오래 전에 영어로 Way Back When, 보아하니 Apparently (0724 아침형 인간, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

빠지다 영어로, 주시하다 영어로, 오래 전에 영어로, strike while the iron is hot

오래 전에 영어로 Way Back When, 보아하니 Apparently   Power Warm-up: Becoming a Morning Person: Our Sleep Rhythms Randy tells Kristina about some things the learned when researching sleep rhythms. He found that it may go back thousands of years to when we were hunters and gatherers.   Kristen: And boy, we are morning people. Cameron: … Read more

고정관념에서 벗어나다 Get Out of the Box, 곤경에 빠진 In a Bind (0723 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

스누피, 삶을 개척하다 영어로, out of the box, 정이 들다 영어로,

고정관념에서 벗어나다 Get Out of the Box, 곤경에 빠진 In a Bind Power Warm-up: We have another kilometers to go What now? Jeff and Amanda are 200 kilometers away from their destination. The next bus isn’t for eight hours and there are no more trains. They’re going to have to think outside the box.   … Read more

나물을 캐다 영어로 Forage Greens, 운 좋게도 영어로 Lucky for Me (0722 할머니와 나물 캐기, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

on the flip side, 나물을 캐다 영어로

나물을 캐다 영어로 Forage Greens, 운 좋게도 영어로 Lucky for Me    Power Warm-up: Foraging with Grandma: The Guidebook Says… Grandma shows Travis a mushroom and explains that this one resembles both a safe one and a poisonous one. She suggests they put it in a separate bag until they are sure.   Cameron: And … Read more

유리한 출발 Head Start 막판 Last Minute (0717 아침형 인간, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

심금을 울리다 영어로. Get a Nasty Shock, head start, dine solo

유리한 출발 Head Start 막판 Last Minute    Power Warm-up: Becoming a Morning Person: You Need a Morning Routine Randy successfully tries some of Kirstina’s suggestions to get to sleep earlier. He still has a hard time getting out of bed in the morning because he doesn’t have a routine.   Kristen: Hi, everyone. I’m Kristen … Read more

차라리 -해야겠다 Might As Well, 포기하다 Throw in the Towel, 특정 정보를 찾아보다 Look up (0716 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

레딧 상장, 반려견 동반 호텔, might as well

차라리 -해야겠다 Might As Well, 포기하다 Throw in the Towel, 특정 정보를 찾아보다 Look up    Power Warm-up: The Next Flight Is in Two Days! Jeff and Amanda are frustrated that there isn’t another flight to their destination for two days. They keep trying to find a way there and look at bus and train … Read more

타고난 영어로 A Natural at, 관심을 끌다 Grab an Attention (0715 할머니와 나물캐기, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

덤으로 영어로, 타고난 영어로, anything goes

타고난 영어로 A Natural at, 관심을 끌다 Grab an Attention  Power Warm-up: Foraging with Grandma: Every Part Is Edible: .할머니와 나물캐기 Travis’s grandmother shows him a plant he is familiar with but didn’t know was edible. He suggests that since it grows everywhere, they could harvest as much as they want. Kristen: So maybe some of … Read more

생필품 영어로 Bare Necessities (0712 부업으로 새싹채소 재배하기, 파워 잉글리시 스크립트)

동안 시술, 생필품 영어로

생필품 영어로 Bare Necessities (0712 부업으로 새싹채소 재배하기, 파워 잉글리시 스크립트) Power Warm-up: Growing Microgreens as a Side Hustle: Part 2 Theresa is impressed with how simple Blake’s microgreens setup is. He explains that he isn’t going to spend extra money until he is sure he will be expanding his business   Small talks between … Read more

친구 좋다는 게 뭐야 영어로 That’s What Friends Are For? 믿기 힘들겠지만 Believe It or Not (0711 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

슬픔의 효과, 심경이 복잡하다 영어로, 친구 좋다는 게 뭐야 영어로, breaking point

친구 좋다는 게 뭐야 영어로 That’s What Friends Are For? 믿기 힘들겠지만 Believe It or Not   Power Warm-up: First Visit to the Dentist in Years: My Gums Are Prone to Bleeding Dr. Nick explains the importance of flossing to Angela. He says that not flossing can lead to gum disease, which is linked to … Read more

진퇴양난 영어로 Up a Creek without a Paddle, 소용이 없다 It’s No Use (0709 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

A380 항공기, 진퇴양난 영어로, a walk in the park

진퇴양난 영어로 Up a Creek without a Paddle, 소용이 없다 It’s No Use.   Power Warm-up: This Was the Only Flight Today Jeff and Amanda realize that their flight was the only one that would take them to the small airport at their destination today. Now, they have to find another way to get there.   … Read more

경험상 법칙 Rule of Thumb, 실전의 Hands-on (0708 할머니와 나물캐기 – 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

0303 영어 매일 미사, rule of thumb, 대비하다 영어로

경험상 법칙 Rule of Thumb, 실전의 Hands-on  Power Warm-up: Foraging with Grandma: The First Rule of Thumb Travis asks his grandma how she learned to forage when she was younger. She says they had an old guidebook, but she learned from hands-on experience. Power Expressions Kristen: So we’re talking about food today and our topic, … Read more