Dress down 편하게 입다. Don’t Have a Clue 짐작도 못하다. Break out 특별한 날을 위해 –를 꺼내다 (0823 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

자존심을 버리다 영어로, 우연치 않게 영어로, dress down

Dress down 편하게 입다. Don’t Have a Clue 짐작도 못하다. Break out 특별한 날을 위해 –를 꺼내다   Power Warm-up: The Company Dress Code: What Are You Wearing Tomorrow? There is a big company meeting tomorrow for Olivia and John. They discuss how this is the first test of the new dress code. Will everyone … Read more

Push One’s Limits 한계에 도전하다. Get off Track 옆길로 새다. Slim Chance 희박한 가능성 (0822 파워 잉글리시 스크립트)

스트레스를 풀다 영어로, 절친 영어로, 아침형 인간 영어로, think on one's feet, 헬스장에 등록하다 영어로, push one's limits

Push One’s Limits 한계에 도전하다. Get off Track 옆길로 새다. Slim Chance 희박한 가능성 (0822 파워 잉글리시 스크립트) Power Warm-up: The Importance of Mobility and Flexibility: Part 4 Gia’s mother has suffered a minor injury while exercising. But Gia says that her mother won’t quit. If she was a quitter, she could never have raised … Read more

On the Brink of -직전에, On Top of That 게다가 (0821 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

Trip to Toronto, 토론토 호텔, on the brink of, give a stern talking

On the Brink of -직전에, On Top of That 게다가 (0821 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)   Power Warm-up: Black Mold: I’ve Kept My Fingers Crossed Ian’s uncle has successfully removed the black mold from his apartment. Melinda says Ian is lucky to have an uncle like Rick who can help in a situation like this.   … Read more

A Far Cry from 완전히 다른, Mom-and-pop 작은, 영세한 (0820 폴란드 여행, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

Remain to be seen, get down to business, a far cry from, cram in, ups and downs

A Far Cry from 완전히 다른, Mom-and-pop 작은, 영세한 (0820 폴란드 여행, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)   Power Warm-up: The Best of Poland: The Tatra Mountains Maxwell and Kayla have left Krakow and headed for Zakopane, in the Tatra mountains. It’s a small town with little shops and family-run restaurants.   Kristen: We are traveling today. … Read more

Take It Too Far 도가 지나치다, Align with – 와 일치하다. Dress the Part 맞게 옷을 입다 (0816 회사 복장 규정, 파워 잉글리시 스크립트)

위기의 주부들 시즌1 4화 대본, take it too far

Take It Too Far 도가 지나치다, Align with – 와 일치하다. Dress the Part 맞게 옷을 입다  Power Warm-up: The Company Dress Code: They’re Taking It Too Far Olivia thinks the dress code is too strict. John thinks that the company they work for needs to project a certain image, and the dress code is … Read more

The Same Goes for Me 나도 마찬가지야, Slow and Steady Wins the Race 꾸준하면 성공한다. (0815 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

톰과 제리, 건강 챌린지, See eye to eye with, the same goes for me, daily routine involves

The Same Goes for Me 나도 마찬가지야, Slow and Steady Wins the Race 꾸준하면 성공한다. (0815 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트) Power Warm-up: The Importance of Mobility and Flexibility: Part 3 Gia says her mother is getting a lot of great results from the yoga routine Howard suggested. He tells Gia that she may want to add … Read more

Get down to Business 본론으로 들어가다, Engage in – 에 참여하다 (0813  폴란드 여행, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

Remain to be seen, get down to business, a far cry from, cram in, ups and downs

Get down to Business 본론으로 들어가다, Engage in – 에 참여하다  Power Warm-up: The Best of Poland: Krakow – 폴란드 최고의 도시 크라쿠프 Maxwell tells Kayla he thinks Polish people aren’t very friendly. She says in their culture they don’t engage in small talk with strangers much, unlike in the U.S. Cameron: Welcome to the … Read more

Melt in My Mouth 입에서 살살 녹는 Crowd Pleaser 인기있는 것, Set – aside 따로 챙기다 (0812 치즈 가게, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

편하게 하다 영어로, melt in my mouth, in short supply, cross my mind, silver lining

Melt in My Mouth 입에서 살살 녹는 Crowd Pleaser 인기있는 것     Power Warm-up: The Cheese Shop: It Melts in My Mouth! At the cheese shop, Michelle introduces Anton to several different cheeses. He’s surprised at how much he likes a certain one even though it has a strong smell   Cameron: Hi, show … Read more

Slippery Slope 걷잡을 수 없게 되는 상황, Draw the Line 선을 긋다 (0809 회사 복장 규정, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

시선을 끌다 영어로, 자존감을 높이다 영어로, slippery slope

Slippery Slope 걷잡을 수 없게 되는 상황, Draw the Line 선을 긋다 (0809 회사 복장 규정, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트) Power Warm-up: The Company Dress Code: I Think These Rules Are Fair Olivia thinks the dress code should allow T-shirts, especially on casual Fridays. John thinks it will result I people wearing inappropriate clothes like tank … Read more