2024. Reports indicate that the years of dramatic year-on-year growth seen in 2021 to 2023 are coming … Read more

애플 vs 삼성, 글로벌 스마트폰 시장에서 삼성 추월 – Apple Surpasses Samsung in Global Smartphone Market.

애플 vs 삼성, 가방 속 물건

  애플 vs 삼성, 글로벌 스마트폰 시장에서 삼성 추월 Apple Surpasses Samsung in Global Smartphone Market. In a major shift in the global smartphone market, Apple has dethroned Samsung becoming the leading smartphone manufacturer for the first time in over a decade. Apple’s market share exceeded a fifth of total phone shipments last year, surpassing … Read more

The Challenge of Living Paycheck to Paycheck – 월급쟁이 생활의 어려움

뉴욕의 택시, Living Paycheck to Paycheck, 미국 이민

The Challenge of Living Paycheck to Paycheck: 월급쟁이 생활의 어려움 Despite earning over 100,000 dollars annually, more than half of Americans in this income bracket still live paycheck to paycheck. This trend prevalent among 60 percent of the population is attributed to a phenomenon known as lifestyle inflation. As incomes rise people often increase their … Read more

0220 국제 정세 불안 속 금값 상승 – Rising Gold Prices amid Global Turmoil

금값 상승, first things first

국제 정세 불안 속에 금값 상승 – Rising Gold Prices amid Global Turmoil Part 1 Rising Gold Prices amid Global Turmoil Gold prices have soared to a record high surpassing 2,100 dollars per ounce driven by the demand for safe haven assets amidst global unrest. The Israel-Hamas conflict has particularly boosted this demand. Analysts predict … Read more

Doom Spending 뜻 – 흥청망청 영어로 (Americans Resort to Doom Spending amid Economic Concerns)

doom spending 뜻, Power English, 장롱 면허 탈출, cost an arm and a leg, make up one's mind

Doom Spending 뜻 – 흥청망청, 과소비 영어로 Key Expression: Doom spending  Doom spending: 신조어. 과도한 성향의 소비 성향. 분수에 맞지 않는 것을 힘들게 계속 하는 구매. 충동 소비, 파멸적 소비, 자포자기형 소비, ‘에라 모르겠다형’ 소비, 흥청망청 소비 Chat GPT: “Doom spending” refers to excessive and indiscriminate spending behavior triggered by negative and anxious emotions or … Read more

0208  Z세대, 미 노동력의 주역- Gen. Z to Become Predominant Force in US Workforce


0208 Z세대, 미 노동력의 주역 – Gen. Z to Become Predominant Force in US Workforce   Gen. Z is projected to overtake baby boomers in terms of numbers in the U.S. workforce this year. Currently full time Gen Zers and boomer workers are nearly equal. With boomers born between 1946 and 1964 retiring on mass … Read more

0207 구글 메드LM, 의료용 AI 혁신 모델 – Google’s MedLM: Revolutionizing Healthcare With AI

구글 메드LM, 유튜브 채널 운영

0207 구글 메드LM, 의료용 AI 혁신 모델 – Google’s MedLM: Revolutionizing Healthcare With AI: 구글 메드LM: Google has recently unveiled MedLM, a suite of healthcare-specific AI models designed to aid clinicians and researchers. MedLM which includes healthcare-specific versions of Google’s AI model Gemini is expected to significantly impact the healthcare industry. It offers tools for … Read more

0123 대형마트 일요일 의무 휴업 폐지 결정 – Gov’t to Scrap Big Retailers’ Mandatory Sunday Closures

대형마트 일요일 의무 휴업 폐지, 0203 Headlines

대형마트 일요일 의무 휴업 폐지 결정 – Gov’t to Scrap Big Retailers’ Mandatory Sunday Closures   SEOUL, Jan. 22 (Yonhap) The government announced several measures aimed at reforming regulations related to people’s livelihoods, including scrapping the policy mandating large retailers to close their stores on Sunday twice a month, officials said Monday. 서울, 1월 22일 … Read more

0122 한국 빅테크의 정리해고 임박과 분노한 노동자들 외- Big Tech Layoffs Loom in Korea as Furious Workers Revolt

정리해고, 챗 GPT

한국 빅테크의 정리해고 임박과 분노한 노동자들 – Big Tech layoffs loom in Korea as furious workers revolt   Big Tech U.S. companies, including Google and Amazon, are trying to trim the workforce of their Korean units in line with massive global layoffs, but the actual scale remains relatively meager compared to other regions. 구글, 아마존 … Read more