노화가 빠른 Z세대 (0413 Gen Z? I thought You Were Gen X, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

노화가 빠른 Z세대

노화가 빠른 Z세대, Gen Z? I thought You Were Gen X (0413 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)   Power Warm-up With the advent of social media, people’s stress levels have gone up. And with higher stress levels come the outward signs of aging. And Gen Z is already showing those signs of aging. 소셜 미디어의 등장으로 사람들의 … Read more

와닿다 영어로 Resonate with (0412 Starting a T-Shirt Business: 티셔츠 사업 시작하기 – 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

찰리 브라운, 와닿다 영어로. 반려견 동반 숙소, bestie, friend zone, grin and bear it, come to terms with

와닿다 영어로 Resonate with (0412 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트) Starting a T-Shirt Business: What Will Resonate with Your Ideal Customer? 티셔츠 사업 시작하기: 이상적인 고객에게 공감을 주기   Power Warm-up Richard has set up his online store for T-shirts with his designs printed on them. Kate tells him she likes the brand name but says he … Read more

오버하지 마세요. 자연스러운 동안 시술 원해요 – Getting a Touch-Up: Don’t Go Overboard! (0411 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

동안 시술, 생필품 영어로

오버하지 마세요. 자연스러운 동안 시술 원해요: Getting a Touch-Up: Don’t Go Overboard! (0411 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트) Power Warm-up Myra is about to get her first procedure for this appointment: fillers. She asks Dr. Kendrick to be sure that she didn’t look like she had plastic surgery, but to still give her full lips. 마이라는 곧 … Read more

Cost an Arm and a Leg, Collect Dust (Commuting by E-Bike: Are You Still Having Second Thoughts? 0410 파워 잉글리쉬)

doom spending 뜻, Power English, 장롱 면허 탈출, cost an arm and a leg, make up one's mind

Cost an Arm and a Leg, Collect Dust (Commuting by E-Bike: Are You Still Having Second Thoughts? 0410 파워 잉글리쉬)   Power Warm-up Jasmine borrowed Will’s e-bike for a weekend to decide if she felt safe on it and enjoyed the experience. She tells him she is happy with it and wishes she could afford … Read more

뻔한 영어로 – Cookie-cutter, 없는 게 없는 영어로- Everything Under the Sun (Meal Kits: 0408 파워잉글리시 스크립트)

뻔한 영어로, 득템하다 영어로, name of the game, take someone seriously, rouse someone

뻔한 영어로 – Cookie-cutter, 없는 게 없는 영어로- Everything Under the Sun (Meal Kits: 0408 파워잉글리시 스크립트)   Power Warm-up ​Stacy is researching meal kits and finds a good trial offer. She’s skeptical because she thinks they will all offer the same things. But Noah explains that there are many options 스테이시는 밀키트에 대해 찾아보고는 … Read more

N잡 영어로-Side Hustles, 자격을 갖추다-Have What it Takes (Starting a T-Shirt Business, 0405 파워잉글리시 스크립트)

N잡 영어로, 입문하다 영어로, 간신히 영어로

N잡 영어로-Side Hustles, 자격을 갖추다-Have What it Takes (Starting a T-Shirt Business: These Designs Are Amazing, 0405 파워잉글리시 스크립트)   Power Warm-up ​Richard does graphic designs on his computer for fun. But his friend Kate thinks he could turn it into a business if he put some of his great designs on T-shirts. 리처드는 취미 … Read more

어려보이기 위한 동안 시술 – Getting a Touch-Up, Turn Back the Clock (0404 파워 잉글리쉬)

동안 시술, hands down the best, 순조롭게 영어로

어려보이기 위한 동안 시술 Getting a Touch-Up : I Don’t Want to Look Old (0404 파워 잉글리쉬)   Power Warm-up: Myra has a class reunion coming up soon and she doesn’t want to look old to her classmates. The event is in about a week, so her doctor said she only has a few options. … Read more

Have a Say, on the Fence, Frazzled (Commuting by E-Bike: 전기 자전거로 통근하기 0403 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

Have a say, 법을 지키다 영어로, 내 스타일 아니야 영어로, without incidence

Have a Say, on the Fence, Frazzled (Commuting by E-Bike: 전기 자전거로 통근하기 0403 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)   Power Warm-up Jasmine finds riding the bus stressful. She doesn’t think she has any other option since she doesn’t have a car and her job is too far away to walk. Will suggests she ride an e-bike … Read more

아프리카 사파리: 대이동에 대해 조사하다 (African Safari: I’ve Been Reading Up on the Great Migration 0402 파워 잉글리쉬)

비행기 창문 둥근 이유, 아프리카 사파리

아프리카 사파리: 대이동에 대해 조사하다 (African Safari: I’ve Been Reading Up on the Great Migration 0402 파워 잉글리쉬) Power Warm-up: Mike suggests to his wife that they take an African safari vacation. She tells him that it sounds great, but it’s too late to book it. To her surprise, he’s already made reservations 마이크는 아내에게 … Read more

가성비 좋은 영어로 –  Dirt Cheap (혼밥을 위한 매우 저렴한 밀키트 Meal Kits: They’re Dirt Cheap 0401 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

가성비 좋은 영어로, You are what you eat, 널 위해서야 영어로,

가성비 좋은 영어로 –  Dirt Cheap (혼밥을 위한 매우 저렴한 밀키트 Meal Kits: They’re Dirt Cheap 0401 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트) Power Warm-up Stacy is tired of cooking for herself every night. It’s messy and takes a lot of time. Noah suggests she subscribe to a meal kit service because it’s easy and inexpensive 스테이시는 매일 … Read more