부업 영어로 Side Hustles, 차근차근 알려주다 영어로 Walk Someone Through (0705 부업으로 채소 재배, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

오이의 효능, 건강 챌린지, 부업 영어로

부업 영어로 Side Hustles, 차근차근 알려주다 영어로 Walk Someone Through Power Warm-up: Growing Microgreens as a Side Hustle: Part 1 –부업으로 새싹채소 가꾸기 Theresa notices that there are lights on in Blake’s basement. He explains that he’s growing microgreens as a side hustle and offers to walk her through hits process   Power Expressions Kristen: We’re … Read more

껄끄러운 문제 영어로 The Elephant in the Room (0704 치과 가기, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

MoMa, I am not much of, 껄끄러운 문제 영어로, give my best

껄끄러운 문제 영어로 The Elephant in the Room   Power Warm-up: First Visit to the Dentist in Years: My Tooth Was Starting to Hurt Angela has a toothache that she can no longer ignore. The dentist can see immediately that she has a cavity and asks her how long it’s been since she has seen … Read more

아침형 인간 영어로 Morning Person, Early Bird (0703 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

스트레스를 풀다 영어로, 절친 영어로, 아침형 인간 영어로, think on one's feet, 헬스장에 등록하다 영어로, push one's limits

아침형 인간 영어로 Morning Person, Early Bird Power Warm-up: Becoming a Morning Person: I’m Willing to Try Anything: 아침형 인간 되기. 뭐든 시도해볼 거야. ​Randy is always tired. His problem is that he can’t fall asleep until very late at night. When he wakes up for work, he’s still very tired. Kristina offers to help him. … Read more

간신히 영어로 By the Skin of My Teeth 짐이 가볍다 영어로 Travel Light (0702 파워 잉글리시 스크립트)

N잡 영어로, 입문하다 영어로, 간신히 영어로

간신히 영어로 By the Skin of My Teeth 짐이 가볍다 영어로 Travel Light  We’re Going to Miss Our Connecting Flight: 환승편을 놓치겠어! ​ Power Warm-up ​Jeff and Amanda get bad news on the way to attend Amanda’s sister’s wedding. Their flight will be late due to bad weather, and they might miss their connecting flight … Read more

나물 등을 캐다 영어로 Forage Greens (0701 Foraging with Grandma: It Means to the World to Me, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

go-to meal, 영양 가득한 음식, 캐다 영어로

나물 등을 캐다 영어로 Forage Greens (0701 Foraging with Grandma: It Means to the World to Me)   Power Warm-up Travis and his grandmother go foraging for wild plants together. It’s his first time and he’s excited to learn from his grandmother. She’s also happy that he’s so interested   Kristen: We’re starting this month, … Read more

모르는게 약이다 영어로 – Ignorance is Bliss (0521 Bangkok: The Elephant Sanctuary – 방콕: 코끼리 보호 구역)

내 스타일 아냐 영어로, 방콕 수상시장, 모르는게 약이다 영어로

모르는게 약이다 영어로 – Ignorance is Bliss Bangkok: The Elephant Sanctuary – 방콕: 코끼리 보호 구역   Power Warm-up Denise and Ricky visit an elephant sanctuary. The animals are treated well and are not made to work. Although it isn’t far from the city, it seems like a different world. 데니스와 리키는 코끼리 보호구역을 방문합니다. … Read more

쓰러져가는 영어로 – Run-down (0520 내가 좋아하는 한국 음식 My Favorite Foods in Korea, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

쓰러져가는 영어로, take a chance, come down to

쓰러져가는 영어로 – Run-down My Favorite Foods in Korea: Did You Have Breakfast? Power Warm-up ​Dakota noticed Joshua seems pretty tired. So she introduces him to egg bread, a delicious snack that he can eat every morning on his way to work for extra energy.​ 다코타는 조슈아가 피곤해 보이는 것을 눈치챘습니다. 그래서 그녀는 매일 아침 … Read more

Name of the Game – 가장 중요한 일 (0517 온라인 꽃집, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

뻔한 영어로, 득템하다 영어로, name of the game, take someone seriously, rouse someone

Name of the Game – 가장 중요한 일 (0517 온라인 꽃집, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)   Power Warm-up: Online Florist: The Secret to My Success   Ashley arrives at Kyle’s flower warehouse where she will work part time while also learning how to arrange flowers. She is surprised at how busy Kyle’s company is. 애슐리는 꽃꽂이를 … Read more

See Eye to Eye with 의견이 일치하다, 제대로 가고 있다. I’m on the Right Path (0516 Adult ADHD, 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

톰과 제리, 건강 챌린지, See eye to eye with, the same goes for me, daily routine involves

See Eye to Eye with 의견이 일치하다, 제대로 가고 있다. I’m on the Right Path Adult ADHD: I’m on the Right Path (성인 ADHD) Power Warm-up ​Jack has decided to try working as a freelance web designer instead of looking for a job. He thinks he’ll do better because he can control his environment and … Read more

욕심부리다 영어로 Bite off More Than I Can Chew (0515 Spring Cleaning 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트)

배터리가 닳다 영어로, don't knock it till you try it, 욕심부리다 영어로, 출신국 영어로, run the risk of, on the dot, pique my curiosity

욕심부리다 영어로 Bite off More Than I Can Chew (0515 Spring Cleaning 파워 잉글리쉬 스크립트) Spring Cleaning: You Bit off More Than You Can Chew: 봄맞이 대청소 – 과욕을 부렸어.   Power Warm-up​ Cosmo and Breanne are still working on their big spring cleaning. It’s been a long day and Breanne is annoyed. Cosmo suggests … Read more