Come down to -으로 귀결되다. Find Oneself 자신이 -하는 걸 발견하다 Self-control 자제력 (1007 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

쓰러져가는 영어로, take a chance, come down to

Come down to -으로 귀결되다. Find Oneself 자신이 -하는 걸 발견하다 Self-control 자제력 (1007 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트) Power Warm-up: Constant Snacking: I Can’t Seem to Lose Weight Paul is concerned about his weight. Andrea asks him about his eating habits and discovers the problem: Paul eats between meals, and his snacks aren’t healthy. Kristen: Yes, … Read more

Swear by -를 전적으로 믿다 Reap the Benefits of 결실을 맺다 Humor Me 비위를 맞추다 (1003 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

이거 말고 다른거 영어로, 뱅갈 고무나무 키우기, swear by

Swear by -를 전적으로 믿다 Reap the Benefits of 결실을 맺다 Humor Me 비위를 맞추다   Power Warm-up: Grounding: My Friend Swears by It Doris finds her friend Luka walking around in the grass without his shoes on. He tells her he is “grounding” in an effort to reduce stress and release bad energy.   … Read more

Drive Me up the Wall 짜증나게 하다 Peace and Quiet 평온 Is it Too Much to Ask 무리한 부탁일까요? (1002 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

꿀잠 영어로, 조퇴하다 영어로, 고비를 넘기다 영어로, lose sleep over , wreak havoc, cry my eyes out, dead of winter, vicious cycle, drive me up the wall, gain recognition worldwide

Drive Me up the Wall 짜증나게 하다 Peace and Quiet 평온 Is it Too Much to Ask 무리한 부탁일까요? (1002 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트) Power Warm-up: The Noisy Neighbors: They’re Driving Me up the Wall! Chad is concerned that Maria doesn’t look well. She tells him that it’s because of her new neighbors, which include three … Read more

Have a Craving 음식이 당기다 Around the Corner 코앞에 있는 Dirt Cheap 매우 저렴한 Weekend Getaway 주말휴가 (1001 파워잉글리쉬 스크립트)

0207 Headlines, 항공료 인상, have a craving

Have a Craving 음식이 당기다 Around the Corner 코앞에 있는 Dirt Cheap 매우 저렴한 Weekend Getaway 주말휴가 Power Warm-up: Weekend Gateway: The Beach Is Right Around the Corner Brandon suggests to his wife that they go away for the weekend, but somewhere close. They agree on a place near the bay, where they can have … Read more

Silver Lining 좋은점 Harm’s Way 위험 Take My Hat off to -를 존경하다 (0930 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

편하게 하다 영어로, melt in my mouth, in short supply, cross my mind, silver lining

Silver Lining 좋은점 Harm’s Way 위험 Take My Hat off to -를 존경하다   Power Warm-up: Cooking for Dietary Restrictions: There’s a Silver Lining Though Michelle has her challenges when it comes to cooking, everyone in the family benefits in the end. She’s been able to keep her whole family healthy and eating well. Cameron: … Read more

Check All the Right Boxes 모든 조건을 충족하다 Take it Personally 기분나쁘게 받아들이다 On the Hook for – 에 책임을 지는 (0927 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

지르다 영어로, fix someone up with, at the crack of dawn, check all the right boxes

Check All the Right Boxes 모든 조건을 충족하다 Take it Personally 기분나쁘게 받아들이다 On the Hook for – 에 책임을 지는 (0927 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트) Power Warm-up: Looking for Investors: It Checked All the Right Boxes John has finally found an investor after searching for a month. He got the money he needed, but he … Read more

Go through a Slump 슬럼프에 빠지다 Formally Study: 정식으로 배우다  Supportive Atmosphere 격려하는 분위기  (0927 입트영 스크립트)

status symbol, 속도를 조절하다 영어로, go through a slump

Go through a Slump 슬럼프에 빠지다 Formally Study: 정식으로 배우다  Supportive Atmosphere 격려하는 분위기  (0927 입트영 스크립트) 암기 문장 요즘 슬럼프에 빠진 거 같아. I think I’m going through a slump   Urban Sketches 나는 2018년에 스페인 산티아고 순례길를 완주했다. 나는 정식으로 그림을 배운 건 아니지만 순례길을 걸으면서 제가 본 스페인의 풍경과 사람들을 팬으로 매일 … Read more

Vicious Cycle 악순환 Keep it up 계속해 나가다 Side Effect 부작용 Well-rested 충분히 쉰 (0926 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

꿀잠 영어로, 조퇴하다 영어로, 고비를 넘기다 영어로, lose sleep over , wreak havoc, cry my eyes out, dead of winter, vicious cycle, drive me up the wall, gain recognition worldwide

Vicious Cycle 악순환 Keep it up 계속해 나가다 Side Effect 부작용 Well-rested 충분히 쉰 (0926 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)   Power Warm-up: Please Stop Snoring!: You Look Well-rested Howard’s snoring has gotten better every day since he’s been taking action to fix it. He said it was when the doctor told him about the long-term health … Read more

Be Yourself 본모습대로 해 Have in Mind 염두에 두다 Over the Phone 전화로 (대화하다) (0925 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

로미오와 줄리엣 1996, 로미오와 줄리엣 대사, 로미오와 줄리엣 관람평, 테일러 스위프트 로미오와 줄리엣 가사, take someone seriously, be yourself

Be Yourself 본모습대로 해 Have in Mind 염두에 두다 Over the Phone 전화로 (대화하다) Power Warm-up: Asking Someone Out: That Was Pretty Smooth! Ian asked Sandra out and she said yes. Just as Melinda suspected, Sandra liked Ian and hoped he would ask her out. Although he was nervous, he did it face to face … Read more

A Walk in the Park 아주 쉬운 일 Go up against – 에 맞서다 One Red Cent 한푼 (0924 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

A380 항공기, 진퇴양난 영어로, a walk in the park

A Walk in the Park 아주 쉬운 일 Go up against – 에 맞서다 One Red Cent 한푼 Power Warm-up: I Got Bumped from My Flight!: Part 4 Kayla’s excited to tell Maxwell how she resolved the problem of getting bumped. Now she’ll get to her destination for free with some extra money in her … Read more