6. 중세 영문학 – 앵글로색슨의 시 1

앵글로색슨의 시

앵글로색슨의 시 1 Old English Poetry The Anglo-Saxon invaders brought with them a tradition of oral poetry (see “Bede and Caedmon’s Hymn,” p. 24). Because nothing was written down before the conversion to Christianity, we have only circumstantial evidence of what that poetry must have been like. Aside from a few short inscriptions on small … Read more

5. 앵글로색슨 문학

앵글로색슨 문학

5. 앵글로색슨 문학 From the first to the fifth century, England was a province of the Roman Empire and was named Britannia after its Celtic-speaking inhabitants, the Britons. The Britons adapted themselves to Roman civilization, of which the ruins survived to impress the poet of The Wanderer, who refers to them as “the old works … Read more

4. 중세 수도원의 역할 : 출판

문제 출제 영어로 중세 수도원의 역할

4. 중세 수도원의 역할 : 출판   Book production throughout the medieval period was an expensive process. Until the invention of movable type in the mid-fifteenth century (introduced into England by Caxton in 1476), medieval books were reproduced by hand in manuscript (literally “written by hand”). While paper became increasingly common for less expensive manuscripts … Read more

3. 앵글로색슨 – 앵글로노르만 – 중세 영문학 개관

중세 영문학 개관

3. 앵글로색슨 – 앵글로노르만 – 중세 영문학 개관   The works covered in this section of the anthology encompass a period of more than eight hundred years, from Caedmon’s Hymn at the end of the seventh century to Everyman at the beginning of the sixteenth. The date 1485, the year of the accession of Henry … Read more

2. 중세의 정의 및 특징

중세의 정의 및 특징

2. 중세의 정의 및 특징   The Middle Ages designates the time span roughly from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance and Reformation. The adjective “medieval,” coined from Latin medium (middle) and aevum (age), refers to whatever was made, written, or thought during the Middle Ages. 중세시대는 보통 로마제국의 몰락에서 르네상스 및 … Read more

1. 중세 영문학 연혁

중세 영문학 연혁

1. 중세 영문학 연혁 43-ca. 420  Roman invasion and occupation of Britain: 로마의 브리튼 침략 및 점령 450 Anglo-Saxon Conquest: 앵글로색슨의 (브리튼) 정복 597 St. Augustine of Canterbury’s mission to Kent begins conversion of Anglo-Saxons to Christianity. 캔터베리의 성 아우구스티누스 선교로 앵글로색슨족의 기독교 개종 시작 871-899 Reign of King Alfred: 알프레드 왕의 통치 1066 Norman … Read more